Chapter 9. Dealing with Problems

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • Dealing with the too many opened files exception
  • Diagnosing and dealing with memory problems
  • Configuring sorting for non-English languages
  • Migrating data to another collection
  • SolrCloud read-side fault tolerance
  • Using the check index functionality
  • Adjusting the Jetty configuration to avoid deadlocks
  • Tuning segment merging
  • Avoiding swapping


Solr is a great piece of software; it is mature and stable, but even in some situations, things can break. We can run into memory issues limited to the number of files to be handled that Solr can use or hardware can fail leading to index corruption. That's normal and we need to be prepared for such situations or at least know how to deal with them.

In this chapter, we will take a look at some common problems that you might encounter during your everyday work with Solr and I will try to show you a quick win—simple ways to handle such situations.

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