Chapter 10. Real-life Situations

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • Implementing the autocomplete functionality for products
  • Implementing the autocomplete functionality for categories
  • Handling time-sliced data using aliases
  • Boosting words closer to each other
  • Using the Solr spellchecking functionality
  • Using the Solr administration panel for monitoring
  • Automatically expiring Solr documents
  • Exporting whole query results


During the previous nine chapters, we discussed the different Apache Solr functionalities and how to overcome some common problems and situations. However, there are some real-life situations that were not yet described and I decided that it would be nice to have them shown to you in a dedicated chapter. All of the problems described in this chapter were raised during our work with clients or appeared in on the Apache Solr mailing list. This chapter is dedicated to describing how to handle such situations and I hope that you'll find it useful.

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