Dealing with failovers and high availability

Some obvious issues, which can be addressed with pgpool, are high availability and failover. In general there are various approaches available to handle those topics with or without pgpool.

Using PostgreSQL streaming and Linux HA

The easiest approach to high availability with pgpool is to use PostgreSQL onboard tools along with Linux HA. In this case, in our world, the best approach is to run pgpool without statement-level replication and use PostgreSQL streaming replication to sync the data.

pgpool can be configured to do load balancing and automatically send write requests to the first and read requests to the second node.

What happens in case of failover? Let us assume the master will crash. In this case Linux HA would trigger the failover and move the service IP of the master to the slave. The slave can then be promoted to be the new master by Linux HA (if this is desired). pgpool would then simply face a broken database connection and start over and reconnect.

Of course, we can also use londiste or some other technology such as Slony to replicate data. However, for the typical case, streaming replication is just fine.


Slony and skytools are perfect tools if you want to upgrade all nodes inside your pgpool setup with a more recent version of PostgreSQL. You can build Slony or londiste replicas and then just suspend operations briefly (to stay in sync) and switch your IP to the host running the new version.

Practical experience has shown that using PostgreSQL onboard and operating system level tools is a good way to handle failovers easily and, more important, reliably.

pgpool mechanisms for high availability and failover

In addition to streaming replication and Linux HA you can also use mechanisms provided by pgpool to handle failovers. This section will use those means provided by pgpool.

The first thing you have to do is to add the failover command to your pool configuration. Here is an example:

failover_command = '/usr/local/bin/ %d %H

Whenever pgpool detects a node failure, it will execute the script we have defined in the pool configuration and react according to our specifications. Ideally this failover script will write a trigger file—this trigger file can then be seen by the slave system and turn it into a master.

The recovery.conf file on the slave might look like this:

standby_mode = 'on'
primary_conninfo = 'host=master_host user=postgres'
trigger_file = '/tmp/trigger_file0'

The trigger_file is checked for every 5 seconds. Once the failover occurs, pgpool can treat the second server as the new master.

The logical next step after a failover is to bring a new server back into the system. The easiest and most robust way of doing that is to:

  • Set up streaming replication
  • Wait until the server is back in sync
  • Briefly interrupt writes
  • Use pcp_attach_node to add the new node
  • Resume writes

Overall this will only need a handful of seconds of service interruption.


Theoretically service interruptions are not necessary in the pgpool world, however, to make sure that there is not the slightest way of causing inconsistency, it might be worth turning off writes for some seconds. In the vast majority of cases out there, this will be tolerable.

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