Chapter 8. Using Additional Functionalities

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • Finding similar documents
  • Highlighting fragments found in documents
  • Efficient highlighting
  • Using versioning
  • Retrieving information about the index structure
  • Altering the index structure on a live collection
  • Grouping documents by the field value
  • Grouping documents by the query value
  • Grouping documents by the function value
  • Efficient documents grouping using the post filter


There are many features of Solr that we don't use every day. Highlighting words, word ignoring, or statistics computation might not be useful in day-to-day activities, but they can come in handy in many situations. In this chapter, I'll try to show you how to overcome some typical problems that can be fixed using some of the Solr functionalities. In addition to this, we will see how to use the Solr grouping mechanism in order to get documents that have some fields in common.

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