Chapter 3. Maven Lifecycle

Let us start putting Maven to use. In this chapter, we will cover the following recipes:

  • Understanding the Maven lifecycle, phases, and goals
  • Understanding the pom file
  • Understanding Maven settings
  • Understanding command-line options in Maven
  • Understanding Maven profiles
  • Adding a new Maven profile
  • Activating/deactivating a Maven profile
  • Using properties in Maven
  • Specifying source encoding for platform-independent builds


We have set up Maven on our computer. We have created a simple Maven project and seen how to build it. We have also set up Maven to run on our preferred IDE.

Let us now understand better how Maven works and how to use it. We will start by understanding the Maven build lifecycle as well as the phases and goals that make up the lifecycle. We will also explore Maven's project configuration pom file as well as the settings file. We will also try to understand what Maven profiles are and why they are needed. Finally, we will look at Maven's properties.

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