Generating a JSON tree in the CompanyHandler class

It is now time to enhance the CompanyHandler class to generate the required JSON to load the tree store and display the company tree. We will create two new methods to implement this functionality.

The CompanyHandler.getTreeNodeId() method

The CompanyHandler.getTreeNodeId() helper method generates a unique ID based on the ID of the EntityItem class. It will be used to generate type-specific IDs for each node.

private String getTreeNodeId(EntityItem obj){
  String id = null;

  if(obj instanceof Company){
    id = "C_" + obj.getId();
  } else if(obj instanceof Project){
    id = "P_" + obj.getId();
  } else if(obj instanceof Task){
    id = "T_" + obj.getId();
  return id;

The CompanyHandler.getCompanyTreeJson() method

The CompanyHandler getCompanyTreeJson() method is mapped to the company/tree.json URL and has the following definition:

@RequestMapping(value="/tree", method=RequestMethod.GET, produces={"application/json"})
public String getCompanyTreeJson(HttpServletRequest request) {

  User sessionUser = getSessionUser(request);

  Result<List<Company>> ar = companyService.findAll(sessionUser.getUsername());
  if (ar.isSuccess()) {

    JsonObjectBuilder builder = Json.createObjectBuilder();
    builder.add("success", true);
    JsonArrayBuilder companyChildrenArrayBuilder =

    for(Company company : ar.getData()){

      List<Project> projects = company.getProjects();

      JsonArrayBuilder projectChildrenArrayBuilder = Json.createArrayBuilder();

      for(Project project : projects){

        List<Task> tasks = project.getTasks();

        JsonArrayBuilder taskChildrenArrayBuilder = Json.createArrayBuilder();

        for(Task task : tasks){

            .add("id", getTreeNodeId(task))
            .add("text", task.getTaskName())
            .add("leaf", true)

            .add("id", getTreeNodeId(project))
            .add("text", project.getProjectName())
            .add("leaf", tasks.isEmpty())
            .add("expanded", tasks.size() > 0)
            .add("children", taskChildrenArrayBuilder)


          .add("id", getTreeNodeId(company))
          .add("text", company.getCompanyName())
          .add("leaf", projects.isEmpty())
          .add("expanded", projects.size() > 0)
          .add("children", projectChildrenArrayBuilder)

    builder.add("children", companyChildrenArrayBuilder);

    return toJsonString(;

  } else {

    return getJsonErrorMsg(ar.getMsg());


This method performs the following tasks:

  • It creates a JsonArrayBuilder object with the name companyChildrenArrayBuilder to hold the set of company JsonObjectBuilder instances that will be created in the main for loop when iterating through the company list.
  • It loops through each project assigned to each company, adding each project's JsonObjectBuilder tree node representation to the projectChildrenArrayBuilder JsonArrayBuilder instance. The projectChildrenArrayBuilder instance is then added as the children property of the owning company JsonObjectBuilder instance.
  • It loops through each task assigned to each project, adding each task's JsonObjectBuilder tree node representation to the taskChildrenArrayBuilder JsonArrayBuilder instance. The taskChildrenArrayBuilder instance is then added as the children property of the owning project, the JsonObjectBuilder instance.
  • It adds the companyChildrenArrayBuilder as the children property of the builder instance that will be used to build and return JSON from the method with success property true.

The getCompanyTreeJson method returns a hierarchical JSON structure that encapsulates the relationship between the company, project, and task in a format that can be consumed by the CompanyTree store.

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