How to obtain OpenSSO

The source code and binary of OpenSSO is available under CDDL license (

There are two ways to get the binaries. One way is apparently to build from the source; the other is to simply download a stable released version of 'express' or 'enterprise' build. Downloading the binary form of this product is the quickest way to get started with OpenSSO. In this section you can find the relevant resources and pointers on building the OpenSSO from the source code. For the examples, we would use the latest stable build from the binary download page of OpenSSO.

Building OpenSSO from source

If you want to build OpenSSO from the source, the first thing you need to do is to sign up at in order to obtain CVS repository access to the source code. Once you sign up and have been approved for the appropriate "developer" or "observer" role, you can check out the source code using the cvs checkout command.

For example:

cvs -d :pserver:memberName checkout opensso

where memberName is your OpenSSO member name.

For example to check out the OpenSSO Express Build 9 branch:

% cvs -d :pserver:[email protected]:/cvs checkout -r opensso_build9_branch opensso

In order to build OpenSSO web archive file, there are a number of steps that need to be performed, including downloading some third party shared libraries. This process is documented very well. This is a living document, so it will be frequently updated. It does not add much value to reproduce the same (but changing) information in this book. Please point your browser to to obtain the latest version of the document.

As I mentioned in the Chapter 1, to obtain the latest open source version of OpenSSO, please visit the Forgerock site (, as they maintain and sustain this source branch with the name OpenAM.

Downloading OpenSSO binary

Originally when Sun Microsystems started the OpenSSO project, the binary was available in three different forms, nightly, express, and enterprise builds. After the Oracle/Sun merger only OpenSSO enterprise builds were released and supported by Oracle through its support/sales channels. You can download the build at which is closer to the build that was used to generate the examples used in this book. You can find the other binary download links for the various builds in the OpenAM project website at

The examples and directory structure are generated on a Linux-based system, yet any discrepancy between Windows and Unix will be noted wherever possible.

You can use http to download or a wget to download the build 9 bits.

The following command downloads the binary using the wget command on a Linux host:


Now that you have downloaded the zip file that contains the OpenSSO war file, let us unzip and look at the contents and the directory structure:

Downloading OpenSSO binary

All the directories are shown in the directory structure that we saw. The contents of these directories are not mentioned to improve the readability. The contents of these directories will be explained as we progress through this book.

The opensso.war under the deployable-war directory is the OpenSSO web application. This is the WAR that gets deployed on to servlet containers. Now that all the theory is over, let us get into some real hands-on sessions. The next few sections take a deep dive into the deployment and configuration of the OpenSSO web application and its configuration utility. There is a browser-based configurator as well as a command line configurator. The command line interface to the configurator greatly eases configuration automation tasks.

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