Damage and health

By default, everything has 1 health point and deals 1 damage point. So, when you shoot your bullets, they will only deal 1 damage. By adding additional health to ground objects, we'll be able to make them (to all intents and purposes) indestructible. Similarly, by adding more damage to the missiles for our Phoenix rover, it will effectively kill objects that have higher health easier. Here's how it's done.

Let's begin with all of the ground objects (GroundBlock-Mars, CaveBlock-Mars, RawGround, Steel, and GroundBlock-Kepler). Repeat the following procedure for all of these blocks:

  1. Select the object in the Asset Library.
  2. At the bottom of the Properties window, click on the Add Component button.
  3. Add both Damage and Health to each object. This is because our tank will have more health, but we still want it destroyed if it flips over. So, we have to make the ground very lethal by adding damage, and resilient to bullets by adding health.
  4. Increase both the Damage and Health values to 999999, while leaving any Delay values at 0.

Ok! So now we've made all of our ground objects invincible and very deadly. Don't worry, this won't destroy our wheels. Ground objects can only destroy our character because we already set the Destroy Type to Destroy Character.

Now, there are only two characters that are capable of destroying anything: the K.R.A.B.B. and the Phoenix. The K.R.A.B.B. is easy enough. It only has one health and one damage (which it already has by default), so we can leave it alone. The Phoenix is a tank that shoots missiles, so we'll need to set its Health to 3, and its Damage to 5. Use the same procedure as before to set these values.

There's just one more thing to set up now. That MechWalking object is a giant deadly beast, right? Yes, but it's also a giant TOUGH deadly beast. Let's leave the Damage alone. It already shoots a barrage of bullets at our characters. But let's increase the Health to 6. This way, the K.R.A.B.B. will have to shoot it 6 times to kill it, but the Phoenix will only have to shoot it twice.

And there we have it! All of our Damage and Health values are set up in our game. Give it a try with each of the rovers by just moving whatever rover you'd like to use to the top of the characters list. You'll find that it's much more playable and fun now. When you're done, set the order of the rovers to Training Rover, the K.R.A.B.B., and finally, the Phoenix. This will set up their order properly for later. Now, let's move on to the final touch in our game fields.

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