Game template quick reference

We created the following chart to help you decide which game template to start with to create your games:

Game Template


Template Screenshot

360 Shooter

The character can turn in any direction, and the screen may stay static or scroll.

Game template quick reference

Around the World

Character walks on the surface of a shape (completely around, rather than just on top). For example, a planet that the character walks on to avoid obstacles.

Game template quick reference


Character moves (generally progressively faster) through an obstacle course while avoiding the sides and all obstacles.

Game template quick reference


Moves vertically while avoiding obstacles and shooting at enemies.

Game template quick reference

Downward Bounce

Think of this like dribbling a basketball. Gravity is in effect, but touching the screen shoots the ball down toward the ground to have it bounce off the platform.

Game template quick reference

Fall Buttons/Fall Switch

These are essentially the same game: guide a character falling down an obstacle course. Fall buttons use UI buttons, and fall switch operates by tapping anywhere on the screen.

Game template quick reference


Guide a character through a horizontally-scrolling screen while avoiding obstacles by flapping (tapping the screen or a button to give an upward boost to fight gravity).

Game template quick reference

Gravity Portal

Run character along a platform to avoid obstacles. Switch gravity and fly up through top of screen, back through bottom, and run on the other side of the platform.

Game template quick reference

Gravity Runner

Pretty much the same as gravity portal, but instead of going off screen, you can run along the ceiling or floor.

Game template quick reference


Intimidating name, right? This is essentially a platformer game wherein movement across the map is forced. Hop to avoid obstacles and enemies.

Game template quick reference

ISO Jump/ISO Jump Slide

These are Isometric (2.5D) games. Built like a platformer, jump over obstacles, or (in jump slide) slide under them.

Game template quick reference

Jet Pack

Think of this as a platformer fused with flappy. Run on the platform, or fly using flappy style flight to avoid obstacles.

Game template quick reference


Guide a jumping character up the map going from platform to platform and see how high you can go.

Game template quick reference


Drive a vehicle over land, take jumps, and do tricks and flips.

Game template quick reference


Classic Mario-style game. Run across the ground, jump over obstacles, and onto platforms to avoid enemies.

Game template quick reference


You could make a game like Spyhunter with this template. Guide your race car down a course while avoiding obstacles.

Game template quick reference

Runner/ Shooting Runner

Runners are very similar to platformers. However, they generally move progressively faster, and usually don't have upper levels. Run through and jump over obstacles. Shooting runners usually add enemies, and the ability to shoot them.

Game template quick reference

Side Shooter

Side shooters are very similar to dogfight games, but horizontal. Think Gallaga.

Game template quick reference

Stage Clear

This is what you'd start with for a game like Pac Man or Jawbreaker. Consume all the coins to clear a world.

Game template quick reference

Sticky Jump

Move a character through a map by jumping. When the character is on the ground, it stops. It only moves forward while in the air.

Game template quick reference

Wall Jump

Very much the same as gravity reverse (but vertical). Guide your character and avoid obstacles by changing which wall attracts the character.

Game template quick reference

Wall Reverse

Move the character to a goal object using flappy-style vertical movement while it bounces off the left and right walls.

Game template quick reference

Zig Zag

Very similar to wall jump. Guide your character up a map while it moves left or right. Switch the lateral direction by tapping the screen.

Game template quick reference

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