Chapter 7. WebTools

In this chapter, we shall discuss several WebTools, including tools and utilities for:

  • Cache maintenance
  • Changing debug settings
  • Exporting database data to XML documents
  • Loading databases from XML documents
  • Managing internationalization labels
  • Using the SQL processor
  • Exploring the entity reference tool
  • Viewing OFBiz usage statistics
  • Uncovering artifact information
  • Working with temporal expressions


Out-of-the-box, OFBiz comes with many tools designed to help manage your OFBiz instance. One set of tools specifically for use with the "framework" portion of the code base, that is, those parts of OFBiz that make up the underlying core or support platform and which are found starting in the framework directory, are called the "WebTools".

The WebTools toolkit is front-ended with a separate OFBiz Component, webapp (located as a sub-directory under the framework directory), and UI, called the "WebTools" Application. This webapp consolidates the many day-to-day OFBiz administrative system health checks, system and application tuning utility access points, and configuration interfaces under a single UI umbrella.

All WebTools are password-protected and require administrative privileges and user membership in the "OFBTOOLS" security group to access and use. Out-of-the-box, the default administrative user login is "admin" and the password is "ofbiz". If these user credentials have not been changed, they may be used to access all WebTools features and facilities discussed in this chapter.

The main WebTools UI web page is located at:


From the menu selections on this web page, you may navigate directly to the desired tool. Or, if you prefer, navigate directly to the target tool using its URL.

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