Part 2. Database Development

Edited by Adam Machanic

It can be argued that database development, as an engineering discipline, was born along with the relational model in 1970. It has been almost 40 years (as I write these words), yet the field continues to grow and evolve—seemingly at a faster rate every year. This tremendous growth can easily be seen in the many facets of the Microsoft database platform. SQL Server is no longer just a simple SQL database system; it has become an application platform, a vehicle for the creation of complex and multifaceted data solutions.

Today’s database developer is expected to understand not only the Transact-SQL dialect spoken by SQL Server, but also the intricacies of the many components that must be controlled in order to make the database system do their bidding. This variety can be seen in the many topics discussed in the pages ahead: indexing, full-text search, SQL CLR integration, XML, external interfaces such as ADO.NET, and even mobile device development are all subjects within the realm of database development.

The sheer volume of knowledge both required and available for consumption can seem daunting, and giving up is not an option. The most important thing we can do is understand that while no one can know everything, we can strive to continually learn and enhance our skill sets, and that is where this book comes in. The chapters in this section—as well as those in the rest of the book—were written by some of the top minds in the SQL Server world, and whether you’re just beginning your journey into the world of database development or have several years of experience, you will undoubtedly learn something new from these experts.

It has been a pleasure and an honor working on this unique project with such an amazing group of writers, and I sincerely hope that you will thoroughly enjoy the results of our labor. I wish you the best of luck in all of your database development endeavors. Here’s to the next 40 years.

About the editor

Adam Machanic is a Boston-based independent database consultant, writer, and speaker. He has written for numerous websites and magazines, including SQLblog, Simple Talk, Search SQL Server, SQL Server Professional, CODE, and VSJ. He has also contributed to several books on SQL Server, including SQL Server 2008 Internals (Microsoft Press, 2009) and Expert SQL Server 2005 Development (Apress, 2007). Adam regularly speaks at user groups, community events, and conferences on a variety of SQL Server and .NET-related topics. He is a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for SQL Server, Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP), and a member of the INETA North American Speakers Bureau.

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