The Raspberry Pi camera module

The Raspberry Pi Camera Module is an official Raspberry Pi accessory that works with all models of the Pi, and can be used to take high-definition stills and video images. It connects directly to the Pi board's camera serial interface (CSI) port, which is dedicated to these modules to enable high-speed operation.

The camera itself is a 5 megapixel fixed-focus sensor supporting 1080p, 720p, and VGA video modes and still captures.

The Raspberry Pi camera module

The official Raspberry Pi Camera Module

You can also obtain housings for the camera modules, which, unless you're going to build your own enclosure for the camera system, I recommend you use.

The Raspberry Pi camera module

Raspberry Pi camera housings come in various colors and styles

Connecting the camera module

As previously mentioned, the module connects directly to the Raspberry Pi board via its dedicated camera interfaces, as shown in the following image. When connecting the camera, the contact side of the ribbon cable is toward the HDMI connector and the blue side of the cable is toward the network connector.

Connecting the camera module

Connect the camera module to the dedicated interface

As you can see in the following image, the ribbon connector is not that long, so the camera needs to be located close to the Raspberry Pi. By using a camera enclosure, you could actually mount the camera directly on top of the Raspberry Pi case itself, if that works for you.

Connecting the camera module

The camera module, housed within an enclosure

Setting up the camera module

Before we can use the camera module, we need to enable camera support on the Raspberry Pi. To do this, we use the raspi-config tool, as we did with the I2C bus earlier in our journey.

  1. Connect to your Raspberry Pi the lazy way from your sofa using SSH, or directly using a keyboard and monitor.
  2. Once you've logged in, launch the config tool with the following command:
    $ sudo raspi-config
  3. And then, select 5 Enable Camera.
    Setting up the camera module
  4. You'll then be asked to confirm whether you want to enable camera support.
    Setting up the camera module
  5. Select <Enable>.
  6. Then, select Finish and reboot your Pi to enable the camera settings.

Testing the camera module

Once your Raspberry Pi has rebooted, your camera should be enabled. We can test this by taking a still image using the raspistill utility:

$ raspistill –v -o test.img

This will delay for 5 seconds then take a picture, while displaying various pieces of information, such as that shown in the following screenshot:

Testing the camera module


The camera module needs at least 128 MB of GPU memory to operate properly on Raspian. If you experience any issues, first ensure that the the gpu_mem setting in the /boot/config.txt configuration file is set to at least 128.

And if all goes well, you should find the file, test.jpg, in your home folder. As you're connected via the shell, you wouldn't have seen the 5 second preview image displayed when the command was running.

If you download the image file to your PC, you should see a nice quality snap taken by the camera module.

Testing the camera module

The test photo taken by the Raspberry Pi Camera Module


If you find that raspistill outputs errors when you run it, ensure that it is connected properly at both ends of the ribbon cable. One other catch is that sometimes the ribbon that connects the actual camera lens component to the tiny connector on the camera board can come loose. Just ensure that this is securely connected too. I've had this issue a couple times after the camera modules have been taken out of my box of random test bits to be used.

The raspistill utility has loads of options for manipulating the images it captures, and we'll use some of them a bit later in our capture script. In the meantime, to see the available options, run raspistill without any options and they will be listed:

$ raspistill
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