Keeping an eye on network bandwidth

Let us imagine a simple scenario involving two servers. Each server might have just one disk (no SSDs). Our two boxes might be interconnected through a 1 Gbit link. What will happen to your applications if the second server starts to run a pg_basebackup? The second box will connect, start to stream data at full speed and easily kill your hard drive by using the full bandwidth of your network. An application running on the master might instantly face disk wait and offer bad response times. Therefore it is highly recommended to control the bandwidth used up by rsync to make sure that your business applications have enough spare capacity (mainly disk, CPU is usually not an issue).


If you want to limit rsync to, say, 20 MB/sec, you can simply use rsync --bwlimit=20000. This will definitely make the creation of the base backup take longer but it will make sure that your client apps will not face problems.

In general we recommend a dedicated network interconnect between master and slave to make sure that a base backup does not affect normal operations.

Limiting bandwidth cannot be done with pg_basebackup onboard functionality.Of course, you can use any other tool to copy data and achieve similar results.


If you are using gzip compression with –-gzip, it can work as an implicit speed brake. However, this is mainly a workaround.

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