Chapter 10. Backup, Recovery, and Logging

Backup and recovery is one of the most important aspects of any enterprise product deployment and administration. If a server crashed and there was no way to recover it, the devastating results to a business could include lost data, lost revenue, and customer dissatisfaction. Whether companies deploy a single server or multiple servers in the cluster, they share one common factor—the need to back up important configuration data and protect themselves from disaster by developing a backup and recovery plan.

A backup is a representative copy of data. This copy can include important parts of a server configuration, such as the core service configuration data, schema files, and LDAP indices. A backup can protect from unexpected data loss caused by an application misconfiguration or some other environmental factors, by providing a way to restore original data. The phrase "backup and recovery" usually refers to the transfer of copied files from one location to another, along with the various operations performed on these files.

OpenSSO provides utilities that can be invoked with proper procedure to backup the server configuration data. When a crash or data corruption occurs, the server administrator must initiate a recovery operation. Recovering a backup involves the following two distinct operations:

  • Restoring the configuration files
  • Restoring the XML configuration data that was backed up earlier

In general, recovery refers to the various operations involved in restoring, rolling forward, and rolling back a backup. Backup and recovery refers to the various strategies and operations involved in protecting the configuration database against data loss, and reconstructing the database should a loss occur.

In this chapter, you should be able to learn about how to use the tools provided by OpenSSO to perform the following:

  • OpenSSO configuration backup and recovery
  • Test to production
  • Trace and debug level logging for troubleshooting
  • Audit log configuration using flat file
  • Audit log configuration using RDBMS
  • Securing the audit logs from intrusion

OpenSSO deals with only backing up the configuration data of the server as the identity such as users, groups, and roles data backup and recovery will be handled by the enterprise level identity management suite of products.

Backing up configuration data

I am sure you are familiar now with the different configuration stores supported by the OpenSSO, an embedded store (based on OpenDS), and a highly scalable Directory Server Enterprise Edition. Regardless of the underlying configuration type, there are certain files that are created in the local file system on the host where the server is deployed. These files (such as bootstrap file) contain critical pieces of information that helps the application to initialize, any corruption in these files could cause the server application not to start. Hence it becomes necessary to backup the configuration data stored in the file system.

As a result, we could term the backup and recovery as a two step process:

  • Backup the configuration files in the local file system
  • Backup the OpenSSO configuration data in the LDAP configuration

Let us briefly discuss what each option means and when to apply them.

Backing up the OpenSSO configuration files

Typically the server can fail to come up for two reasons. Either because it could not find the right configuration file that will locate the configuration data store or because the data contained in the configuration store is corrupted. It is the simplest case I took up for this discussion because there could be umpteen reasons that could cause a server to fail to start up. OpenSSO provides a subcommand export-svc-cfg as part of the ssoadm command line interface. Using this the customer can only backup the configuration data that is stored in the configuration store, provided the configuration store is up and running. This backup will not help if the disk that holds the configuration files such as the bootstrap and OpenDS schema files crashed, because the backup obtained using the export-svc-cfg will not contain these schema and bootstrap files. This jeopardizes the backup and recovery process for the OpenSSO. This is why backing up the configuration directory becomes inevitable and vital for the recovery process.

To backup the OpenSSO configuration directory, you can just use any file archive tool of your choice. To perform this backup, log on to the OpenSSO host as the OpenSSO configuration user, and execute the following command:

zip -r /tmp/ /export/ssouser/opensso1/

This will backup all the contents of the configuration directory (in this case /export/ssouser/opensso1). Though this will be the recommended way to backup, there may be server audit and debug logs that could fill up the disk space as you perform a periodic backup of this directory. The critical files and directories that need to be backed up are as follows:

  • bootstrap
  • opends (whole directory if present)
  • .version
  • .configParam
  • certificate stores

The rest of the content of this directory can be restored from your staging area. If you have customized any of the service schema under the<opensso-config>/config/xml directory, then make sure you back them up.

This backup is in itself enough to bring up the corrupted OpenSSO server. When you backup the opends directory all the OpenSSO configuration information will also get backed up, so you really do not need to have the backup file that you would generate using the export-svc-cfg. This kind of backup will be extremely useful and is the only way to perform the crash recovery. If the OpenDS is itself corrupted due to its internal database or index corruption, it will not start. Hence one cannot access the OpenSSO server or ssoadm command line tool to restore the XML backup.

So, it is a must to backup your configuration directory from the file system periodically.

Backing up the OpenSSO configuration data

The process of backing up the OpenSSO service configuration data is slightly different from the complete backup of the overall system deployment. When the subcommand export-svc-cfg is invoked, the underlying code exports all the nodes under the ou=services,ROOT_SUFFIX of the configuration directory server:

./ssoadm export-svc-cfg -u amadmin -f /tmp/passwd_of_amadmin -e secretkeytoencryptpassword -o /tmp/svc-config-bkup.xml

To perform this, you need to have the ssoadm command line tool configured. The options supplied to this command are self-explanatory except maybe the -e . This takes a random string that will be used as the encryption secret to encrypt the password entries in the service configuration data. For example, the RADIUS server's share secret value. You need this key to restore the data back to the server.

The OpenSSO and its configuration directory server must be running in good condition in order to be successful with this export operation. This backup will be useful in the following cases:

  • Administrator accidently deleted some of the authentication configurations
  • Administrator accidently changed some of the configuration properties
  • Somehow the agent profiles have lost their configuration data
  • Want to reset to factory defaults

In any case, one should be able to authenticate to OpenSSO as an admin to restore the configuration data. If the server is not in that state, then crash recovery is the only option. In the embedded store configuration case this means unzipping the file system configuration backup obtained as described in the Backing up the OpenSSO configuration files section.

For the configuration data that is stored in the Directory Server Enterprise Edition, the customer should use the tools that are bundled with the Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition to backup and restore.

Crash recovery and restore

In the previous section, we briefly covered the crash recovery part of it. When a crash occurs in the embedded or remote configuration store, the server will not come up again unless it is restored back to a valid state. This may involve restoring the proper database state and indexes using a known valid state backup. This backup may have been obtained by using the ODSEE backup tools or simply zipping up the configuration file system of OpenSSO, as described in the Backing up the OpenSSO configuration files section. You need to bring back the OpenSSO server to a state where the administrator can log in to access the console. At this point the configuration exported to XML, as described in the Backing up the OpenSSO configuration data section can be used. Here is a sample execution of the import-svc-cfg subcommand. It is recommended to backup your vanilla configuration data from the file system periodically to use it in the crash recovery case (where the embedded store itself is corrupted). Backup of configuration data using the export-svc-cfg should be done frequently:

./ssoadm import-svc-cfg -u amadmin -f /tmp/passwd_of_amadmin -e mysecretenckey -X /tmp/svc-config-bkup.xml

This will throw an error (because we have intentionally provided a wrong key) claiming that the secret key provided was wrong (actually it will show a string such as the following, that is a known bug):


This is the key name that is supposed to contain a corresponding localizable error string.

If you provide the correct encryption key, then it will import successfully:

./ssoadm import-svc-cfg -u amadmin -f /tmp/passwd_of_amadmin -e secretkeytoencryptpassword -X /tmp/svc-config-bkup.xml
Directory Service contains existing data. Do you want to delete it? [y|N] y
Please wait while we import the service configuration...
Service Configuration was imported.

Note that it prompts before overwriting the existing data to make sure that the current configuration is not overwritten accidently. There is no incremental restore so be cautious while performing this operation. An import with a wrong version of the restore file could damage a working configuration. It is always recommended to backup the existing configuration before importing an existing configuration backup file. If you do not want to import the current file just enter N and the command will terminate without harming your data.

Well, what happens if customers do not have the configuration files backed up? Suppose customers do not have the copy of the configuration files to restore, they can reconfigure the OpenSSO web application by accessing the configurator (after cleaning up existing configuration). Once they configure the server, they should be able to restore the XML backup. Nevertheless, the new configuration must match all the configuration parameters that were provided earlier including the hostname and port details. This information can be found in the .configParam file.


If you are planning to export the configuration to a different server than the original server, then you should be referring to the Test to production section, that covers the details on how customers can migrate the test configuration to a production server. It requires more steps than simply restoring the configuration data.

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