Using Expectation-Maximization

The Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm is a probabilistic approach for determining a clustering model that fits the supplied training data. This algorithm determines the Maximum Likelihood Estimate (MLE) of the parameters of a formulated clustering model (for more information, refer to Maximum likelihood theory and applications for distributions generated when observing a function of an exponential family variable).

Suppose we want to determine the probability of a coin toss being a head or a tail. If we flip the coin Using Expectation-Maximization times, we end up with Using Expectation-Maximization occurrences of heads and Using Expectation-Maximization occurrences of tails. We can estimate the actual probability of occurrence of a head Using Expectation-Maximization as the ratio of the number of occurrences of a head to the total number of coin tosses performed, using the following equation:

Using Expectation-Maximization

The probability Using Expectation-Maximization defined in the preceding equation is the MLE of the probability Using Expectation-Maximization. In the context of machine learning, the MLE can be maximized to determine the probability of occurrence of a given class or category. However, this estimated probability may not be statistically distributed in a well-defined way over the available training data, which makes it hard to determine the MLE efficiently. The problem is simplified by introducing a set of hidden values to account for the unobserved values in the training data. The hidden values are not directly measured from the data, but are determined from factors that influence the data. The likelihood function of the parameters Using Expectation-Maximization for a given set of observed values Using Expectation-Maximization and a set of hidden values Using Expectation-Maximization is defined as the probability of occurrence of Using Expectation-Maximization and Using Expectation-Maximization for a given set of parameters Using Expectation-Maximization. The likelihood is mathematically written as Using Expectation-Maximization, and can be expressed as follows:

Using Expectation-Maximization

The EM algorithm comprises two steps—the expectation step and the maximization step. In the expectation step, we calculate the expected value of the log likelihood function. This step determines a metric Using Expectation-Maximization, which must be maximized in the next step, that is, the maximization step of the algorithm. These two steps can be formally summarized as follows:

Using Expectation-Maximization

In the preceding equation, the value of Using Expectation-Maximization that maximizes the value of the function Q is iteratively calculated until it converges to a particular value. The term Using Expectation-Maximization represents the estimated parameters in the Using Expectation-Maximization iteration of the algorithm. Also, the term Using Expectation-Maximization is the expected value of the log likelihood function.

The clj-ml library also provides an EM clusterer. We can create an EM clusterer using the make-clusterer function with the :expectation-maximization keyword as its argument, as shown in the following code:

(def em-clusterer (make-clusterer :expectation-maximization
                                  {:number-clusters 3}))

Note that we must also specify the number of clusters to produce as an option to the make-clusterer function.

We can train the clusterer defined by the em-clusterer variable in the preceding code using the train-clusterer function and iris-dataset dataset, which we had previously defined, as follows:

user> (train-clusterer em-clusterer iris-dataset)

Number of clusters: 3

Attribute            0       1       2
                (0.41)  (0.25)  (0.33)
  mean           5.9275  6.8085   5.006
  std. dev.      0.4817  0.5339  0.3489

  mean           2.7503  3.0709   3.428
  std. dev.      0.2956  0.2867  0.3753

  mean           4.4057  5.7233   1.462
  std. dev.      0.5254  0.4991  0.1719

  mean           1.4131  2.1055   0.246
  std. dev.      0.2627  0.2456  0.1043

As shown in the preceding output, the EM clusterer partitions the given dataset into three clusters in which the clusters are distributed as approximately 41 percent, 25 percent, and 35 percent of the samples in the training data.

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