Chapter 5. Faceting

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • Getting the number of documents with the same field value
  • Getting the number of documents with the same value range
  • Getting the number of documents matching the query and subquery
  • Removing filters from faceting results
  • Using decision tree faceting
  • Calculating faceting for relevant documents in groups
  • Improving faceting performance for low cardinality fields


One of the advantages of Solr is its ability to calculate statistics from your data. Solr faceting mechanism provides functionalities that can help us in several tasks that we do every day. From getting the number of documents with the same values in a field (for example, companies from the same city) through the ability of date and range faceting, to the autocomplete features based on the faceting mechanism. This chapter will show you how to handle some of the common tasks when using the faceting mechanism.

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