The Ext JS 4 development environment

There are two core components required for Ext JS 4 development as follows:

  • The Sencha Cmd Tool: This is a cross-platform, Java-based, command-line tool that provides many options to help manage the lifecycle of your applications
  • Ext JS 4 SDK (Software Development Kit): This contains all source files, examples, resources, and minified scripts required for application development

We will now examine and install each of these components.

Installing Sencha Cmd

The Sencha Cmd Tool can be downloaded from The file is approximately 46 MB and needs to be unzipped before running the setup process.

Installing Sencha Cmd

Click on Next to view the License Agreement section. You will need to accept the agreement before clicking on the Next button:

Installing Sencha Cmd

The screen shown in the following screenshot prompts for an Installation Directory. We recommend that you install the Sencha Cmd Tool on a directory that is easily accessible (/Users/Shared/ for Mac users and C: for Windows users):

Installing Sencha Cmd

Click on Next to continue. This will show a prompt indicating that setup is now ready to begin installing Sencha Cmd on your computer. Click on Next again to continue the installation. The final prompt will confirm the installation of Sencha Cmd:

Installing Sencha Cmd

You can now view the installed files as shown in the following screenshot:

Installing Sencha Cmd

To confirm the installation, open a command prompt (Windows) or terminal (Mac), type sencha, and press the Enter key. This will confirm that Sencha Cmd has been added to your system path and should result in output similar to that shown in the following screenshot:

Installing Sencha Cmd

Note that any currently open console/terminal windows will need to be closed and reopened to ensure that the installation path changes are reloaded. The final step is to check whether or not there are any upgrades available by typing:

sencha upgrade –-check

This command should display an appropriate message as shown in the following screenshot:

Installing Sencha Cmd

It is possible to upgrade versions of Sencha Cmd by omitting the ––check argument. For a full list of Sencha command-line options, refer to!/guide/command. This page also contains many helpful troubleshooting tips and explanations. In addition, you may also use the command-line help by executing sencha help. Executing the sencha help command will display detailed help options:

Installing Sencha Cmd

Installing Ext JS 4 SDK

The SDK can be downloaded from The previous step will have created a Sencha directory in the following location:

  • C:Sencha for Windows users
  • /Users/Shared/Sencha for Mac users

After downloading the SDK, you should create an ext-xxx directory within this Sencha directory where xxx represents the version of the Ext JS 4 framework. You can then unzip the SDK into this directory resulting in the structure shown in the following screenshot:

Installing Ext JS 4 SDK

You are now ready to initialize the Ext JS 4 3T application skeleton.

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