About the Reviewers

Jeff Lawson has been a fan and user of PostgreSQL since discovering it in 2001. Over the years, he has also developed and deployed applications for IBM DB2, Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase, and others but has always preferred PostgreSQL for its balance of features and openness. Much of his experience has involved developing for Internet-facing websites/projects that required highly scalable databases with high availability or provisions for disaster recovery.

Jeff currently works as Director of Software Development for FlightAware, which is an airplane tracking website that uses PostgreSQL and other open source software to store and analyze the positions of the thousands of flights that are made worldwide every day. He has extensive experience in software architecture, data security, and networking protocol design from software engineering positions at Univa/United Devices, Microsoft, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and WolfeTech. He was a founder of distributed.net, which pioneered distributed computing in the 1990s, and continues to serve as the Chief of Operations and Member of the Board. He earned a BSc. Computer Science from Harvey Mudd College.

Jeff is fond of cattle, holds an FAA private pilot certificate, and owns an airplane based in Houston, Texas.

Tomas Vondra has been working with PostgreSQL since 2003, and although he's been working with various other databases since then—both open source and commercial—he instantly fell in love with PostgreSQL and the wonderful community built around it.

Tomas is currently working at GoodData, a company operating a BI cloud platform built on PostgreSQL, as a "performance specialist" and is responsible mainly for tracking and improving performance. In his free time he's usually writing PostgreSQL extensions, patches or hacking something else related to PostgreSQL.

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