Chapter 5. Menus, UIs, Sound, and More! – Ramblin' Rover, Part 3

So, we've pretty much completed the game field (except for some minor items that we'll address quite soon). But believe it or not, we're only halfway there! In this chapter, we're going to finally create our other two rovers, and test and tweak our scenes with them. We'll set up all of our menus, information screens, and even a coin shop where we can use in-game currency to buy the other two rovers, or even use real-world currency to short-cut and buy more in-game currency. And speaking of monetization, we'll set up two different types of advertising from multiple providers to help us make some extra cash. Or, in the coin-shop, players can pay a modest fee to remove all advertising!

Ready? Well, here we go!

We got a fever, and the only cure is more rovers!

So now that we've created other worlds, we definitely need to set up some rovers that are capable of traversing them. Let's begin with the optimal rover for Gliese. This one is called The K.R.A.B.B. (no, it doesn't actually stand for anything...but the rover looks like a crab, and acronyms look more military-like).

Go ahead and drag all of the images in the Rover002-Body folder in as a characters. Don't worry about the error message. This just tells you that only one character can be on the stage at a time. The software still loads this new character into the library, and that's all we really want at this time anyway. Of course, drag the images in the Rover002-Jump folder to the Jump Animation field, and the LaserShot.png file to the Bullet Animation field.

Set up your K.R.A.B.B. with the following settings:

We got a fever, and the only cure is more rovers!

For the Collision Shape, match this:

We got a fever, and the only cure is more rovers!

In the Asset Library, drag the K.R.A.B.B. above the Mars Training Rover. This will make it the default rover. Now, you can test your Gliese level (by soloing each scene) with this rover to make sure it's challenging, yet attainable. You'll notice some problems with the gun destroying ground objects, but we'll solve that soon enough.

Now, let's do the same with Rover 003. This one uses a single image for the Default Animation, but an image sequence for the jump. We'll get to the bullet for this one in a moment, but set it up like this:

We got a fever, and the only cure is more rovers!

And the Collision Shape should look like this:

We got a fever, and the only cure is more rovers!

You'll notice that a lot of the settings are different on this character, and you may wonder what the advantage of this is (since it doesn't lean as much as the K.R.A.B.B.). Well, it's a tank, so the damage it can take will be higher (which we'll set up shortly), and it can do multiple jumps before recharging (five, to be exact). This way, this rover can fly using flappy-bird style controls for short distances. It's going to take a lot more skill to pilot this rover, but once'll be unstoppable. Let's move on to the bullet for this rover. Click on the Edit button (the little pencil icon) inside the Bullet Animation (once you've dragged the missile.png file into the field), and let's add a flame trail.

Set up a particle emitter on the missile, and position it as shown in the following screenshots:

We got a fever, and the only cure is more rovers!


The image on the left shows the placement of the missile and the particle emitter. On the right, you can see the flame set up. You may wonder why it is pointed in the opposite direction. This will actually make the flames look more realistic (as if they're drifting behind the missile).

Very cool! Now we can drag this rover to the top of our Asset Library, and test it on Kepler. Again, make sure the level is very tough, but somewhat attainable. Remember, we want people who've mastered the Phoenix to still have a challenge here.

What in the heck did we just do?

Well, we just created two new rovers. Each one is faster than the one before, which we achieved by changing the Max Speed parameter. Furthermore, we made our two new rovers capable of shooting by simply adding a Bullet Animation.

We also took into account how each of these rovers would act in the real world. Obviously, the K.R.A.B.B. is thinner, and lighter, so it will rotate much faster (using Left Lean Force and Right Lean Force) than our other rovers. And the Phoenix is basically a tank, so it will be heavier, and not as nimble. But it carries a lot more rockets, and has the ability to fly for a limited range.

Ok, now let's set up damage so that our shots don't destroy ground objects, and our tank can take more damage (and deal more damage) than our other rovers.

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