Chapter Quiz

Select the best answer for each question. Check your answers using the answer key in the appendix.
  1. Which of the following is not created during the compilation phase?
    1. the data set descriptor
    2. the first observation
    3. the program data vector
    4. the _N_ and _ERROR_ automatic variables
  2. During the compilation phase, SAS scans each statement in the DATA step, looking for syntax errors. Which of the following is not considered a syntax error?
    1. incorrect values and formats
    2. invalid options or variable names
    3. missing or invalid punctuation
    4. missing or misspelled keywords
  3. Unless otherwise directed, how does the DATA step execute?
    1. once for each compilation phase
    2. once for each DATA step statement
    3. once for each record in the input file
    4. once for each variable in the input file
  4. At the beginning of the execution phase, the value of _N_ is 1, the value of _ERROR_ is 0, and the values of the remaining variables are set to the following:
    1. 0
    2. 1
    3. undefined
    4. missing
  5. Suppose you run a program that causes three DATA step errors. What is the value of the automatic variable _ERROR_ when the observation that contains the third error is processed?
    1. 0
    2. 1
    3. 2
    4. 3
  6. Which of the following actions occurs at the beginning of an iteration of the DATA step?
    1. The automatic variables _N_ and _ERROR_ are incremented by one.
    2. The DATA step stops execution.
    3. The descriptor portion of the data set is written.
    4. The values of variables created in programming statements are reset to missing in the program data vector.
  7. Consider the following DATA step. Based on the INPUT statement, in what order are the variables stored in the new data set?
    data work.update; 
       infile invent; 
       input IDnum $ Item $ 1-13 Instock 21-22 
             BackOrd 24-25; 
    1. IDnum Item InStock BackOrd Total
    2. Item IDnum InStock BackOrd Total
    3. Total IDnum Item InStock BackOrd
    4. Total Item IDnum InStock BackOrd
  8. What happens when SAS cannot interpret syntax errors?
    1. Data set variables contain missing values.
    2. The DATA step does not compile.
    3. The DATA step still compiles, but it does not execute.
    4. The DATA step still compiles and executes.
  9. What is wrong with this program?
    data work.update; 
       infile invent 
       input Item $ 1-13 IDnum $ 15-19 Instock 21-22 
             BackOrd 24-25; 
    1. There is a missing semicolon on the second line.
    2. There is a missing semicolon on the third line.
    3. The variables are in incorrect order.
    4. The variable type is incorrect.
  10. Consider this section of a SAS session log. Based on the note, what was the most likely problem with the DATA step?
    NOTE: Invalid data for IDnum in line 7 15-19.
    RULE: ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4
    7       Bird Feeder LG088 3 20
    Item=Bird Feeder IDnum=. InStock=3 BackOrd=20
    Total=23 _ERROR_=1 _N_=1
    1. A keyword was misspelled in the DATA step.
    2. A semicolon was missing from the INFILE statement.
    3. A variable was misspelled in the INPUT statement.
    4. A dollar sign was missing in the INPUT statement.
Last updated: January 10, 2018
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