Chapter 6. Analytics and Reporting

Salesforce provides us with an intuitive and advance report builder than can help us create reports and graphs on the data inside the CRM.

By the end of this chapter, we should be able to:

  • Identify which report type is suitable for business requirements
  • Create custom reports
  • Create graphical dashboards
  • Schedule a dashboard for automatic refresh
  • Set up an analytical snapshot

In the previous chapters, we learned how to build an application on We have seen how to load data in Salesforce. Now, it is the time to generate reports and dashboards.

Let's get started with it.


Reports are useful to display large amounts of data. They are used for conditional reporting on a subset of data; for example, a report of all the books purchased in the last quarter. A report enlists all the data that we want to fetch and can be filtered, grouped, or displayed as a chart. Reports are stored in different folders that are shared between users. The folder can be hidden, made private, or made available to the whole organization.

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