Chapter 1. Apache Solr Configuration

In this chapter, we will cover the following recipes:

  • Running Solr on a standalone Jetty
  • Installing ZooKeeper for SolrCloud
  • Migrating configuration from master-slave to SolrCloud
  • Choosing the proper directory configuration
  • Configuring the Solr spellchecker
  • Using Solr in a schemaless mode
  • Limiting I/O usage
  • Using core discovery
  • Configuring SolrCloud for NRT use cases
  • Configuring SolrCloud for high-indexing use cases
  • Configuring SolrCloud for high-querying use cases
  • Configuring the Solr heartbeat mechanism
  • Changing similarity


Setting up an example for a Solr instance is not a hard task. We have all that is provided with the Solr distribution package, which we need for the example deployment. In fact, this is the simplest way to run Solr. It is very convenient for local development because you don't need any additional software, apart from Java, which is already installed and you can control when to run Solr and easily change its configuration. However, the example instance of Solr will probably not be the optimized way in terms of your deployment. For example, the default cache configurations are most likely not good for your deployment; there are only sample warming queries that don't reflect your production queries, there are field types you don't need, and so on. This is why I will show a few configuration-related recipes in this chapter.


If you don't have any experience with Apache Solr, refer to the Apache Solr tutorial, which can be found at, before reading this book. You can also check articles regarding Solr on and

This chapter focuses on Solr configuration. It starts with showing you how to set up Solr, install ZooKeeper for SolrCloud, migrate your old master-slave configuration to a SolrCloud deployment, and also covers some more advanced topics such as near real-time indexing and searching. We will also go through tuning Solr for specific use cases and the configurations of some more advanced functionality, such as the scoring algorithm.


One more thing before we go on—remember that while writing the book, the main version of Solr used was 4.10. All the recipes were also tested on Solr 5.0 in the newest version available, but the Solr 5.0 itself has not been released.

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