Installing pgbouncer

Before we dig into details we will take a look and see how pgbouncer can be installed. Just as for PostgreSQL, you can take two routes. You can either install binary packages or simply compile from source. In our case we will show you how a source installation can be performed.

The first thing you have to do is to download pgbouncer from the official website:

Once you have downloaded the .tar archive, you can safely unpack it by using the following command:

tar xvfz pgbouncer-1.5.4.tar.gz

Once you are done extracting the package you can enter the newly created directory and run configure. Expect this to fail due to missing packages. In many cases you have to install libevent (development package) first before you can successfully run configure.


On Debian (or Debian-based distributions) the easiest way to install the libevent development packages is to run apt-get install libevent-dev.

Once you have successfully executed configure you can move forward and run make. This will compile the source and turn it into binaries. Once this is done you can finally switch to root and run make install to deploy those binaries.

You have now successfully installed pgbouncer.

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