
As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.



deploying, to development environment 211

deploying, to staging environments 212

releasing, to production 213

Artifact Registry

about 11, 106

URL 52



URL 208

Binary Authorization

about 186

enabling, for admission control 162-165

production, securing with 186-188

builder 173

build infrastructure

creating 131

foundational Google Cloud services, enabling 133, 134

principle of least privilege (POLP), applying 146

private GKE cluster, setting up 135-138

private GKE control plane access, securing 144, 145

private pools, creating with security best practices 139-144

securing 138, 139

VPC networking, setting up 134, 135

build operations 41-46

buildpacks 214

build pipeline

security 8

team, managing 7, 8

build provenance

images, building with 161

build resources

accessing 31, 32

build-specific IAM service accounts

creating 146, 147

builds, on worker pools

prerequisites, for running 17-19

build steps

arguments, defining 60-63

container image, defining 56-60

default configuration, adjusting 64-67

environment, setting up 52-55

minimum configuration, defining 51

relationships, defining 68-71

resource creation, separating from 116-120

build submission

status 32-37

build-wide specifications

configuring 71-73


caching 206

client libraries

reference link 37

Cloud Asset Inventory API 67

Cloud Build

about 19

goals 19

integrating, with source code management platforms 78-80

reference link, for pricing 9

relationship, with Cloud Deploy 217-219

worker pools, configuring 16

cloud builder

about 10

URL 56

Cloud Build, in production

builds, making dynamic 202

builds, speeding up 205-208

build triggers, securing 197

changes, in secret management 204, 205

Cloud Build services, leveraging from different projects 191-196

configurations 202

dynamic substitutions, using 203, 204

executing 189-191

notifications 197, 198

value, deriving from logs 198-202

Cloud Build notifier

URL 198

Cloud Build Service-Level Agreement (SLA)

reference link 189

cloudbuild.yaml file

reference link 33

Cloud Deploy

about 213

continuous delivery, implementing with 211-213

Cloud Functions

about 167, 168

supporting languages 168

versus Cloud Run 170

Cloud Functions 2nd gen

about 169

reference link 169

Cloud Key Management Service (KMS) 204

Cloud Logging

about 59

URL 60

Cloud-native automation

with Google Cloud Build 9, 10

Cloud Native Buildpacks

URL 173

Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)

URL 132

Cloud Pub/Sub

URL 198

Cloud Run

about 167-169

advantages 169

URL 198

Cloud Scheduler

reference link 11

Cloud Shell

URL 19

Cloud Storage 172

cloud virtual private network (VPN) tunnels 135

command-line interface (CLI) 19

Compute Engine

URL 52

Container Builder 19

Container Registry 173

containers, building without build configuration

buildpacks 173-176

Dockerfile 171

language-specific tooling, using 171, 172

continuous delivery

implementing, with Cloud Deploy 211

custom builder

building 120-122

custom IAM roles

for build service accounts 148-152

cyberattack, investigative update

reference link 8


default pool

about 16

architecture 21, 22

machine types 22

using 19-22

Direct Interconnect 25

Docker Hub 58


end-to-end (E2E) pipeline 37


about 170

reference link 170


gcloud command 32

GCP console

using 37-41

GCP service integrations 11-13

GitHub account

URL 152


reference link 32

GKE cluster

creating 131-133

globally unique identifier (GUID) 35

Go 168

Google Cloud 106

Google Cloud Build

Cloud-native automation with 9, 10

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) 9

Google Cloud Storage (GCS) 32, 106

Google Compute Engine (GCE) 136

Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

about 132, 213

GKE Autopilot 133

GKE Standard 133

Google Secret Manager 78

Google virtual private cloud (VPC) 133

Gradle 171


HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL)

about 105

reference link, for syntax 176

human approvals 126-129


Identity and Access Management (IAM) 17, 54, 134

infrastructure as a service (IaaS) 8

infrastructure as code (IaC)

provisioning 105, 106

Internet Protocol (IP) address 136


Java 168

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) 37


reference link 7

Jib 172



reference link 206

Knative 169

Ko 172


about 132

components 132

high-level architecture 132

namespaces 132

nodes 132

URL 132


Logs Explorer 60

loveholidays, Cloud Build

reference link 12


managed service

about 16

used, for reducing toil 8, 9

managed service providers (MSPs) 7

manual trigger 85-87

Maven 171

metadata, for container images

attestation 99


network perimeter

securing 99, 100

Node.js 168


pricing, Cloud Build

reference link 18

principle of least privilege (POLP)

about 17

applying, to builds 146

managing, for builds 122-125

private pools

about 16

architecture 24

machine types 26, 27

network architecture 24, 25

using 23-29

private pools overview

reference link 10


relationship, with billing accounts 18

pull request (PR) 152

Python 168


quotas, Cloud Build

reference link 21


release management, for builds

Binary Authorization, enabling for admission control 162-165

builds, executing via build triggers 157-161

builds, gating with manual approvals 156, 157

configuring 152

images, building with build provenance 161

SCM integration, with Cloud Build 152-156

trusted software artifacts, enabling from builds 161

resource creation

separating, from build steps 116-120


reference link 37

role-based access control (RBAC) 149


Secret Manager

about 72, 85, 204

reference link 11

service account 11

service-level agreement (SLA) 7

service-level objective (SLO) 12

Service Networking API 24

Service Producer network 24


about 66

URL 66

skaffold.yaml file 214-216

Software Development Kit (SDK) 44

source code management platforms

Cloud Build, integrating with 78-80

source control management (SCM) tool 31


task automation, for Cloud Run and Cloud Functions

containers, running in Cloud Run 179-183

deploying, to Cloud Functions 178, 179

jobs, deploying to Cloud Run 176, 177

performing 176

production, securing with Binary Authorization 186-188

progressive rollouts, for revisions of Cloud Run service 184-186

services, deploying to Cloud Run 176, 177


about 66

state, storing 106-116

URL 66, 105


reducing, with managed services 8, 9

reference link, for eliminating 8


about 32

anatomy 77

defining 81

manual trigger 85-87

webhook triggers 81

trusted software artifacts

enabling, from build 161


Virtual Private Cloud Service Controls (VPC SC)

about 99, 197

configuring 100

URL 99

Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) 10

Virtual Private Network (VPN) tunnel 25

VPC Service Controls

about 11

reference link 11


webhook triggers 81-85

worker pools

configuring, in Cloud Build 16

default pool 16

private pool 16

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