Chapter 36. Understated changes in SQL Server 2005 replication

Paul Ibison

This chapter aims to cover the following areas:

  • Useful undocumented or partially documented replication behavior
  • Using the more efficient methodologies available in SQL Server 2005 to replace older replication techniques

That means we’ll be covering some of the less obvious changes made to the replication engine between SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005.

Our main source of replication information—Books Online (BOL)—has a dedicated section describing the new replication enhancements found in SQL Server 2005. This section mostly concentrates on the main areas of functionality, such as setting up merge-over-HTTPS, Oracle publishers, peer-to-peer transactional publishing, and so on. Over time, though, various other subtle changes have come to light as the DBA community has gained more experience using SQL Server 2005 replication. Some of these configuration changes are not described at all in BOL, and in certain cases they’ll result in different (and preferred!) replication behavior. In other cases, the details are listed in BOL, but it is only with experience that others and I have realized that the new functionality is intended as a replacement for a previous way of administering replication.

This chapter presents a hodgepodge of such lesser-known methods, and hopefully, as a replication administrator, you can find some details that will improve the efficiency of your system and reduce or remove the administrative burden.

Undocumented or partially documented changes in behavior

In this section, we’ll look at some useful replication functionality that isn’t found in the help guide.

Reading the text of hidden replication stored procedures

Consider the case when you need to examine the text of a replication system stored procedure. You might want to see this text for several reasons. Perhaps you want to perform the same actions as the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) GUI, but hope to gain programmatic control of the process for yourself. Perhaps you want to get a better understanding of what happens under the hood in order to increase your replication expertise and troubleshooting ability. Whatever the reason, usually you will need to know the name of the system stored procedure and then use sp_helptext or the OBJECT_DEFINITION function to see the whole procedure definition. For some of the replication stored procedures, though, you will find that the text is hidden and these two methods will not work. For example, if you try the following code in a normal query window, you will have NULL returned:

SELECT OBJECT_DEFINITION (OBJECT_id('sys.sp_MSrepl_helparticlecolumns'))

On the other hand, if you use the dedicated administrator connection (DAC), you will be able to access the underlying text of the procedure. The process is pretty straightforward and is shown here:


Enable remote access to the DAC:

sp_configure 'remote admin connections', 1;


Connect to the server using the DAC.

Use a query window to connect to yourservername by using ADMIN:your-servername in the server name section (or use the sqlcmd command-prompt utility with the -A switch).


Execute the script:


You should find the procedure text returned as expected, and if you are on a production system, don’t forget to close the DAC connection when you are done with it!

Creating snapshots without any data—only the schema

When we look in BOL at the definition of a replication stored procedure or a replication agent, we find that the permitted values for the parameters are all clearly listed. But it occasionally becomes apparent that there are other acceptable values that have never been documented. The exact number of these hidden parameters is something we’ll never know, and in all cases they will be unsupported for the general public. Even so, sometimes they start being used and recommended prior to documentation, usually in order to fix a bug. A case in point is the sp_addpublication procedure, in which there is now the acceptable value of database snapshot for the @sync_method. This value was for some time known about, undocumented and yet used, but it now exists in fully documented (and supported) form in BOL. The usual caveats apply if you decide to use any such workaround; you must take full responsibility, and any such modifications are completely unsupported.

Another example that exists in the public domain but is not yet in BOL is also available. If your distributor is SQL Server 2005, the Snapshot Agent has an undocumented /NoBcpData switch that will allow you to generate a snapshot without any BCP data. This can be useful when you need to (quickly) debug schema problems generated on initialization.

You can access the command line for running the Snapshot Agent from SSMS as follows:


Expand the SQL Server Agent node.


Expand the Jobs node.


Double-click on the Snapshot Agent job, which typically has a name of the form <Publisher>_<PublisherDB>_<Publication>_<number> (for example, Paul-PCTestPub-TestPublication-1). You’ll know if this is the correct job because the category will be listed as REPL-Snapshot.


Select Steps from the left pane.


Select the second Run Agent step, and click the Edit button to open it. You should see the command line in the Command text box.

Once you have added the /NoBcpData parameter to the command line, as shown in figure 1, click OK in the Job Step dialog box and click OK again in the Job dialog box to make sure that the change is committed. The /NoBcpData switch tells the Snapshot Agent to create empty BCP files instead of bulk-copying data out from the published tables.

Figure 1. In the Snapshot Agent’s job step, the unofficial (unsupported!) /NoBcpData is entered.

Some changed replication defaults

Many replication defaults changed between SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005—far too many to cover in this section. Most of the new defaults are obvious and self-explanatory, but occasionally some of the following changes catch people out.

Row-level Conflict Detection

In SQL Server 2000, column-level conflict detection was the default for merge replication, and this has changed to row-level conflict detection in SQL Server 2005. Which one is correct for your business is something only you can determine, but if you previously left this setting alone and intend to do the same now, you might find an unexpected set of records in the conflict viewer.

New Merge Identity Range Management

The following changes to identity range management for merge publications have been introduced in SQL Server 2005:

  • Range allocation is automatic. In SQL Server 2005 merge publications, the article identity range management is set to automatic by default. In SQL Server 2000, the default identity range management was manual. What is the difference? Automatic range management ensures that each subscriber is reseeded with its own identity ranges without any extra configuration, whereas manual means that you will need to change either the seed or the increment of the identity range on each subscriber to avoid conflicts with the publisher. If you previously relied on leaving this article property alone and chose to manually administer the identity range, beware because a range of 1,000 values will have already been allocated to each of your subscribers.
  • Default range sizes have increased. The publisher range has changed from 100 to 10,000, and the subscriber range size has increased from 100 to 1,000.
  • Overflow range is allocated. The merge trigger code on the published article implements an overflow range that is the same size as the normal range. This means that by default you will have two ranges of 1,000 values allocated to a subscriber. The clever part is that the overflow range is automatically allocated by the merge insert trigger and therefore doesn’t require a connection to the publisher. However, the reseeding performed in the trigger is restricted to those cases where a member of the db_owner role does the insert.
  • The threshold parameter is no longer used. Although it appears in the article properties dialog box much the same as in SQL Server 2000, the threshold parameter only applies to subscribers running SQL Server Mobile or previous versions of SQL Server.
“Not for Replication” Treatment of Identity Columns

Identity columns have a new default behavior. These columns are automatically marked as Not for Replication (NFR) on the publisher and are transferred with the identity NFR property intact at the subscriber. This retention of the NFR property applies to both transactional and merge replication.

Why might this be a useful change? First, it means that you don’t need to wade through all the tables before creating the publication in order to manually set each identity column as NFR. This is a huge improvement because the method used in SQL Server 2000 by Enterprise Manager to set the NFR attribute involved making whole (time-consuming) copies of the table data. It also means that if you are using transactional replication as a disaster recovery solution, there is now one less hoop you will need to jump through on failover because you don’t have to change this setting on each table at the subscriber. That particular part of your process can now be removed.

(If you are now thinking that it is not possible in T-SQL to directly add the NFR attribute to an existing identity column, please take a look inside the sp_identitycolumnforreplication system stored procedure, because this is the procedure that marks the identity column as NFR.)

Deferred Update Trace Flags

For transactional replication, you might be using deferred update trace flags unnecessarily. In SQL Server 2000, updates to columns that do not participate in a unique key constraint are replicated as updates to the subscriber unless trace flag 8202 is enabled, after which they are treated as deferred updates (paired insert/deletes). On the other hand, updates to columns that do participate in unique constraints are always treated as deferred updates (paired insert/deletes) unless trace flag 8207 is enabled. In SQL Server 2005, all such changes are replicated as updates on the subscriber regardless of whether the columns being updated participate in a unique constraint or not.

Partitioning of Snapshot Files

The following change to a replication default is more complicated to explain, but it deals with a significant improvement that has been made to the initial snapshot process. In SQL Server 2000, when an article is BCP’d to the filesystem (the distribution working folder) during the snapshot generation, there is always one file created that contains the table’s data. In SQL Server 2005, when you look in the distribution working folder after creating a snapshot, you might be surprised to find many such files for each article, each containing a separate part of the table data, as shown in figure 2.

Figure 2. Snapshot data from a table is now partitioned across several text files.

Clearly there has been a big change in the processing rules. I’ll refer to this overall process of splitting data files as BCP partitioning, borrowing the term from a Microsoft developer who once pointed this out in a posting in the Microsoft Replication Newsgroup (microsoft.public.sqlserver.replication). This section explains why BCP partitioning exists, what the expected behavior is, and how to troubleshoot if it all goes wrong.

BCP partitioning has several benefits. First, it helps in those cases where there has been a network outage when the snapshot is being applied to the subscriber. In SQL Server 2000, this would mean that the complete snapshot would have to be reapplied, and in the case of concurrent snapshots, this would all have to be done in one transaction. In contrast, if you have a SQL Server 2005 distributor and SQL Server 2005 subscribers, there is now much greater granularity in the process. The article rows are partitioned into the separate text files, and each partition is applied in a separate transaction, meaning that after an outage, the snapshot distribution is able to continue with the partition where it left off and complete the remaining partitions. For a table containing a lot of rows, this could lead to a huge saving in time.

Other useful side effects are that this can cause less expansion of the transaction log (assuming that the migration crosses a backup schedule or the subscriber uses the simple recovery model), and it can lead to paths of parallel execution of the BCP process for those machines having more than one processor. (It is true that parallel execution existed in SQL Server 2000, but this was only for the processing of several articles concurrently and not for a single table.)

Similarly, the same benefits apply when creating the initial snapshot using the Snapshot Agent. Note that the –BcpBatchSize parameter of the Snapshot and Distribution Agents governs how often progress messages are logged and has no bearing at all on the number of partitions.

To disable BCP partitioning, you can add the unofficial -EnableArticleBcp-Partitioning 0 switch to the Snapshot Agent and a single data file will be produced, just like in SQL Server 2000. Why would you want to turn off such a useful feature? Well, anecdotally, things may get worse for folks who don’t start off with empty tables (archiving or roll-up scenarios) or if the CPU, disk I/O, or network bandwidth is the bottleneck in the attempt to extract more snapshot processing throughput when using BCP partitioning.

Finally, for those tables that expand the transaction log, some DBAs like to enable the bulk-logged recovery mode to try to minimize logging, but this will not always work when dealing with multiple partitions. To ensure that there is a maximum chance of going down the bulk-logged path, you should use -MaxBcpThreads X (where X > 1) for the Distribution Agent and ensure that the target table doesn’t have any indexes on it before the Distribution Agent delivers the snapshot.

More efficient methodologies

In the previous section, we looked at several undocumented techniques that can be used to enhance the replication behavior. We’ll now look at some capabilities that are fully documented, but that are not always understood to be replacements for less-efficient methodologies.

Remove redundant pre-snapshot and post-snapshot scripts

In SQL Server 2000 publications, we sometimes use pre-snapshot and post-snapshot scripts. The pre-snapshot scripts are T-SQL scripts that run before the snapshot files are applied, whereas the post-snapshot scripts apply once the snapshot has completed. Their use is often to overcome DRI (declarative referential integrity) issues on the subscriber.

Remember that the initialization process starts by dropping tables on the subscriber. If all the tables on the subscriber originate from one publication, this is not an issue, but if there is more than one publication involved, we might have a scenario where the dropping of tables at the subscriber during initialization would be invalid because of relationships between articles originating from different publications. There might also be other tables on the subscriber that are related to replicated articles and that are not themselves part of any publication. Either way, we find the same DRI problem when initialization tries to drop the subscriber’s table. In such cases, the pre-snapshot and post-snapshot scripts are needed—a pre-snapshot script would drop the foreign keys to allow the tables to be dropped, and a post-snapshot script would then add the foreign keys back in. Such scripts are not difficult to write, but each needs to be manually created and maintained, causing (another!) maintenance headache for the DBA.

In SQL Server 2005 there is a new, automatic way of achieving this on initialization at the subscriber. Initially, there is a call to the sys.sp_MSdropfkreferencingarticle system stored procedure, which saves the relevant DRI information to the following three metadata tables:

  • dbo.MSsavedforeignkeys
  • dbo.MSsavedforeignkeycolumns
  • dbo.MSsavedforeignkeyextendedproperties

Once the information is safely hived away, the foreign keys are dropped. To re-add the foreign keys, the Distribution Agent calls the new sp_MSrestoresavedforeignkeys system stored procedure once the snapshot has been applied. Note that all this happens automatically and requires no manual scripts to be created.

Take a look at your existing pre-snapshot and post-snapshot scripts. If they deal with the maintenance of foreign keys, there’s a good chance they are doing work that is already done by default, in which case you’ll be able to drop the scripts entirely and remove the maintenance issue.

Replace merge -EXCHANGETYPE parameters

In SQL Server 2005 merge replication, we can now mark articles as download-only, meaning that changes to the table are only allowed at the publisher and not at the subscriber. Previously, in SQL Server 2000, we would use the -EXCHANGETYPE value to set the direction of merge replication changes. This was implemented by manually editing the Merge Agent’s job step and adding -EXCHANGETYPE 1|2|3 as text.

When using SQL Server 2000, entering a value of -EXCHANGETYPE 2 means that changes to a replicated article at the subscriber are not prohibited, are recorded in the merge metadata tables via merge triggers, and are subsequently filtered out when the Merge Agent synchronizes. This means there may be a huge amount of unnecessary metadata being recorded, which slows down both the data changes made to the table and the subsequent synchronization process.

This -EXCHANGETYPE setting is not reflected directly in the GUI and is hidden away in the text of the Merge Agent’s job. Despite being a maintenance headache and causing an unnecessary slowing down of synchronization, it was the only way of achieving this end, and judging by the newsgroups, its use was commonplace.

In SQL Server 2005, when adding an article, there is an option to define the subscriber_upload_options either using the article properties screen in the GUI or in code, like this:

sp_addmergearticle @subscriber_upload_options = 1

This parameter defines restrictions on updates made at a subscriber. The parameter value of 1 is described as “download only, but allow subscriber changes” and seems equivalent to the -EXCHANGETYPE = 2 setting mentioned previously, but in the SQL Server 2005 case there are no triggers at all on the subscriber table. Another distinction is that this setting is made at the more granular article level rather than set for the entire publication. This means that although the -EXCHANGETYPE and sp_addmergearticle methods are logically equivalent, the implementation has become much more sophisticated in SQL Server 2005. Triggers that unnecessarily log metadata at the subscriber are no longer fired; therefore both subscriber data changes and the subsequent synchronization are significantly faster.

Put simply, you should replace the use of EXCHANGETYPE with download-only articles!

Incidentally, this setting is also implemented by a separate check box in SSMS, as shown in figure 3. This check box does a similar job but sets the value of @subscriber_upload_options to 2, which again makes the changes download-only, but in this case any subscriber settings are prohibited and rolled back.

Figure 3. Merge replication articles can be marked as download-only to prevent subscriber changes and reduce metadata.


We have looked at many of the lesser-known replication techniques useful in SQL Server 2005. Some of these involve using parameters or procedures that are partially documented but that might help solve a particular issue. Other methods are fully documented, but we have looked at how these methods can be used to replace replication techniques used in SQL Server 2000 and improve our replication implementation and reduce administration.

About the author

Paul Ibison is a contractor SQL Server DBA in London. He runs the website—the only site dedicated to SQL Server replication—and has answered over 6,000 questions on the Microsoft SQL Server Replication newsgroup. When not working, he likes spending time with his wife and son, Ewa and Thomas, going fell-walking in the Lake District, and learning Ba Gua, a Chinese martial art.

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