Defeating the boss

When the boss has had enough, it should disappear and declare the player victorious. Adding this step will conclude the tutorial and finish the game.

Engage thrusters

We will yet again expand the script of the boss sprite. For this final step, we won't create a completely new script, but we will add to the main boss script that already exists. This is the one that starts with the when I receive <boss> block.

When the condition in the repeat until () loop is met, the script will exit the loop. When this happens, it means that the boss has received the described number of hits and should be defeated. We will write the following instructions for this defeat script:

  1. After the repeat loop, add two say () for () secs blocks; fill in the value 1 in the second empty slot for both the blocks.
  2. First we will have the boss say "I give up" by filling in I give up. in the first empty slot of the first block.
  3. Then we will have the boss say "You win" by filling in You win! in the first empty slot of the second block.

The finished script will look like the following screenshot:

Engage thrusters

After that, the boss should also disappear with a bit of spectacle.

  1. We add a repeat () loop after the say blocks; fill in the value 30.
  2. Inside this loop, we use change <color> effect by () (with value 25) to make the boss sprite change its color repeatedly.
  3. We also add change size by () to make it shrink; fill in value -1.
  4. Then we use create clone of <myself> to create the clone trail behind the boss.
  5. Now we will use wait () secs to slow down the process to a visible level; fill in value 0.03.
  6. After this fixed loop has finished executing, we will hide the boss (using hide).
  7. Finally, we can safely use stop <all> to conclude the game.

The finished script will look like the following screenshot:

Engage thrusters

The game is now done! When the player manages to trigger this script, it means that he has won the game.

Objective complete – mini debriefing

This last step is a small but important part to actually finish the game. Without it the game would go on forever, or until the player is hit. That would not be a very nice prospect.

We embellished the end a bit with a message and an effect to the boss to make winning the game more satisfactory.

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