Chapter 9.  Buildbox Tips and Tricks

You've made it! In all of our previous chapters, you've learned about how to use Buildbox to make the games that are in your mind come to life on various devices. But it's a lot to remember, right? Well, we've got you covered. This chapter is going to be a quick reference to troubleshoot issues, and provides checklists to complete various tasks to make games with Buildbox.

Graphics optimization checklist

When creating the graphics, here are the important things to remember:

  • Graphics may not be bigger than the Atlas size (2048x2048 by default)
  • All graphics must be PNG format (8, 24, or 32-bit)
  • PNGs with transparency should be 32-bit (24 with transparency), or you may end up with white outlines around your graphic
  • Animations may be loaded as PNG image-sequences (up to 30 frames/sec)

Tips for reducing graphics load

So, let's say you get your game all finished, but it's over 100 MB (the limit for iOS and Android). You can do some things to reduce the asset load for your game, and one of these aspects is with the graphics. Here's the order that I look at things to begin trimming some fat off my projects:

  1. Have I optimized my assets within Buildbox? Don't forget to follow the optimization procedures (removing unused assets via the Tools menu and optimizing and rebuilding your Atlas).
  2. Have I scaled my objects down? Objects such as platforms, boulders, and enemies. If they've been scaled down within Buildbox, it may be a good idea to reduce the original graphic size and then replace my object's graphic with the reduced object.
  3. Do I need every frame of my image sequences? Starting with enemies and other objects (and only adjusting main character(s) last), we can reduce the number of frames in animated image sequences. For instance, if we have a sequence that is 30 fps, we can delete every other frame (reducing it to 15 fps) and replace the image sequence for an object.
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