Chapter 10. Sprites with Characters

In this project, we will focus on creating costumes for a sprite. We will learn how to create detailed costumes with various methods as well as create animations using costumes.

Mission briefing

In this project, we will leverage many new and impressive features in Scratch 2.0's sprite editor to create costumes for a robot sprite. We will also create movement animation scripts using the costumes shown in the following screenshot:

Mission briefing

Why is it awesome?

Better game graphics make any game more enticing and engaging. The Scratch 2.0 Costume editor includes several new and useful features. We will use these new features to spice up our game.

Your Hotshot objectives

First, we will create a simple project, covering the following points:

  • Building the robot wireframe
  • Coloring it as metallic
  • Performing final adjustments
  • Animating
  • Parting with a few tips
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