Caching and notification

For the LDAPv3Repo, the key feature that enables it to perform and scale is the caching of results set for each client query, without which it would be impossible to achieve the performance and scalability. When caching is employed there is a possibility that clients could get stale information about identities. This can be avoided by keeping the cache cleaned up periodically or having an external event dirty the cache so new values can be cached. OpenSSO provides more than one way to tackle this caching and notification. There are a couple of ways in which the cache can be invalidated and refreshed.

The Identity Repository design relies broadly on two types of mechanisms to refresh the IdRepo cache. They are:

  • Persistent search-based event notification
  • Time-to-live (TTL) based refresh

Both methods have their own merits and can be enabled simultaneously, and it is recommended. This is to handle the scenario where a network glitch (which could cause a packet loss) might have caused the OpenSSO server to miss some change notifications. The value of TTL purely depends on the deployment environment and end user experience.

Persistent search-based notification

The OpenSSO Identity Repository plugin cache can be invalidated and refreshed by registering a persistent search connection to the backend LDAP server provided the LDAP server supports the persistent search control. The persistent search ( control 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.3 is implemented by many of the commercial LDAP servers including:

  • IBM (Tivoli Directory)
  • Novell (eDirectory)
  • Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition(ODSEE)
  • OpenDS (OpenDS Directory Server 1.0.0-build007)
  • Fedora-Directory/1.0.4 B2006.312.1539

In order to determine whether your LDAP vendor supports a persistent search, perform the following search for the persistent search control 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.3:

ldapsearch -p 389 -h ds_host -s base -b '' "objectclass=*" supportedControl | grep 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.3

Microsoft Active Directory implements in a different form using the LDAP control 1.2.840.113556.1.4.528.

Persistent searches are handled by the max-psearch-count property in the Sun Java Directory Server that defines the maximum number of persistent searches that can be performed on the directory server. The persistent search mechanism provides an active channel through which entries that change (and information about the changes that occur) can be communicated. As each persistent search operation uses one thread, limiting the number of simultaneous persistent searches prevents certain kinds of denial of service attacks.

It is quite apparent that a client implementation that generates a large number of persistent connections to a single directory server may indicate that the LDAP protocol may not have been the correct transport. However, horizontal scaling using Directory Proxy Servers, or an LDAP Consumer tier, may assist to spread the load.

The best solution, from an LDAP implementation, would be to limit persistent searches.

If you have created a user data store against an LDAP server which supports RFC2026, then a persistent search connection will be created with base DN configured in the LDAPv3 configuration.

The search filter for this connection is obtained from the data store configuration properties. Though it is possible to listen to a specific type of change event, OpenSSO registers the persistent search connections to receive all kinds of change events. The IdRepo framework has the logic to determine whether the underlying directory server supports persistent searches or not. If not supported it does not try to submit the persistent search. In this case customers may resort to a TTL-based notification as described in the next section.

Each active persistent search request requires that an open TCP connection be maintained between an LDAP client (in this case it is OpenSSO) and an LDAP (backend user store LDAP server) server that might not otherwise be kept open. The OpenSSO server that acts as an LDAP client closes idle LDAP connections to the backend LDAP server in order to maximize the resource utilization. If the OpenSSO servers are behind the load balancer or a firewall you need to tune the value of "".

If the persistent search connections are made through a Load Balancer (LB) or firewall, then these connections are subject to the TCP timeout value of the respective LB and/or firewall. In such a scenario once the firewall closes the persistent search connection due to an idle TCP timeout, then the change notifications cannot happen to OpenSSO unless the persistent search connection is re-established. Customers could avoid this scenario by configuring the idle timeout for the persistent search connection so that it would restart the persistent search TCP connection before the LB/firewall idle timeout, that way the LB/firewall will not have an idle persistent search connection.

The advanced server configuration property "" specifies timeout value in minutes after which the persistent searches will be restarted. Ideally, this value should be lower than the LB/firewall TCP timeout, to make sure that the persistent searches are restarted before the connections are dropped. A value of "0" indicates that these searches will not be restarted. By default the value is "0".


Only the connections that are timed out will be reset. You should never set this value to a value lower than the LB/firewall timeout. The delta should not be more than five minutes. If your LB's idle connection timeout is "50" minutes, then set this property value to "45" minutes.

For some reason if you want to disable the persistent search to be submitted to the backend LDAP server, just leave the persistent search base (sun-idrepo-ldapv3-config-psearchbase) empty, this will cause the IdRepo to disable the persistent search connection.

Time-to-live based notification

There may be deployment scenarios where persistent search-based notifications may not be possible or the underlying LDAP server may not be supporting the persistent search control. In such scenarios customers can employ the TTL or time-to-live based notification mechanism. It is a feature that involves a proprietary implementation by the OpenSSO server. This feature works in a fashion that is similar to the polling mechanism in the OpenSSO clients where the client periodically polls the OpenSSO server for changes, often called "pull" model. Whereas persistent search-based notifications are termed as "push" model (the LDAP server pushes the changes to the clients).

Regardless of the persistent search based change notifications, the OpenSSO server polls the underlying directory server and gets the data to refresh its Identity Repository cache.

TTL-specific properties for Identity Repository cache

When the OpenSSO deployment is configured for TTL-based cache refresh, there are certain server-side properties that need to be configured to enable the Identity Repository framework to refresh the cache. The following are the core properties that are relevant in the TTL context:

  • com.sun.identity.idm.cache.entry.expire.enabled=true
  • com.sun.identity.idm.cache.entry.user.expire.time=1 (in minutes).
  • com.sun.identity.idm.cache.entry.default.expire.time=1 (in minutes).

The property com.sun.identity.idm.cache.user.expire.time and com.sun.identity.idm.cache.default.expire.time specify time in minutes for which the user and non-user entries such as roles and groups respectively remain valid after their last modification. In other words after this specified period of time elapses, the data for the entry that is cached will expire. At that instant, new requests for these entries will result in fresh reading from the underlying Identity Repository plugins.

Suppose the property com.sun.identity.idm.cache.entry.expire.enabled is set to true, the non-user objects cache entries will expire based on the time specified in the com.sun.identity.idm.cache.entry.default.expire.time property. The rest of the user entries objects will be cleaned up based on the value set in the property com.sun.identity.idm.cache.entry.user.expire.time.

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