


$ function method
@javascript tag
@purchase.errors.any? method
@ticket variable
304 Not Modified status


Ability class2nd
accepts_nested_attributes_for method2nd
access control.
    See also authentication; authorization.
    adding admin field to users table
    restricting access to
    restricting actions to
    restricting project creation to
  namespace-based CRUD
    create action
    index action
    namespace root
    new action
  namespace routing
Account class
Action Mailer classes2nd4th
  templates for
ActionController::Caching::Sweeper class
ActionDispatch::Static class
ActionDispatch::Static middleware
actionpack gem
ActiveRecord::Base association method
ActiveRecord::Migration class
ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid exception
ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound exception2nd3rd4th
Adam, James
add_column method
addresses, reply-to, setting
admin attribute
admin field, adding to users table
admin users
admin_root_path method
admins method
admins_only method2nd
Admin::StatesController controller
admin_states_path method
Admin::UsersController show action
after _inactive_sign_up_path_for method
After method
after_create method2nd3rd4th5th6th
after_destroy method
after_update method
Agile software
all method2nd3rd
And keyword
any? method
ApiHelper module
APIs (application programming interfaces)
    API authentication
    destroy action
    error reporting
    restricting access to, 2nd
    serving, 2nd
  rate limiting
    Rate limit exceeded error
    request_count field
  by Sinatra framework
Api::V1::BaseController class
Api::V1::TicketsController class
Api::V3::JSON::Tickets class
app folder
app method
app role
Application class
application programming interfaces.
    See APIs.
ApplicationController class
aptitude command
Aptitude system
as option
assert method2nd3rd
asset_file_name method
assets method
assets_attributes= method
Assigning Permissions feature2nd
association count, showing
association method
  tags, defining
  watchers, defining
asynchronous requests
  responding to
  sending parameters for
    learning CoffeeScript language
    passing through number
Attach the File step
attr_accessible method
attr_accessor method2nd
attribute accessor
attribute mass-assignment
attributes hash
authenticate_forem_user! method2nd
authenticate_user method2nd3rd4th5th6th7th
    See also access control.
  Devise gem
  disabling password
    OmniAuth gem
    registering application with
    testing sign-in
    confirmation link sign-in
    form sign-in
    linking tickets to
    signup feature
Authentication process
    See also access control; authentication.
  assigning permissions
    viewing projects
  blocking access to tickets
  fixing failing features
    editing projects
    scenario to test that links are hidden
    Signing Up
    delete access
    read access
    by scope
    update access
    write access
  seed data
authorize_admin! method2nd
authorize_create! method
authorized? method2nd3rd4th
authorize_delete! method
authorizing, editing
authorship, adding to topics
auth_providers method2nd
automatic escaping


background workers
Bacon class2nd
bacon_test.rb file
Baker, Steven R.
balance method
base functionality, installing
bash migrate alias
Bates, Ryan
BDD (behavior-driven development)4th
  Cucumber tool
  RSpec tool
before method2nd3rd
before_create method2nd3rd4th
before_filter method2nd3rd4th5th6th7th
before_save method
behavior-driven development.
    See BDD.
belongs_to method2nd3rd4th5th6th7th
bin/cucumber command2nd
blacklist authorization
Buck, Jamis
build-essential package
build method2nd3rd
bundle install command2nd3rd
  --deployment flag
  --gemfile flag
  --without flag
Bundler gem3rd4th5th
  --binstubs option
bundling gems
button_to method


cache method
cache sweepers
cache_path option
caches_action method
caches_page method2nd
cache_sweeper method
call method2nd3rd4th
can? method2nd3rd4th
CanCan gem
CanCan::Ability module
cannot? method
cannot_create_tickets! method
cannot_update_tickets! method
cap command
  deploy:migrations task
  deploy:setup task
  -T option
Capistrano gem, configuring
Capistrano tool2nd9th
  deploy:restart task
  deploy:setup task
  deploy:symlink task
  deploy:update task2nd
  deploy:update_code task
capture group2nd
Capybara browser simulator2nd3rd
Capybara gem
  RSpec gem and, installing
Cascading Style Sheets.
    See CSS.
cat command
change method2nd
change tracking, for attributes
changed? method
    automatic escaping
    styling states
    Then show me the page step
cheat gem
check_rate_limit method
Chelimsky, David
child_index option
chmod command
class method
classes, outside control
  engine configuration
  fake User model
class_eval method
class_name option2nd3rd4th
cleaning up, after paginating interfaces
clear method
click function
click_link method
client-side caching
coffee-rails gem
CoffeeScript language
collection block
collection method
combined applications
Comment class2nd
CommentNotifierJob class
CommentObserver class2nd3rd
  adding more tags through
  locating ticket
  testing subscription
CommentsController spec, fixing
comment_updated method2nd3rd
commits, of changes
community, sense of with Rails framework
concat method
config/routes.rb file
config.middleware.use method
ConfigurationNotFound exception
configure method
confirm! method
confirm option.
    See link_to.
confirmable module2nd
confirmation_sent_at attribute
confirmation_token attribute
confirmed_at attribute
confirm_users_path method
content_for method
  serving files through
    protecting files
controllers option
coordinated universal time.
    See UTC.
counter_cache option
create action2nd3rd4th5th
create method2nd3rd4th5th
create, read, update, delete interface.
    See CRUD interface.
create_table, id false option
createuser command
create_user! method
Creating Comments scenario, fixing
creating tags feature
Creating Tickets feature2nd3rd4th
creator_watches_me method
cross-site request forgery attacks.
    See CSRF attacks.
CRUD (create, read, update, delete) interface2nd
    create action
    index action
    namespace root
    new action
CSRF (cross-site request forgery) attacks
csrf_meta_tags method
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)2nd3rd4th5th
Cucumber gem
Cucumber tests
Cucumber tool2nd3rd4th5th6th
curl package
current_ability method
current_email method
current_page method
current_user method2nd3rd4th5th6th


database indexes
database queries
  eager loading
database servers
  database and user
  ident authentication
database_authenticatable module
database_cleaner gem
db role
default method2nd
default option
default_test method
Delayed::Job class
delayed_job gem2nd
Delayed::Job.enqueue method
Delayed::Worker#work_off method
delegates method
delete access
  enforcing destroy protection
  hiding links based on permission
delete link, edit link and
delete method2nd3rd4th
DELETE request
delete_all method
Deleting Tickets feature2nd3rd
dependent option
deploy environment, setting up
deploy keys
deploy:finalize_update task
  of application
  bundling gems
  choosing database
  configuring Capistrano gem
  database server
    database and user
    ident authentication
  deploy keys
  RVM, and Ruby language
  servers, setup
  serving requests
    init script
    installing Passenger gem
  setting up deploy environment
  user for app
destroy action2nd3rd
destroy protection, enforcing
destroy_user_session_path method
developing, speed and ease of with Rails framework
development environment
Devise gem2nd3rd
devise method
Devise::TestHelpers module
directory_exists? method
display_name method2nd
div_for method2nd
domain logic
domain-specific language.
    See DSL.
Don’t Repeat Yourself!.
    See DRY.
down method
DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself!)2nd
DSL (domain-specific language)2nd
dynamic_form gem


each method2nd
eager loading
edible? method
edit action2nd3rd4th
edit link, and delete link
edit_admin_state_path method
Editing Tickets feature2nd
edit_project_path method
edit_project_ticket_path method
edit_purchase_path method
email method2nd3rd
email_spec gem2nd3rd
Embedded Ruby.
    See ERB.
encryptable module
engine configuration
engine layouts
  app folder
  config/routes.rb file
  forem.gemspec file
  gemfile file
  lib/forem/engine.rb file
  lib/forem.rb file
  Rakefile file
  script/rails file
  test directory
  test/dummy directory
  adding posts to topics
  benefits of
  brief history of
  classes outside control
    engine configuration
    fake User model
  developing new
    engine layouts
    engine routing
  integrating with application
  releasing as gem
  setting up testing environment
    installing RSpec and Capybara gems
    removing Test::Unit framework
  writing features of
    setting up routes
    showing association count
    testing Capybara gem
    topics controller
env object
ERB (Embedded Ruby)2nd3rd4th
erb part
error checking
error_messages method
escaping, automatic
ETag header
etag option
except option2nd
exceptions, caused by deletions
exists? method2nd3rd4th
expired! method2nd
expire_fragment method
extend call
Extensible Markup Language, serving.
    See XML, serving.
extra key2nd


Factory Girl gem2nd
Factory method
failed tests
field option
fields_for method2nd
File class
  file? method
  readable? method
file_exist? method
file_field method
files, uploading
  attaching files
  JavaScript language
  serving files through controller
fill_in method
find command
find method2nd3rd4th5th6th
find_and_delete method
find_by_default method
find_by_name method
find_or_create_by_github method
find_or_create_for_github method
find_or_create_for_twitter method2nd3rd
find_project method2nd3rd4th5th6th
find_ticket method2nd
find_user method2nd
flash message
flash method
float method
for method2nd3rd4th
forem method
Forem::ApplicationController.class_eval method
Forem::Engine class
forem.gemspec file
form_for method2nd3rd4th5th
form_tag method
forums_path method
fragment caching
Freenode IRC network
fresh_when method2nd
friendly_token method
full table scan


cheat command
get method2nd3rd
GET requests2nd3rd4th
getter method
Gherkin language
Git application2nd3rd
  checkout -b production command
  push command2nd
  stash command
git-core package
github action
GitHub authentication, registering and testing
GitHub service2nd3rd4th5th6th
Given keyword2nd
gmail gem2nd
Gmail server2nd3rd
Gmail.connect method


hacking, forms
halt method
Hambley, Lee
Hansson, David H.
has_and_belongs_to_many association2nd3rd4th
has_attached_file method2nd3rd4th
has_content? method
hashes method
HashWithIndifferentAccess method2nd
has_many association, defining
has_many method2nd3rd4th
has_one association
have_css method2nd
headers method
Heartbeat application2nd
Heartbeat module
Heartbeat::Application class2nd
Heartbeat::TestApplication class
Hellesoy, Aslak
--help option
helper methods, defining
helper_method method
  nested routing
  for paginating interfaces, implementing
Hidden Links feature
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) emails, delivering
html method
html option
html part
html_safe method
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) status codes2nd3rd
HTTP methods
Hypertext Markup Language emails, delivering.
    See HTML emails, delivering.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol status codes.
    See HTTP status codes.


ident authentication
If-Modified-Since header
If-None-Match header2nd
include call
includes method
increment! method
index action2nd3rd
index method
index part
indexes, database
init script
initialize method2nd3rd
integration testing process
interfaces, pagination of
  cleaning up
  fixing broken scenarios
  implementing helpers for
Internet Explorer project
isolate_namespace method
its method


JavaScript language
  adding more files with
  asynchronous request
    responding to
    sending parameters for
  jQuery framework
JavaScript Object Notation.
    See JSON.
javascript_include_tag method
joins method
join_table option2nd
jQuery framework
jquery-rails gem
json gem
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)2nd3rd4th
JSON.parse method


Kaminari gem
Katz, Yehuda
key-based authentication
keys, deploy


label method
last_modified option
last_post method
last_ticket method
launchy gem
let method2nd
li tag
lib/forem/engine.rb file
lib/forem.rb file
LinkJumbler class
  adding to project
  confirmation, user sign-in with
  for deleting tags
  hidden, scenario to test
    edit and delete links
    New Project link
  hiding based on permission
link_to method2nd3rd5th6th7th8th
  confirm option
listing tickets
load method
locals option2nd3rd
lockable module
locking down, states
  bestowing changing state permissions
  hacking form
  hiding select box
  ignoring parameter
login action
ls -x command
-m option2nd


mail gem
mail method
make_default action
make_default_admin_state_path method
Matsumuto, Yukihiro2nd
Matz is nice always, so we are nice.
Matz Ruby Interpreter.
    See MRI.
member method
merge! method
method option2nd
method_missing method
methods option2nd
MINASWAN (Matz is nice always, so we are nice)
Model-View-Controller paradigm.
    See MVC paradigm.
mount method2nd
--mountable option
MRI (Matz Ruby Interpreter)
msysGit application
MVC (Model-View-Controller) paradigm
MySQL database server


n+1 selects operation
name method
namespace-based CRUD
  create action
  index action
  namespace root
  new action
namespace method
namespace root
namespace routing
nested attributes
nested resources, tickets
  defining has_many association
  finding within scope of project
  nested routing helpers
  within project
nested routing helpers
new action2nd3rd4th
new command
new method
New Project link
new_file_path method
new_project_path method
new_topic_post_path method
nokogiri gem
Nokogiri::HTML method
notice method
notifications, ticket
  Action Mailer classes
  automatically watching ticket
  defining watchers association
  delivering HTML emails
  unsubscribing from
Notifier class2nd3rd
number variable
numbers, passing through
number_to_human_size Action View helper


OAuth authentication
oauth_token parameter2nd
oauth_verifier parameter2nd
observe method
omniauthable module
omniauthable symbol
OmniauthCallbacks module
only option
Oracle VirtualBox software
order option


page fragments, caching
page method2nd
paginate method2nd3rd
  of interfaces
    cleaning up
    fixing broken scenarios
    implementing pagination helpers
    paginating APIs
    testing pagination
    viewing pagination
  Kaminari gem
pagination process
Paperclip gem2nd
paperclip generator
parameterize method2nd
params hash
params method2nd
parse method2nd
partial option2nd
Passenger gem
passing, through numbers
passwd command
password authentication, disabling
path option
path_to method
per method
perform method
performance enhancements
  background workers
  cache sweepers
    page fragments
  database query
    database indexes
    eager loading
    of interfaces
    Kaminari gem
Permission class
Permission model
permissions controller
permissions method2nd
permissions screen
persisted? method2nd
pg gem
Pivotal Tracker system
polymorphic association
position option
post method2nd3rd4th
POST request
PostgreSQL database server2nd3rd
  adding to topics
  authentication of
  showing last
PreviousState class
previous_state= method
private method
privatizing assets
production environment2nd3rd
Project class2nd3rd4th
project method2nd3rd
project parameter
Project.for method
    destroy action
    writing feature for
    edit action
    update action
  finding tickets within scope of
  restricting creation to admins
  tickets within
    adding link to project
    defining helper method
    Factory Girl gem
    permissions controller
    permissions screen
    writing feature for
projects API
  destroy action
  error reporting
  restricting access2nd
  single project
projects method
ProjectsController class
project_tickets_path method2nd
protecting files
Prototype framework2nd
provides_callback_for method
psql command2nd
public assets
purchases_url method
put method2nd3rd


QA (quality assurance) testing
Quaranto, Nick
queries, database
  database indexes
  eager loading


Rack framework
    breaking up
    mounting with Rails framework
    running combined
    ActionDispatch::Static class
    in Rails framework
  mounting with Rails framework
    error checking
    Heartbeat application
    Sinatra framework
rack-test gem
Rack::Builder class method
Rack::File class
Rack::Test::Methods module2nd3rd
rackup command
Rack::Utils module
rails command2nd
  generate command
Rails Forum
rails gem
rails generate cucumber:install command
Rails Installer program
Rails Rumble event
RailsBridge organization
RAILS_ENV environment variable
rails server, -e production option
Rate limit exceeded error
rate limiting
  Rate limit exceeded error
  request_count field
read access, restricting
readable_by method
readable_by scope
Receiver class
receiving replies
recoverable module
red-green-refactor process2nd
redirect_to method2nd3rd4th
registerable module
  applications, with Twitter authentication
  and testing, GitHub authentication
regression testing2nd
releasing, engine as gem
reload method2nd
rememberable module
remote option2nd
remove action
remove() function
render method2nd3rd4th5th6th
Representational State Transfer.
    See REST.
request_count field
  asynchronous, responding to
    init script
    installing Passenger gem
require option
reset_request_count! method
resources method2nd3rd
resources, nested.
    See nested resources, tickets.
respond_to method2nd3rd
respond_with method2nd3rd4th5th6th
REST (Representational State Transfer)2nd
root method2nd
root_path method
roots, namespace
RSpec gem2nd3rd4th5th
rspec-rails gem2nd
RSpec tests2nd
Ruby language, RVM and
  installing Ruby language
Ruby on Rails framework
  description of
    common terms
    in the wild
  developing applications
    installing Ruby on Rails
    show action
Ruby on Rails Talk mailing list
Ruby Version Manager.
    See RVM.
RubyForge system
run method2nd
rvm command
RVM (Ruby Version Manager)
  and Ruby language
  Seguin, Wayne E.
rvm use command


Sass language
sass-rails gem
save method
saved? method
scope, restricting by
scp command
script/rails file
search action2nd3rd
search method2nd
Searcher gem2nd5th
  from option2nd
search_project_tickets_path method2nd
secure shell key.
    See SSH key.
seed data
seeding states
Seguin, Wayne E.
select box, hiding
select method
selected option
self.down method2nd3rd
self.edible? method
self.up method
send method
send_file method
set_admin method
set_previous_state method
setter methods
set_ticket_state method
should method
should_not method
show action2nd3rd4th
, user
  with confirmation links
  with forms
sign_in method2nd3rd4th
sign_in_and_redirect method
Signing Up feature
sign_in_path method
sign_out! method2nd
signup feature, for users
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.
    See SMTP.
simple_format method2nd
Sinatra::Base class
single projects
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)2nd
source command
span element
split method
Sprockets gem2nd3rd
SQLite3 database server
sqlite3 gem2nd
SSH (secure shell) key2nd3rd4th
Stack Overflow community
StackExchange services
State class
state method2nd
State model
state_id parameter
status option
steps method
stories, for applications
string method
style tag
stylesheet_link_tag method
stylesheets, applying
styling states
submit method2nd3rd
subscribing, to updates
  automatically adding user to watchlist
  testing comment subscription
  unsubscribing from ticket notifications
sudo, -i option
Symbol-to-Proc method


tables, adding admin field to
tag! method2nd3rd
Tag model
  adding more tags
    fixing CommentsController spec
    through comment
  creating tags feature
  defining tags association
  deleting tag
    adding link for
    removing tag from page
  displaying ticket’s tags
  finding tags
  restriction of
    allowing tags for certain users
  showing tags
  Tag model
  text_field_tag tag
tags association, defining
tags method
Talbott, Nathaniel
TDD (test-driven development)
  bacon_test.rb file
  and BDD
  reasons for testing
  writing tests
template option
templates, for Action Mailer classes
test directory
test-driven development.
    See TDD.
test/dummy directory
test environment
test method
    Cucumber tool
    RSpec tool
  comment subscription
    OmniAuth gem
    setting up
  JavaScript language
  Rails framework emphasis on
  registering and, GitHub authentication
  tag deletion
  tag restriction
    bacon_test.rb file
    and BDD
    reasons for testing
    writing tests
  that links are hidden
test_mode option
tests, failed
Test::Unit framework, removing
Test::Unit tool
Test::Unit::TestCase class
text/html part
text/plain part
text_field_tag tag
Then keyword
Then show me the page step
Ticket class
ticket_comments_path method
  blocking access to
  blocking creation of
  changing state of
    fixing Creating Comments scenario
    seeding states
    selecting states
    State model
  defining has_many association
  displaying tags
    edit action
    update action
  finding within scope of project
  linking to users
    attributing tickets to users
    failed tests
    fixing features
  nested routing helpers
  notifications, unsubscribing from
  within project
  sending notifications
    Action Mailer classes
    automatically watching ticket
    defining watchers association
    delivering HTML emails
  updating and deleting at same time
    culling tickets
    listing tickets
tickets method2nd
TicketsController class
time_ago_in_words helper
timeoutable module
timestamps method2nd
timestamps option
title method2nd
titles of pages, setting
toggle_watching_button method
to_i method2nd
to_json method2nd3rd4th
token method
token_authenticatable module2nd
to_param method
topics_path method
to_s method2nd3rd4th
touch option
to_xml method
to_yaml method
trackable module
try method2nd
turn gem
twitter action2nd
twitter argument
Twitter authentication
  OmniAuth gem, setting up
  registering application with
  testing sign-in
type option


-u option, git push
UCS Transformation Format–8-bit.
    See UTF-8.
Uniform Resource Locators.
    See URLs.
unsubscribing, from ticket notifications
up command
up method
update access
update action2nd3rd
update option
update_all method
update_attribute method
update_attributes method2nd3rd
updates, subscribing to
  automatically adding user to watchlist
  testing comment subscription
  unsubscribing from ticket notifications
uploading files.
    See files, uploading.
url method
url option
URLs (Uniform Resource Locators)
User class
user method
User models, fake
user_omniauth_authorize_path method
useradd command
user_class method
user_hash key
User::Omniauth- Callbacks module2nd
user_signed_in? method
UTC (coordinated universal time)
UTF-8 (UCS Transformation Format–8-bit)


vagrant halt command
vagrant ssh command
validatable module
validates method
validates_numericality_of method
validates_presence_of method2nd
validates_uniqueness_of method
version control
Viewing Tickets feature2nd
VirtualBox software, Oracle.
    See Oracle VirtualBox software.
visit method2nd3rd


watch action
Watcher class
watchers association, defining
watchers method
watchlists, automatically adding users to
web role
WebDriver software2nd
Webrat gem
WEBrick library web server2nd
Welcome aboard page
When keyword
whitelist authorization
will_paginate gem
with option
within method2nd
write access
  blocking ticket creation
  CanCan gem
  rewriting feature


X-UA-Compatible header2nd
XML (Extensible Markup Language), serving
xml method

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