Part 4. JUnit extensions

This last part of the book deals with different kinds of JUnit extensions. We cover all types of external projects that try to extend JUnit to the point where the testing framework falls short. They test different aspects and layers of an enterprise application.

We start by introducing the HTMLUnit and Selenium projects in chapter 12. We show you how to test your presentation layer with these projects. We go into details of not only how to set up your projects but also some best practices in testing your presentation layer. Chapter 13 is dedicated, again, to testing your front end. In that chapter we discuss how to test the Ajax part of your application. We also introduce the JsUnit project and give some special hints on testing a Google Web Toolkit (GWT) application.

Chapters 14 and 15 are dedicated to testing your server-side Java code. Chapter 14 introduces the Cactus project, which focuses on testing your Java EE core components (JSPs, servlets, EJBs, and the like). Chapter 15 describes the JSFUnit project, which tests your JSF-based applications.

Chapter 16 is a small chapter that concentrates on testing component-oriented applications. We describe various techniques for testing your OSGi services.

Chapters 17 and 18 are both dedicated to testing the persistence layer. These chapters talk about the DBUnit project and give recipes for testing the JPA part of an application.

The last chapter describes how to create your own extensions by means of the Unitils and JUnit-addons projects.

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