5.1 Introduction

The objective of this chapter is to analyse the performance of a system after the mathematical model of that system is obtained. The performance of a system is analysed based on the response of the system. The response of a system can be in the time domain or frequency domain that depends on the standard test signals applied to the system. In this chapter, the performance of a system is analysed based on the time response of the system. But the time response analysis of a system is based on the standard test signals that are ­random in nature. In addition to the randomness of the signals, these signals are not known in advance. It is necessary to have clear knowledge about standard test signals as the system performance varies in accordance with the standard signals that are applied to the system. Practically, if a signal is applied as input to any system, the system does not follow the input and a steady-state error exists between the input and output of the system. Controllers are used alongwith the system to reduce the steady-state error when a standard test signal is applied.

The mathematical modelling of any physical system was derived in Chapters 1 and 2. This chapter discusses various parts present in the time response of the modelled system, ­various standard test input signals, time-domain performance of the system, steady-state error developed in the system due to various test signals and controllers to reduce the developed steady-state error. In addition, this chapter analyses the transient and steady- state responses of first and second order systems subjected to various standard test signals. Moreover, the transient behaviour for underdamped, critically damped and overdamped cases of a second-order system and steady-state error of the first and second order control systems have also been discussed.

5.2 Time Response of the Control System

In control systems, the state and output responses are evaluated with respect to time as time is an independent variable. The evaluated state and output responses can be generally defined as the time response of a system. The time response of a control system, when a standard signal is applied to the system is denoted by c(t).

The total time response of the system is given by


where Eqn4 is the transient response and Eqn5 is the steady-state response. The time response of the system is used for evaluating the performance of the system. The performance indices of the system are usually obtained from transient and steady-state responses.

5.2.1 Transient Response

The part of the time response of the system that goes to zero as time t becomes very large is known as transient response. The transient response of the system is obtained before the system reaches steady-state value. Thus Eqn6 has the property given by


The significant features of transient response of a system are:

  1. Transient response helps in understanding the nature of variation of the system.
  2. It does not follow the standard signal applied due to the presence of inertia, friction and energy storage elements.
  3. It exhibits damped oscillations.
  4. The deviation between the applied standard signal and the output is high but not desirable and it has to be controlled before the steady state is reached.

5.2.2 Steady-State Response

The part of the time response of the system that is obtained as the independent variable time t approaches infinity is known as steady-state response of the system. It can also be defined as a part of the total response found after the transient response dies out.

The significant features of steady-state response of a system are:

  1. Steady-state response helps in giving an idea about the accuracy of the system.
  2. As the independent variable time t, tends to infinity, the deviation between the input and output gives the steady-state error.
  3. Steady-state response of the system follows the transient response of the system.
  4. The pattern of the steady-state response of the system varies like sine wave or a ramp function.

Example 5.1: Determine the time response of the closed-loop system as the function of time, denoted by Eqn2 for the system shown in Fig. E5.1.


Fig. E5.1


From Fig. E5.1, we have



Using the above two equations, we obtain


Therefore, the output response in s-domain is


Taking inverse Laplace transform, we obtain output response in time domain as


Example 5.2: Determine the current Eqn307 flowing through the series RC circuit shown in Fig. E5.2(b) when the periodic waveform shown in Fig. E5.2(a) is applied. Also, determine the transient and steady-state currents.


Fig. E5.2


The function for the period of the given waveform is

Eqn308, for Eqn309

Eqn310 for Eqn311





Example 5.3: Determine the response for the system whose transfer function is given by Eqn336 when the excitation is Eqn337.


The given input function is Eqn338.

Taking Laplace transform, we obtain




Substituting Eqn342.

Comparing the coefficients of Eqn343, we obtain Eqn344


Comparing the coefficients of s, we obtain Eqn346



Therefore, Eqn349

It is known that Eqn350



Using partial fraction expansions, the above functions can be expanded as

  1. Eqn354
  2. Eqn355
  3. Eqn356
  4. Eqn357

Therefore, Eqn358


where Eqn361




Taking inverse Laplace transform of Eqn367a we obtain

Eqn367 Eqn368





Example 5.4: The total response of the system when the system excited by an input is given by Eqn374. Determine the steady-state response and transient response of the system.


Given Eqn376a

We know that the total response of the system is composed of transient and steady-state responses, i.e., Eqn375

From the definitions of transient and steady-state responses, we obtain

Transient response of the system Eqn376

Steady-state response of the system Eqn377

5.3 Standard Test Signals

The time response of the control system depends on the type of standard test signals applied to the system. Control systems are analysed and designed depending on the performance indices of the systems. But performance indices of various control systems depend on the type of standard test signal applied to it. It is necessary to know the importance of test ­signals as a correlation exists between the output response of the system to a standard test input signal and the capability of the system to cope with applied standard test input signal.

As discussed earlier, the input signal to a control system is not known ahead of time, but it is random in nature and the instantaneous input cannot be expressed analytically. Only in some special cases, the input signal is known in advance and expressible analytically or by curves, such as in the case of the automatic control of cutting tools.

The standard test signals that can be applied to the control system are (i) impulse signal, (ii) step signal, (iii) ramp signal, (iv) parabolic signal and (v) sinusoidal signal.

However, to determine the time response characteristic of the control system, the first four of the above standard test signals are applied and to determine the frequency response characteristic, standard sinusoidal signal is applied.

5.3.1 Impulse Signal

The signal that is also called shock input, having its value as zero at all times except at Eqn378 is called impulse signal and it is shown in Fig. 5.1. This type of signal is not practically ­available since the occurrence of this type of signal is for a very small interval of time.


Fig. 5.1 ∣ Impulse signal

Mathematically, a unit-impulse signal is represented by



and Eqn381.

From the above equations, it is clear that the area of the impulse function is unity. In ­addition, the area is confined to an infinitesimal interval on the t-axis and is concentrated only at Eqn382.

Taking Laplace transform, we obtain Eqn383.

When Eqn384, the impulse signal becomes unit-impulse signal i.e., R(s) = 1.

The impulse response of a system with transfer function Eqn385 is given by


Taking inverse Laplace transform, we obtain Eqn388,

where Eqn389 is called “weighting function” of the system when unit-impulse signal is applied to the system.

The impulse signal is important due to the following reasons:

  1. The impulse signal is very useful for analysing the system in time domain.
  2. It is used to generate the system response if provided with the fundamental ­information about the system characteristic.
  3. Transfer function of the system can be obtained once the impulse response of the system is known.
  4. Impulse responses of the system can be obtained by taking the derivative of the step response of the system.
  5. Depending on the area under the impulse response of the system, the stability of the system can be determined. For example, if the area under the impulse response curve is finite, then the system is stable with bounded input and bounded output.

5.3.2 Step Signal

The signal that resembles a sudden change by changing its value from one level (usually zero) to another level (may be A) in very small duration of time is known as step signal. The schematic representation of step signal is shown in Fig. 5.2.


Fig. 5.2 ∣ Step signal

The step signal is represented mathematically


The step signal can be obtained by integrating the impulse signal Eqn391 as given by


when Eqn393, the step signal becomes unit-step signal Eqn394.

Taking Laplace transform of Eqn. (5.1), we obtain


The step response of a system with transfer function Eqn396 is given by


Therefore, Eqn398

Importance of Step Signal:

  1. It represents an instantaneous change in the reference input signal of the system. For example, if the input is an angular position of a mechanical shaft, a step input represents the sudden rotation of the shaft.
  2. It is useful in revealing the quickness of the system when an abrupt change is applied to the input.

5.3.3 Ramp Signal

The signal that depends linearly on the independent variable of the system, time t is known as ramp signal. The ramp signal that starts at zero resembles a constant velocity function. The schematic representation of ramp signal is shown in Fig. 5.3.


Fig 5.3 ∣ Ramp signal

The ramp signal is represented mathematically as


The unit-ramp signal Eqn400 can be obtained by integrating an unit-impulse signal twice or integrating a unit-step signal once, i.e.,




When Eqn405, the ramp signal becomes unit-ramp signal.

i.e., Eqn404

Taking Laplace transform, we obtain Eqn406

The ramp response of a system with transfer function Eqn407 is given by


Therefore, Eqn409

Importance of Ramp Signal:

  1. Ramp signal starts at time Eqn410 and varies linearly with it.
  2. It helps in testing the response of the system when a ramp signal is applied to it. For example, if the input variable represents the angular displacement of the shaft, the ramp input denotes the constant speed rotation of the shaft.

5.3.4 Parabolic Signal

The signal that depends on the square of the independent variable of the system, time t is known as parabolic signal. The parabolic signal that starts at zero resembles a constant acceleration function. The schematic representation of parabolic signal is shown in Fig. 5.4.


Fig.5.4 ∣ Parabolic signal

The parabolic signal is mathematically represented as


Taking Laplace transform, we obtain Eqn412

When Eqn413, the parabolic signal is unit-parabolic signal. The parabolic signal can be obtained by integrating the ramp signal.

The parabolic response of a system with transfer function Eqn414 is given by


Therefore, Eqn416

The different types of standard test signals with the corresponding r(t) in time-domain and R(s) in ­frequency-domain are given in Table 5.1.

Table 5.1 ∣ Standard test signals


Example 5.5: Determine i(t) for the step and impulse responses of the series RL ­circuit shown in Fig. E5.5.


Fig. E5.5


Step Response

For the step response, the input excitation is Eqn428.

Applying Kirchhoff's voltage law to the circuit shown in Fig. E5.5, we obtain


Taking Laplace transform, we obtain


Because of the presence of inductance Eqn431, i.e., the current through an inductor cannot change instantaneously due to the conservation of flux linkages.

Therefore, Eqn432

Hence, Eqn433


Taking inverse Laplace transform, we obtain


Impulse Response:

For the impulse response, the input excitation is δ(t).

Applying Kirchhoff's voltage law to the circuit, we obtain


Taking Laplace transform, we obtain


Since i(0+) = 0, Eqn440

Taking inverse Laplace transform, we obtain


Example 5.6: Determine i(t) for the step and impulse responses of the series RLC circuit shown in Fig. E5.6.


Fig. E5.6


Step Response

For the step response, the input signal x(t) = V0u(t)

In the series RLC circuit shown in Fig. E5.6, the integro-differential equation is


or Eqn464

Taking Laplace transform, we obtain


or Eqn466

Due to the presence of inductor L, Eqn467. Also, Eqn468 is the charge on the capacitor C at Eqn469. If the capacitor is initially uncharged, then Eqn470 Substituting these two initial conditions, we obtain



Therefore, Eqn473

where Eqn474

Taking inverse Laplace transform, we obtain


Impulse Response

For the impulse response, the input signal Eqn476.

Applying Kirchhoff's law to the circuit, we obtain


or Eqn478

Taking Laplace transform, we obtain


or Eqn480

Since Eqn484 and Eqn481, we obtain



Taking inverse Laplace transform, we obtain


where Eqn488and Eqn489

Example 5.7: For the mechanical translational system shown in Fig. E5.7, obtain time response of the system subjected to (i) unit-step input and (ii) unit-impulse input.


For the system given in Fig. E5.7, the input is Eqn521 and the output is Eqn522 and Eqn523 ­respectively.

Using D'Alemberts principle, we obtain




For mass M, Eqn525


Taking Laplace transform of Eqs. (1) and (2), we obtain



Representing Eqs. (3) and (4) in matrix form, we obtain


Using Cramer's rule, we obtain Eqn530



Therefore, Eqn533

i.e., Eqn534

Also, Eqn535


Therefore, Eqn538Eqn539

Hence, Eqn540

Therefore, the transfer functions of the given mechanical system are

Eqn541 and Eqn542.

(i) For unit-step input:

When a unit-step signal is applied to the system, Eqn543.


(ii) For unit-impulse input:

When a unit-impulse signal is applied to the system Eqn554


Example 5.8: Determine the response of the system whose transfer function is given by Eqn565 when the system is subjected to unit-impulse, step and ramp inputs with zero initial conditions.


(i) For a unit-impulse input:

The transfer function of the system is given by Eqn566. For a unit-impulse input, Eqn567.

Hence, Eqn568

Taking inverse Laplace transform, we obtain impulse response as


(ii) For a unit-step input:

The transfer function of the system is given by Eqn570. For a unit-step input, Eqn571.

Hence, Eqn572

Using partial fractions, we obtain


Here, Eqn574a

Hence, Eqn575

Taking inverse Laplace transform, we obtain step response as


(iii) For a unit-ramp input:

The transfer function of the system is given by Eqn577.

For a unit-ramp input, Eqn578

Hence, Eqn579

Using partial fractions, we obtain


Here, Eqn581a

Hence, Eqn584

Taking inverse Laplace transform, we obtain ramp response as


The unit-impulse, unit-step and unit-ramp responses of the given system are plotted and shown in Fig. E5.8.


Fig. E5. 8

Example 5.9: Determine the unit-step response of a unity feedback system whose transfer function is given by Eqn586.


The closed-loop transfer function of the system is given by Eqn587

For a unit-step input Eqn588

Therefore, Eqn589

Using partial fractions, we obtain


Here, Eqn591

Therefore, Eqn592

Taking inverse Laplace transform, we get a unit-step response as


Example 5.10: The open-loop transfer function of the system with unity feedback is given by Eqn594. Determine the response of the system subjected to unit-impulse input.


The closed-loop transfer function of the system is given by Eqn595

For a unit-impulse Eqn596 Hence, Eqn597

Taking inverse Laplace transform of the above equation, we obtain response of the ­system as


5.4 Poles, Zeros and System Response

Time response analysis of any system for standard test input signals can be obtained using inverse Laplace transform or differential equations. But these techniques are ­time-consuming and laborious. These issues can be overcome by employing pole-zero method. The system response can be ­determined in a short time by using pole-zero method.

5.4.1 Poles and Zeros of a Transfer Function

The transfer function of the system is expressed as


where an, an−1, …, a0 and bm, bm−1, …, b0 are constants.

The above transfer function can also be expressed as


where k is a real number. The constants Eqn601, Eqn602, Eqn603 … are called the zeros of Eqn604, as they are the values of s at which Eqn605 becomes zero. Conversely, Eqn606, Eqn607, Eqn608 … are called the poles of Eqn609, as they are the values of s at which Eqn610 becomes infinity.

The poles and zeros may be plotted in a complex plane diagram, referred to as the s-plane. In the complex s-plane where Eqn611, a pole is denoted by a small cross and a zero by a small circle. This diagram gives a good indication of the degree of stability of a system.

For example, the pole-zero plot for the given transfer function

Eqn612 is plotted in Fig. 5.5.

For the given system, poles are Eqn613 and zeros are Eqn614


Fig. 5.5 ∣ Poles and zeros of a system

5.4.2 Stability of the System

The stability of the system can be analysed based on the location of roots of the ­denominator polynomial or poles of the transfer function of the system. In addition, it does not depend on the input excitation applied to the system. The roots of the denominator polynomial or the poles of the transfer function of the system will determine whether the system is stable, unstable or marginally stable based on the location of poles in the s-plane, provided the degree of the denominator polynomial is greater than or equal to the degree of the ­numerator polynomial.

By finding the location of the poles, i.e., the roots of the denominator polynomial of the transfer function, the stability of the system can be determined.

  1. For a stable system, all the poles of the transfer function must lie in the left half of the s-plane.
  2. A system is said to be unstable, if any of the poles of transfer function are located in the right half of the s-plane.
  3. A system is said to be marginally stable, if transfer function has any poles on the -axis in the s-plane provided the other poles of transfer function lie in the left half of the s-plane.

Although computer programmes are available for finding the roots of the denominator polynomial of order higher than three, it is difficult to find the range of a parameter for ­stability. In such cases, especially in control system design an analytical procedure called the Routh–Hurwitz stability criterion is used to analyse the stability of the system.

5.5 TYPE and ORDER of the System

The feed-forward transfer function of the system is Eqn618 and the system has a feedback transfer function Eqn619.

5.5.1 TYPE of the System

Generally, the loop transfer function is expressed as


where Eqn621 are the coefficients that are constant and Eqn622 is the overall gain of the transfer function.

The TYPE of the system is decided based on the value n present in the general form of transfer function. The TYPE of the system and its corresponding general form of transfer function for some systems are given in Table 5.2.

Table 5.2 ∣ Type of the system and the corresponding general transfer function


5.5.2 ORDER of the System

For the system described earlier, the generalized closed-loop transfer function is given by


where K is the gain factor. The order of the system corresponds to the maximum power of s in the denominator polynomial.

Example 5.11: Find the type of the loop transfer function for the following systems: (i) Eqn627 (ii) Eqn628 (iii) new8 (iv) new9


  1. Since the number of poles at origin is 1, the transfer function is TYPE ONE system.
  2. Since there is no pole at origin, the transfer function is TYPE ZERO system.
  3. Since the number of poles at origin is 3, the transfer function is TYPE THREE system.
  4. Since the number of poles at origin is 2, the transfer function is TYPE TWO system.

Example 5.12: Find the order of the closed-loop transfer functions for the systems given by (i) Eqn631 and (ii) Eqn632.


  1. Since the maximum power of Eqn633 in denominator polynomial is 3, the given transfer function is third-order system.
  2. Since the maximum power of Eqn634 in denominator polynomial is 1, the given transfer function is first-order system.

5.6 First-Order System

The transfer function of the first-order system relating the input and output is given by


If no zeros exist in the system, the transfer function of the first-order system is given by


In the first-order system, the feed-forward transfer function of the system is Eqn637 and it has unity feedback system. Hence, the transfer function of the system is given by


where T is the time constant.

The block diagram of the first-order system is shown in Fig. 5.6.

C05F005 (duplicate)

Fig. 5.6 ∣ First-order system

5.6.1 Performance Parameters of First-Order System

  1. (i) Rise Time Eqn639: The time taken by the response of a system to reach 90% of the final value from 10% is known as the rise time Eqn640. It can be obtained by equating the response of the system in time domain Eqn641 to 0.1 and 0.9 respectively. Hence, Eqn642 is given by


  2. Delay Time Eqn644: The time taken by the response of a system to reach 50 % of the final value is known as the delay time td. It can be obtained by equating the response of the system in time domain c(t) to 0.5.


  3. Settling Time Eqn646: The time taken by the response of a system to reach 98 % of the final value is known as the settling time. It can be obtained by equating the response of the system in time domain c(t) to 0.98. Hence, Eqn647 is given by


  4. Steady-State Error Eqn649: It is the measurement of a difference existing between the standard input signal Eqn650 applied and the output response obtained from the system c(t) when such standard signals are applied.


5.6.2 Time Response of a First-Order System

The time response of a first-order system when subjected to standard test signals such as unit-impulse, unit-step and unit-ramp inputs is discussed.

Time response of a first-order system subjected to unit-impulse input:

The transfer function of a first-order system is given by


Therefore, Eqn653

For unit-impulse input, Eqn654. Therefore, Eqn655

Taking inverse Laplace transform, we obtain Eqn656 for Eqn657

Time response of first-order system subjected to unit-step input:

We know that, for the first-order system Eqn658

For unit-step input, Eqn659 and Eqn660.

Substituting Eqn661, we obtain Eqn662

Using partial fractions, we obtain Eqn663

Taking inverse Laplace transform, we obtain Eqn664for Eqn665

It is clear that the output value starts at zero and reaches unity as the independent variable time Eqn666 approaches infinity as shown in Fig. 5.7.


Fig. 5.7 ∣ Time response of first-order system subjected to step input

The steady-state error Eqn667 is given by


Also, the steady-state error of the system is determined using final value theorem as


Since Eqn671, the first-order system is capable of responding to a unit-step input without any steady-state error.

Substituting Eqn672in the time response of the system, we obtain


Here, the response of the system reaches 63.2% of the final value for the time constant T as shown in Fig. 5.7. The response of the system Eqn674 and the time constant of the system Eqn675 are inversely proportional to each other.

Time response of first-order system subjected to unit-ramp input:

We know that, for the first-order system, Eqn676

For unit-ramp input or velocity input, Eqn677, Eqn678

Therefore, Eqn679

Using partial fractions, we obtain


Taking inverse Laplace transform, we obtain


The error signal is


The steady-state error Eqn685 is given by


Also, the steady-state error of the system is determined using final value theorem as


Thus, the first-order system under consideration will track a unit-ramp input with a steady-state error T, which is the time constant of the system.

The input signal, output signal and steady-state error for the first-order system ­subjected to ramp input are shown in Fig. 5.8.


Fig. 5.8 ∣ Time response of first-order system subjected to ramp input

The time response of first-order system when subjected to various standard input signal is given in Table 5.3.

Table 5.3 ∣ Time response of first-order system subjected to various test signals


Time-domain specifications for a first-order system subjected to unit-impulse input:

The time response of the first-order system subjected to unit-impulse input is


The time-domain specifications are given below:

(i) Rise Time Eqn701:

From the definition, Eqn702

Hence, Eqn703 and Eqn704 are obtained as follows:

When the response of a system reaches 90 % of the final value, i.e., Eqn705, the time Eqn706 is obtained as



When the response of a system reaches 10 % of the final value, i.e., Eqn709, the time Eqn710 obtained as



Hence, rise time, Eqn713

(ii) Delay Time Eqn714:

From the definition, Eqn715

When the response of a system reaches 50 % of the final value, i.e., Eqn716, the delay time Eqn717, is obtained as



Hence, delay time, Eqn720 sec.

(iii) Settling Time Eqn721:

From the definition, for 2 % tolerance, the settling time is given by


When the response of a system reaches 98 % of the final value, i.e., Eqn723, the time Eqn724 is obtained as



Hence, settling time, Eqn727 sec for 2 % tolerance

Similarly, for 5 % tolerance, the settling time, Eqn728

Time-domain specifications for a first-order system subjected to unit-step input:

The time response of a first-order system subjected to unit-impulse input is


The time-domain specifications are given below:

(i) Rise Time Eqn730:

From the definition, Eqn731

Hence, Eqn732and Eqn733 are obtained as follows.

When the response of a system reaches 90 % of the final value, i.e., Eqn734, the time Eqn735, obtained as



When the response of a system reaches 10 % of the final value, i.e., Eqn738, the time Eqn739 obtained as



Hence, rise time, 00

(ii) Delay Time Eqn743:

From the definition, Eqn744

When the response of a system reaches 50 % of the final value, i.e., Eqn745, the delay time Eqn746 obtained as



Hence, delay time, Eqn749sec.

(iii) Settling Time Eqn750:

From the definition, for 2 % tolerance, the settling time is given by


When the response of a system reaches 98 % of the final value, i.e., Eqn752, the settling time Eqn753 obtained as



Hence, settling time, Eqn756 sec for 2% tolerance.

Similarly, for 5 % tolerance, the settling time, Eqn757

5.7 Second-Order System

The transfer function of the second-order system is given by


If no zeros exist in the system, the transfer function of the second-order system is given by


For determining the time response and analysing the performance of the second-order system, let us assume that the feed-forward transfer function of the system is Eqn760and it has a unity feedback. Hence, the transfer function of the second-order system is given by


where Eqn762 is an undamped natural frequency and Eqn763 is the damping ratio which is given by


The block diagram of the second-order system is shown in Fig. 5.9(a).


Fig. 5.9(a) ∣ Second-order system

5.7.1 Classification of Second-Order System

The second-order system can be classified into four types based on the roots of the characteristic equation of the system.

The characteristic equation of the second-order system is given by Eqn765.

Its corresponding roots are given by


Here, the roots of the characteristic equation of the second-order system is dependent on the damping ratio Eqn767.

The classification of the second-order system based on the roots of characteristic equation which depends on the damping ratio Eqn768 is given in Table 5.4.

Table 5.4 ∣ Classification of second-order system


5.7.2 Performance Parameters of Second-Order System

Delay Time Eqn777: The time taken by the response of a system to reach 50 % of the final value is known as the delay time (td). It can be obtained by equating the response of the system Eqn778 to 0.5, given by


Rise Time Eqn780: The time taken by the response of a system to reach 90 % of the final value from 10 % is known as the rise time. In addition, it can be defined as the difference between the time at which the response of the system has reached 10 % and 90 % of final value. The time at which response of the system reaches 10 % and 90 % can obtained by equating the response of the system Eqn781 to 0.1 and 0.9 respectively. Hence, Eqn782 is given by


Peak Time Eqn784: The time taken by the response of a system to reach the first peak overshoot is known as the peak time. It can be obtained by differentiating the time response of the system and equating it to zero. i.e., Eqn785

Maximum Peak Overshoot Eqn786: The maximum peak overshoot is obtained at the peak time of the response of a system, which is given by


where Eqn788 is the value obtained from the response of the system at peak time and Eqn789 is the steady-state value of the signal applied to the system.

The maximum peak overshoot is always represented as the percentage peak overshoot as


Special Case: If a standard unit signal is applied to a system, the steady-state value of the signal applied to the system Eqn791 will be 1 and hence the maximum peak overshoot will be


The relationship between the damping ratio of the second-order system Eqn793 and peak overshoot Eqn794 is shown in Fig. 5.9(b), irrespective of the input applied to the system. It is inferred that for an undamped system (Eqn795), the peak overshoot is maximum; and for the critically damped system (Eqn796), the peak overshoot is minimum. In addition, the peak overshoot does not exist for the second-order overdamped system (Eqn797). Hence, peak overshoot varies only for the second order underdamped system (Eqn798).


Fig. 5.9(b) ∣ Relation between peak overshoot and damping ratio

Settling Time Eqn799: The time taken by the response of a system to reach 98% of the final value is known as the settling time. It can be obtained by equating the response of the system c(t) to 0.98.


Steady-State Error Eqn801: It is the measurement of the difference existing between the standard input signal r(t) applied and the output response obtained from the system c(t) when such standard signals are applied.


5.7.3 Time Response of the Second-Order System

The time response of a second-order system (undamped, underdamped, critically damped and overdamped) when the system is subjected to standard test signals such as unit-step, unit-ramp and unit-impulse inputs is discussed in this section.

Time response of the second-order system subjected to unit-impulse input:

The closed-loop transfer function of the second-order system is


and its characteristic equation is given by


The roots of the equation are given by


For unit-impulse input Eqn806 and Eqn807

Case 1: Undamped System

From Table 5.4, it is clear that for an undamped system, Eqn808

Substituting Eqn809 in Eqn. (5.1), we obtain Eqn810

The roots of its characteristic equation are given by


which are purely imaginary.

Substituting Eqn812, we obtain Eqn813

Taking inverse Laplace transform, we obtain the time response of the second-order un-damped system as


Case 2: Underdamped System

From Table 5.4, it is clear that for underdamped system, Eqn815

For Eqn816, the roots of the characteristic equation are


which are complex conjugate.

Here, Eqn818 and Eqn819

Substituting Eqn820 in Eqn. (5.1), we obtain Eqn821

Adding and subtracting Eqn822 to the denominator of the above equation, we obtain


Multiplying and dividing by Eqn824, we obtain Eqn825

Taking inverse Laplace transform, we obtain the response of an underdamped system as


Case 3: Critically Damped

From Table 5.4, it is clear that for critically damped system, Eqn827.

For Eqn828, the roots of the characteristic equation are given by


which are real and equal.

Substituting Eqn830 in Eqn. (5.1), we obtain


Substituting Eqn832 in the above equation, we obtain Eqn833

Taking inverse Laplace transform, we obtain Eqn834

The response of critically damped second-order system has no oscillations.

Case 4: Overdamped System

From Table 5.4, it is clear that for an overdamped system, Eqn835

For Eqn836, the roots of the characteristic equation are given by


which are real and unequal.

Substituting Eqn838 in Eqn. (5.1), we obtain Eqn839

Assuming Eqn840 and Eqn841, we obtain Eqn842

Using partial fractions, we obtain


Taking inverse Laplace transform, we obtain the response of an overdamped system as


The input and output signals for the second-order system subjected to unit-impulse input are shown in Fig. 5.10.


Fig. 5.10 ∣ Responses of the second-order system subjected to impulse input for different cases

Time response of a second-order system subjected to a unit-step input:

The closed-loop transfer function of the second-order system is Eqn845

and its characteristic equation is given by


The roots of the equation are given by


For unit-step input Eqn848 and Eqn849.

Case 1: Undamped System

From Table 5.4, for an undamped system, Eqn850

Substituting Eqn851, we obtain Eqn852

and the roots of its characteristic equation will be purely imaginary and it is given by


Substituting Eqn854 in Eqn. (5.1), we obtain Eqn855

Using partial fractions, we obtain


Taking inverse Laplace transform, we obtain time response of the second-order undamped system as


Therefore, the response of an undamped second-order system when subjected to unit-step input is purely oscillatory which is shown in Fig. 5.11.


Fig. 5.11 ∣ Response of undamped second-order system subjected to unit-step input

Case 2: Underdamped System

From the Table 5.4, it is clear that for underdamped system, Eqn858.

Substituting Eqn859, the roots of the characteristic equation are given by


which are complex conjugates where Eqn861 and Eqn862

Substituting Eqn863 in Eqn. (5.1), we obtain Eqn864

Using partial fractions, we obtain


Adding and subtracting Eqn866 to the denominator of second term in the above equation, we obtain


Rearranging, we obtain


Hence, Eqn869

where Eqn870.


Multiplying and dividing by Eqn872 in the third term of the above equation, we obtain


Taking inverse Laplace transform, we obtain



Simplifying, we obtain

Eqn876 Eqn877

where Eqn878

The response of an underdamped second-order system oscillates before settling to a final value is shown in Fig. 5.12. The oscillation depends on the damping ratio.


Fig. 5.12 ∣ Response of underdamped second-order system subjected to unit-step input

Case 3: Critically Damped System

From Table 5.4, it is clear that for critically damped system, Eqn879

For Eqn880, the roots of the characteristic equation are given by


which are real and equal.

Substituting Eqn882 in Eqn. (5.1), we obtain Eqn883

Since Eqn884, Eqn885

Using partial fraction expansion, we obtain


Taking inverse Laplace transform, we obtain


The response of a critically damped second-order system has no oscillations as shown in Fig. 5.13.


Fig. 5.13 ∣ Response of a critically damped second-order system subjected to unit-step input

Case 4: Overdamped System

From Table 5.4, it is clear that for underdamped system, Eqn888

For Eqn889, the roots of the characteristic equation are given by


which are real and unequal.

Substituting Eqn891 in Eqn. (5.1), we obtain


Using partial fractions, we obtain




Taking inverse Laplace transform, we get the response of the overdamped system as


Therefore, the response of an overdamped second-order system when subjected to unit-step input has no oscillations but it takes longer time to reach the final steady value as shown in Fig. 5.14.


Fig. 5.14 ∣ Response of an overdamped second-order system when subjected to unit-step input

The responses of the second-order system when subjected to a unit-step input are shown in Fig. 5.15.


Fig. 5.15 ∣ Responses of different second-order systems when the system is excited by unit-step input

Time response of a second-order system subjected to a unit-ramp input

The closed-loop transfer function of the second-order system is Eqn898

and its characteristic equation is given by Eqn899

The roots of the equation are given by


For a unit-impulse input, Eqn901 and Eqn902

Case 1: Undamped System

From Table 5.4, it is clear that for an undamped system, Eqn903

Substituting Eqn904 in Eqn. (5.1), we obtain Eqn905

and the roots of its characteristic equation will be purely imaginary as given by


Substituting Eqn907 in Eqn.(5.1), we obtain Eqn908

Using partial fractions, we obtain Eqn909

Taking inverse Laplace transform, we obtain the time response of the second-order undamped system as


Case 2: Underdamped System

From Table 5.4, it is clear that for an underdamped system, Eqn911.

For Eqn912, the roots of the characteristic equation are given by Eqn913 which are complex conjugate.

Substituting Eqn1986 in Eqn. (5.1), we obtain Eqn914



Using partial fractions, we obtain


Taking inverse Laplace transform, we obtain the time response of an underdamped system as


Case 3: Critically Damped System

From Table 5.4, it is clear that for critically damped system, Eqn919

For Eqn920, the roots of the characteristic equation are given by Eqn921 which are real and equal.

Substituting Eqn922 in Eqn. (5.1), we obtain Eqn923

Substituting Eqn924 in above equation, we obtain Eqn925

Using partial fractions, we obtain


Taking inverse Laplace transform, we obtain


Case 4: Overdamped System

From Table 5.4, it is clear that for underdamped system, Eqn928

For Eqn929, the roots of the characteristic equation are given by Eqn930 which are real and unequal.

Substituting Eqn931 in Eqn. (5.1), we obtain Eqn932

Using partial fractions, we obtain 04

Taking inverse Laplace transform, we obtain the time response of the overdamped system as


where 06.

5.7.4 Time-Domain Specifications for an Underdamped Second-Order System

The time-domain specifications of an underdamped second-order system when subjected to different standard signals are discussed below.

Underdamped second-order system subjected to a unit-impulse input:

The time response of an underdamped second-order system is given by


where Eqn940

Peak Time Eqn941:

The peak time, Eqn942




where Eqn947.

Maximum Peak Overshoot Eqn948:

The maximum peak overshoot Eqn949 when a standard unit signal is applied, is given by

Eqn950 Eqn951

Substituting the peak time Eqn952 in the above equation, we obtain


Using the right angled triangle shown in Fig. 5.16, we obtain


Also, the percentage peak overshoot is given by


Settling Time Eqn956:

For 2 % of tolerance, the settling time is given by


For determining the settling time, the oscillatory component present in the response of the system is eliminated. Only the exponential component is considered because as time t tends to infinity, the response of the system tries to follow the input.

Hence, the modified time response of the system is given by


Settling time for 2 % of tolerance is determined as


Solving the above equation, we obtain


Similarly, we can solve for 5% of tolerance and its settling time is

Eqn961 sec

Underdamped second-order system subjected to a unit-step input:

The time response of an underdamped second-order system is given by



where Eqn964.

Rise Time Eqn965:

From the definition, Eqn966

But for an underdamped second-order system, Eqn967

Using the above equation, the response of the second-order system,





For n = 1, Eqn972


Peak Time Eqn974:

From the definition, Eqn975


Equating the above equation to zero, the peak time Eqn977 can be determined:


Simplifying, we obtain


Using the term Eqn980, a right-angled triangle can be formed as shown in Fig. 5.16. The termsEqn981and Eqn982 can be replaced by Eqn983 and Eqn984 respectively.


Fig. 5.16 ∣ Right angled triangle for damping ratio

Rewriting the above equation, we obtain


Using the formula Eqn987, we obtain


or Eqn989

We know that the peak time is the time taken by the response to reach the first peak overshoot. Therefore,


The peak time Eqn991 given by the above equation corresponds to one-half cycle of the frequency of damped oscillations.

Maximum Peak Overshoot Eqn992:

From the definition, the maximum peak overshoot Eqn993 when a standard unit-step signal is applied is given by



Substituting the peak time Eqn996 in the above equation, we obtain


Using the formula Eqn998 and using the right-angled triangle i.e., shown in Fig. 5.16, we obtain


Also, the percentage peak overshoot is given by


Settling Time Eqn1001:

For 2 % of tolerance, the settling time is given by


For determining the settling time, the oscillatory component present in the response of the system is eliminated and only exponential component is considered because as time t tends to infinity, the response of the system tries to follow the input.

Hence, the modified time response of the system is given by Eqn1003

Settling time for 2 % of tolerance is determined as


Solving the above equation, we obtain Eqn1005

Similarly, the settling time for 5 % of tolerance is given by


Steady-State Error:

The steady-state error is given by



Hence, the second-order underdamped system has zero steady-state error.

Example 5.13: If the characteristic equation of a closed-loop system is s2 + 2s + 2 = 0, then check whether the system is either overdamped, critically damped, underdamped or undamped.


The characteristic equation is Eqn1010

Comparing the above equation with the standard form Eqn1011, we obtain


Eqn1013 and Eqn1014

Since Eqn1015 the given system is underdamped.

Example 5.14: The block diagram of the closed-loop servo system is shown in Fig. E5.14. The system has a servo amplifier to amplify the weak error signal Eqn1016, a servomotor to actuate the load and a reduction gear to reduce the load velocity and to increase the load torque. Determine the transfer function of the system and hence determine the steady-state error of the system subjected to unit-step and unit-ramp input.


Fig. E5.14


Let us assume that

Eqn1017 is the number of teeth of the gear in the motor side.

Eqn1018 is the number of teeth in the load side.

Eqn1019 = Eqn1020 is the gear ratio.

Eqn1021 is the load torque in Newton-metre.

Eqn1022 is the forward loop gain in Newton-metre/rad error.

Eqn1023 is the moment of inertia in kg-m2.

Eqn1024 is the friction coefficient in Newton metre/rad/sec.

Eqn1025 is the moment of inertia of the load.

Eqn1026 is friction coefficient of the load.

T(s) = Eqn1028 is the load torque referred to the motor shaft.

Eqn1029 is the friction coefficient at the motor shaft and

J = Eqn1031 is the moment of inertia at the motor shaft.

If Eqn1032 is the error signal, the actuating signal to drive the motor and the load is Eqn1033. If the system is a second-order system, then the differential equation of the system is


which is referred to the motor shaft.

Equating the above equation to the actuating signal Eqn1033, we obtain


Taking Laplace transform on both the sides, we obtain


But Eqn1038

Substituting the error signal in Eqn. (1), we obtain

Eqn1039 (neglecting load torque)


Therefore, the transfer function of the system is


Comparing the above equation with standard closed-loop transfer function of the second-order system Eqn1042, we obtain

Eqn1043 and Eqn1044

Therefore, Eqn1045

Also, using the above relations, we obtain Eqn1046.

Determination of steady-state error:

  1. For unit-step input:

    Substituting Eqn1047 in Eqn. (1), we obtain


    Solving the above equation, we obtain


    For unit-step input, we have Eqn1050

    Hence, Eqn1051

    Therefore, the steady-state error of the system is


    But when T is neglected, Eqn1053

  2. For a ramp input with slope Eqn1054


Example 5.15 The moment of inertia and retarding friction of a servo ­mechanism are 10 × 10−6 slug-ft2 and 400 × 10−6 lb.ft/rad sec ­respectively. Also, the output torque of the system is 0.004 lb.ft/rad error. Determine ωn and ξ for the system.


The formulae for Eqn1060 and Eqn1061 for the servo system are


Substituting the known values in the above equations, we obtain



Example 5.16: The values of different parameters of the closed-loop servo system shown in Fig. E5.16 are B = 66 × 10−6 N.m/rad/sec, ξ = 0.25, Eqn1030 = 1.35 × 10−6 kg-m2, Eqn1027 = 2.72 × 10−4 Nm/volt, gear ratio = 10:1 synchro constant KS = 57.4 V/rad/error and ­constant error detector = 1 V/degree. The system has servo amplifier that amplifies the weak error signal Eqn1985 and a servomotor to actuate the load. Determine (i) ωn (ii) the gain of the amplifier and (iii) new5ss when the input shaft rotates at a speed of 10 rpm.


Fig. E5.16


Input velocity, Eqn1071

Motor constant, Eqn1072

The formulae for Eqn1073 and Eqn1074 for the servo system are Eqn1075

Substituting the known values in the above equations, we obtain


and Eqn1077 Eqn1078 at the motor shaft.

Gain of the amplifier



Steady-state error at motor shaft Eqn1081.

Example 5.17: The closed-loop servo system that controls the position of the system as shown in Fig. E5.17 has servomotor and servo amplifier. Determine (i) amplifier gain and (ii) steady-state error, given that the moment of inertia of the motor Eqn1030m = 1.4 × 10−6 Kg − m2, Eqn1030L = 0.0027 Kg − m2 , gear ratio is 100:1, synchro constant, new7s = 57.4 V/rad/error, motor constant new7m = 3.3 × 10−4 N.m/V, new6 = 68 × 10−6 N.m, ξ = 0.2 and the input shaft rotates at a speed of 20 rpm.


Fig. E5.17


Referring to the load side, the moment of inertia at the load shaft is


The total friction at the load shaft


Therefore, Eqn1090


Steady-state error, Eqn1092

If Eqn1093 is the loop gain measured at the load side (feedback is given from the gear), then


But Eqn1095

Therefore, Eqn1096

Example 5.18: The closed-loop transfer function of the mechanical system is given by Eqn1097. The following time-domain specifications are obtained when a step input of magnitude 10 Nm is applied to the ­system (i) maximum overshoot = 6 %, (ii) time of peak overshoot = 1 sec and (iii) the steady-state value of the output is 0.5 rad. Determine J, B and K.


The closed-loop transfer function can be rearranged as Eqn1098

Comparing the above equation with standard closed-loop transfer function of the second-order system Eqn1099, we obtain

Eqn1100 i.e., Eqn1101(1)

and Eqn1102 i.e., Eqn1103(2)

Given the maximum overshoot = 6 % = 0.06

Therefore, Eqn1104

Taking natural logarithm on both sides, we obtain


Solving the above equation, we obtain Eqn1106(3)

Also, given the time for peak overshoot Eqn1107

Therefore, Eqn1108

Solving the above equation, we obtain


For a step input of 10 Nm applied to the system, Eqn1110

Therefore, Eqn1111

The K can be obtained by determining the steady-state error of the system. It is obtained by using final value theorem.

Steady-state error Eqn1112


Therefore, Eqn1114

Using Eqn. (1) and Eqn. (4), we obtain


Similarly, substituting the known values in Eqn. (2), we obtain


Therefore, the overall transfer function of the given system is


Example 5.19: For the electrical system shown in Fig. E5.19, obtain the expressions for ωn and ξ.




The output voltage across the capacitor is Eqn1120

Applying Kirchhoff's voltage law, we obtain


Taking Laplace transform of the above equations, we obtain


and Eqn1123

Simplifying, we obtain


Substituting Eqn. (2) in Eqn. (1), we obtain


Hence, the transfer function for the system is obtained by


Comparing the above equation with standard closed-loop transfer function of the second-order system Eqn1127, we obtain

Eqn1128 and Eqn1129

Therefore, Eqn1130 and Eqn1131

Example 5.20: For the electrical system shown in Fig. E5.20, obtain the expressions for ωn and ξ. Also, determine (i) peak overshoot and (ii) settling time for 2 % tolerance.




We know that, for the given system, the damped natural frequency and damping ratio are

Eqn1134 and Eqn1135

Substituting the known values, we obtain

Eqn1136 and Eqn1137

The time-domain specifications are


and Eqn1139

Example 5.21: A system with a unity feedback system has an open-loop transfer function Eqn1140. Determine time-domain specifications of the system subjected to unit-step input.


The closed-loop transfer function of the system is given by


Comparing the above equation with standard closed-loop transfer function of the second-order system, we obtain

Eqn1144, Eqn1145, Eqn1146.

Hence, the time-domain specifications are obtained as

Peak time, Eqn1147


Rise time, Eqn1149

Percentage peak overshoot, Eqn1150

Settling time for 2 % of tolerance, Eqn1151

and for 5 % of tolerance, Eqn1152

Example 5.22: The system with unity feedback control system has an open-loop transfer function Eqn1153. Determine the time-domain specifications when the system is subjected to a step input of 12 units.


The closed-loop transfer function of the system is given by


Comparing the above equation with standard closed-loop transfer function of the second-order system, we obtain


and Eqn1159

Hence, the time-domain specifications of the system subjected to unit-step input are obtained as


Rise time, Eqn1161

Percentage peak overshoot, Eqn1162

Peak time, Eqn1163.

Time delay, Eqn1164 sec.

Settling time, Eqn1165.

Example 5.23: A system described by the differential equation is given by Eqn1166. Determine (i) response of the system and (ii) the maximum output of the system when a step input of magnitude 2.5 units is applied to the system.


Given new10

Taking Laplace transform on both the sides of the given differential equation, we obtain


Therefore, the transfer function of the system can be obtained as


Comparing the above equation with standard closed-loop transfer function of the second-order system, we obtain

ω2n = 25, i.e., ωn = 5 and 2ξωn = 8 i.e., ξ = 0.8




Since for the given second-order system, the damping ratio is Eqn1176, the system is an underdamped system. Hence, the response for the second-order underdamped system when a unit-step signal applied is given by


But in this system, as the transfer function is multiplied by two, the response must also be multiplied by two.

Therefore, by substituting the known values in the above equation, we obtain


The above equation is the response of the system subjected to a unit-step input. Hence, when the system is subjected to a step input of magnitude 2.5 units, we obtain the response of the system as



The response of the system will be at its maximum value at Eqn1181

Therefore, Eqn1182

Therefore, the maximum output is obtained as


Example 5.24: A system with a unity feedback has an open-loop transfer function Eqn1184, Eqn1027 is the time constant. Determine the factor by which the gain new7 should be multiplied so that the overshoot of a unit-step response is to be reduced from 75 % to 25 %.


The closed-loop transfer function of the system is given by


Comparing the above equation with the standard form, we obtain

Eqn1187,Eqn1188 and Eqn1189


Hence, the value must be changed from 0.0911 to 0.4037 to reduce the percentage peak overshoot from 75 % to 25 %.

Hence, by taking the ratio for different values of Eqn1199, we obtain




where K is the gain for Eqn1203 and K1 is the gain for Eqn1204

Hence, the gain K must be multiplied by 0.05092 to change percentage peak overshoot from 75% to 25%.

Example 5.25: A system with a unity feedback has an open-loop transfer function Eqn1205 and Eqn1027 is the time constant. (i) Determine the factor by which the gain new7 should be multiplied so that the damping ratio is to be increased from 0.15 to 0.5 and (ii) determine the factor by which the time constant Eqn1027 should be multiplied so that the damping ratio is to be decreased from 0.8 to 0.4.


The closed-loop transfer function of the system is given by


Comparing the above equation with the standard form, we obtain

Eqn1208,i.e., Eqn1209 and Eqn1210

Case (i):

Consider the time constant T to be constant. Let K = K1 for Eqn1211and K = K2 for Eqn1212.

Using the formulae for Eqn1213 and taking the ratio, we obtain


Solving the above equation, we obtain


Hence, the gain K has to be multiplied by the factor 0.09 to reduce the damping ratio from 0.5 to 0.15.

Case (ii):

Consider the gain K to be constant. Let T = T1 for Eqn1216 and T = T2 for Eqn1217.

Using the formula for Eqn1218 and taking the ratio, we obtain


Solving the above equation, we obtain Eqn1220

Hence, the time constant T has to be multiplied by the factor 4 to reduce the damping ratio from 0.8 to 0.4.

Example 5.26: When a unit-step signal is applied, the time response of the second-order system is Eqn1221. Determine (i) the closed-loop transfer function of the system, (ii) undamped natural frequency ωn and (iii) damping ratio ξ of the system.


The Laplace transform of a unit-step signal applied to the system is given by


Taking Laplace transform of the time response of the system c(t), we obtain


Hence, the closed-loop transfer function is


Comparing the above equation with the standard form, we obtain

Eqn1229 i.e., Eqn1230 rad/sec

and Eqn1231 i.e., Eqn1232

Since the damping ratio of the system Eqn1233, the system is overdamped.

Example 5.27: A unity feedback system shown in Fig. E5.27 has an open-loop transfer function Eqn1234. Determine (i) response Eqn1235 of the ­system subjected to a unit-step input, (ii) the damping ratio and (iii) undamped natural frequency of the system.


Fig. E5.27


For the given system, the closed-loop transfer function of the system is given by


Comparing the above equation with the standard form, we obtain

Eqn1238i.e., Eqn1239 and Eqn1240 i.e., Eqn1241

Also, Eqn1242


The response of the second-order underdamped system is given by


Substituting the known values in the above equation, we obtain


Example 5.28: The mechanical system shown in Fig. E5.28 has the parameter ­values as Eqn1246 and Eqn1247. A step force of 100 N is applied to the system. Determine the (i) damping factor, (ii) undamped natural frequency and (iii) damped natural frequency and the step response of the system as a function of time.


Fig. E5.28


Using Newton's second law to the above system, we obtain


Taking Laplace transform and using the given values, we obtain



Comparing the above equation with the standard form, we obtain

Eqn1252 i.e., Eqn1253

and Eqn1254 i.e., Eqn1255

Damped natural frequency Eqn1256

For a second-order underdamped system, the step response of the system is given by


The given transfer function is modified as given in Eqn.(5.1) as


Then, the response of the system is given by


where Eqn1262

Hence, Eqn1263

Example 5.29: For the system shown in Fig. E5.29, determine the time response Eqn1264 of the system.


Fig. E5.29



Example 5.30: For the mechanical system shown in Fig. E5.30, determine the ­expression for (i) damping factor, (ii) undamped natural frequency and (iii) damped natural frequency.


Fig. E5.30


Using Newton's second law to the mass M, we obtain


Taking Laplace transform, we obtain


Comparing the above equation with the standard form, we obtain

Eqn1284 and Eqn1285

Hence, undamped natural frequency, Eqn1286

Damping factor, Eqn1287

Damped natural frequency, Eqn1288

Example 5.31: A unity feedback system has an open-loop transfer function Eqn1289. Determine the gain K so that the system has a damping ratio of 0.5. Also, determine (i) settling time Eqn1290, (ii) peak overshoot Eqn1291 and (iii) peak time Eqn1292 subjected to a unit-step input.


For the given system, the closed-loop transfer function of the system is given by


Comparing the above equation with the standard form, we obtain

Eqn1295 i.e., Eqn1296 and Eqn1297 i.e., Eqn1298

For the given damping ratio Eqn1299 Eqn1300

Hence, undamped natural frequency, Eqn1301

Damped natural frequency, Eqn1302

Settling time, Eqn1303

Percentage peak overshoot, Eqn1304

Peak time, Eqn1305

Example 5.32: The differential equation for a system is given by Eqn1306 Determine (i) the time-domain specifications such as settling time, peak time, delay time, rise time and % peak overshoot and (ii) output response of the system subjected to a unit-step input.


Given Eqn1307

Taking Laplace transform, we obtain



Comparing the above equation with the standard form Eqn1310, we obtain

Eqn1311 i.e., Eqn1312 and Eqn1313 i.e., Eqn1314

Hence, undamped natural frequency, Eqn1315 rad/sec.

Damping ratio, Eqn1316

Damped natural frequency, Eqn1317 rad/sec, Eqn1318 rad

The time-domain specifications are

Delay time, Eqn1319

Rise time, Eqn1320

Peak time, Eqn1321

Settling time, Eqn1322

% peak overshoot, Eqn1323

Thus, the output response of the second-order system subjected to unit-step signal is given by


where Eqn1325

Substituting the known values, we obtain


Example 5.33: Determine the values of K and a of the closed-loop system shown in Fig. E5.33(a), so that the maximum overshoot in unit-step response is 25% and the peak time is 2 sec. Assume that Eqn1329


Fig. E5.33(a)

Solution: From Fig. E5.33(a),


After successive reduction, the block diagram is shown as


Fig. E5.33(b)

From Fig. E5.33(b), the following closed-loop transfer function is obtained:


The standard second-order transfer function is given by


Comparing the above equations, we obtain


Eqn1334 and Eqn1335

Substituting Eqn1336 we obtain

Eqn1337 and Eqn1338

For 25% overshoot, the equation is written as


Taking natural logarithm on both the sides, we obtain


Solving for Eqn1341 we obtain Eqn1342

Also, Eqn1343

Solving the above equation for Eqn1344 we obtain


Therefore, Eqn1346a

and Eqn1346b

Example 5.34: The system shown in Fig. E5.34 has a damping ratio of 0.7 and an ­undamped natural frequency of 4 rad/sec. Determine the gain K and constant a.


Fig. E5.34

Solution: The closed-loop transfer function for the given system is given by


Comparing the above equation with the standard form, we obtain

Eqn1349 i.e., Eqn1350

and Eqn1351 i.e., Eqn1352

Here, undamped natural frequency, Eqn1353

Given Eqn1354 rad/sec. Hence, Eqn1355.

Given ξ = 0.7.

The damping ratio, Eqn1356

i.e., Eqn1357

Therefore, a = 0.225.

Example 5.35: The closed-loop transfer function of a second-order system is given by Eqn1358. Determine the time-domain specifications such as rise time, peak time, peak overshoot and settling time when the system is subjected to unit-step input. Also, determine the output response of the given second-order system.

Solution: The closed-loop transfer function of the second-order system is given by


Comparing the above equation with the standard form, we obtain

Eqn1361 and Eqn1362

Hence, undamped natural frequency, Eqn1363

Damping ratio, Eqn1364

Damped natural frequency, Eqn1365 rad/sec


The time-domain specifications are obtained as

Rise time, Eqn1367

Peak time, Eqn1368

% maximum peak overshoot, Eqn1369

Settling time, Eqn1370

When the second-order system is subjected to a unit-step input, the output response is obtained as Eqn1371

Substituting the known values in the above equation, we obtain


Example 5.36: The open-loop transfer function of the system with a unity feedback is given by Eqn1373. Determine the time-domain ­specifications such as rise time, percentage peak overshoot, peak time and settling time when the system is subjected to a step unit of 12 units.

Solution: Given the open-loop transfer function of the given system is


The system has a unity feedback, Eqn1375

Hence, the closed-loop transfer function of the system is given by


Comparing the above equation with the standard form, we obtain

Eqn1378 and Eqn1379

Hence, undamped natural frequency Eqn1380 rad/sec.

Damping ratio, Eqn1381

Damped natural frequency, Eqn1382 rad/sec.

Eqn1383 rad.

It is important to note that the formula for determining the time-domain specifications except for % peak overshoot of the given second-order system is same irrespective of the magnitude of the input signal applied to the system.

Hence, the time-domain specifications for the given system are obtained as

Rise time, Eqn1384

Peak time, Eqn1385

% percentage peak overshoot, Eqn1386

Example 5.37: In the block diagram representation of a servo system shown in Fig. E5.37, determine the values of K and K1 so that the maximum overshoot of the system is 25% and the peak time is 2 sec when the system is subjected to a unit-step input.


Fig. E5.37

Solution: The closed-loop transfer function of the system is


The characteristic equation of the system is


Comparing the above equation with the standard form Eqn1392, we obtain

Eqn1393 and Eqn1394

Therefore, Eqn1395, Eqn1396

and Eqn1397

Using peak time and maximum peak overshoot formula, we obtain

Eqn1398 and Eqn1399

Solving the above equation, we obtain

Eqn1400 and Eqn1401

Example 5.38: The data of a closed-loop servo system are inertia Eqn1402, ­viscous damping coefficient Eqn1403/rad/sec and a proportional controller that has a forward loop gain of K = 100 Nw − m/rad error. If the system is initially at rest, determine (i) percentage overshoot and (ii) settling time for 5% oscillation subjected to unit-step input.

Solution: For the given closed-loop servo system, we obtain

Eqn1404 Eqn1405

Substituting the known values, we obtain

Eqn1406 Eqn1407

Therefore, % overshoot = Eqn1408 = Eqn1410 = 30.09%

To find settling time for 5% oscillation

It is known that

e-m × 100 = 5 and Eqn1411

Therefore, Eqn1412

and the time constant, Eqn1413

Hence, Eqn1414

Example 5.39: The open-loop transfer function of a second-order system is Eqn1415. Determine (i) maximum peak overshoot Eqn1416 and (ii) the time to reach the maximum overshoot Eqn1417 when a step displacement of 20° is given to the system. Also, determine (iii) rise time Eqn1418 and (iv) settling time Eqn1419 for an error of 6 % by determining the time constant of the system.

Solution: The closed-loop transfer function of a unity feedback system is


Comparing the above equation with the standard form, we obtain


The maximum overshoot is given by Eqn1423

For an input of 20°, the overshoot = Eqn1424

The time at which the maximum overshoot occurs is


Rise time, Eqn1426

where Eqn1427

Hence, Eqn1428

For 6 % error Eqn1429

Time constant, Eqn1430

Settling time, Eqn1431

5.8 Steady-State Error

The objective of the control system is to make the system response follow the specific ­standard reference signal applied to the system in a steady state without any deviation. The steady state occurs due to the presence of non-linearities in the system. The accuracy of the control system is measured by steady-state error. The steady-state error is defined as the difference between the output response of the control system and the standard ­reference signal applied to it. The occurrence of steady-state error in the control system is almost inevitable. But the steady-state error can be maintained at a minimum value by satisfying the specifications of the transient response of the system.

5.8.1 Characteristic of Steady-State Error

For the system shown in Fig. 5.17(a), Eqn1432 is the step input, Eqn1433 is the output and Eqn1434 is the error. As Eqn1435 equals Eqn1436 in the steady-state condition, there will be no error existing in the system (i.e., Eqn1437 = 0) which is practically impossible with the pure gain K. Thus, in the steady-state condition, the relation between the steady-state value of the error and the steady-state value of the output is given by Eqn1438. Thus, for achieving a smaller steady-state value of the error Eqn1439, a large value of gain K is used. Hence, a steady-state error will be present in the system if a step input is applied to the system that has a gain in the forward path.


Fig 5.17 ∣ A simple closed-loop system

When a step input is applied, the steady error of the system becomes zero if the gain of the system is replaced by an integrator as shown in Fig. 5.17(b). Thus, the steady-state error varies with the gain value associated with the system.

5.8.2 Determination of Steady-State Error

The steady-state error of a system when different types of standard test input signals are applied to it is discussed in this section. The steady-state error can be determined for the system with unity feedback and also for the system with non-unity feedback in terms of closed-loop transfer function of the system.

5.8.3 Steady-State Error in Terms of G(s)

In this section, we will be determining the steady-state error of the system with unity ­feedback path. Let Eqn1441 be the transfer function of the forward path and Eqn1442. Although, the steady-state error is calculated in terms of closed-loop transfer function of the system for a unity feedback system, it is better to use the open-loop transfer function Eqn1443.


Fig 5.18 ∣ A simple closed-loop system with unity feedback

Consider a system with unity feedback as shown in Fig. 5.18. The error Eqn1444 is the ­difference between the input Eqn1445 and the output Eqn1446. Thus, by solving for Eqn1447, it is­ ­possible to get an expression for the error.

Therefore, Eqn1448


Solving the above equations, we obtain Eqn1450

Applying the final value theorem to above the equation, we get the steady-state error of the system as


Thus, the steady-state error Eqn1452 can be determined for different standard test input signals Eqn1453 and systems Eqn1454. Let us consider the system with forward path transfer function as Eqn1455 and we can determine the relationship between the steady-state error and Eqn1456 by applying some standard signals such as unit-step input, unit-ramp input and unit-parabolic input.

Step Input

For a unit-step signal, Eqn1457,


Case 1: if at least one pole exists at the origin, i.e., Eqn1459


The steady-state error, Eqn1461

Case 2: if there does not exist a pole at origin, i.e., n = 0


which is finite and yields a finite steady-state error.

Ramp Input

For a unit-ramp signal, Eqn1463,


Case 1: If there are two or more poles at the origin, i.e., Eqn1465.


The steady-state error Eqn1467

Case 2: If there is only one pole at the origin, i.e., Eqn1468


which is finite and leads to constant steady-state error

Case 3: If there is no pole at the origin,


which leads to an infinite steady-state error.

Parabolic Input:

For a unit-parabolic signal, Eqn1471,


Case 1: If there are three or more poles at the origin, i.e., Eqn1473


The steady-state error will be zero i.e., Eqn1475.

Case 2: If there are two poles at the origin, i.e., Eqn1476


The steady-state error will be constant finite value.

Case 3: If there is less than one pole at the origin, i.e., Eqn1478


The steady-state error will be infinite, Eqn1480.

5.8.4 Steady-State Error in Terms of T(s)

Let Eqn1482 be the transfer function of the forward path and Eqn1483 be the transfer function of the feedback path. In this case, the steady-state error is calculated in terms of closed-loop transfer function of the system Eqn1484.


Fig 5.19 ∣ A simple closed-loop system

Referring to Fig. 5.19, the error Eqn1485 is the difference between the input Eqn1486 and the output Eqn1487. Thus, by solving for Eqn1488, it is possible to get an expression for the error. Then, by applying final value theorem, the steady-state error is obtained as


where Eqn1490

Therefore, Eqn1491

Applying the final value theorem, we obtain steady-state error of the system as


5.8.5 Static Error Constants and System Type

In general, the response of a system consists of transient response and steady-state response. In the previous sections, we have discussed about the transient response of the system and its performance specifications such as damping ratio, natural frequency, settling time and percent overshoot subjected to different standard signals. ­Similarly, the ­performance specifications of steady-state error called static error constants can be ­determined as given below.

Static Error Constants

For a step input, Eqn1493 its corresponding steady-state error is


For a ramp input, Eqn new 1 its corresponding steady-state error is


For a parabolic input, Eqn1497 its corresponding steady-state error is


Eqn1499 are collectively known as static error constants and they are separately termed as position error constant, velocity error constant and acceleration error constant respectively.

Position error constant, Eqn1500

Velocity error constant, Eqn1501

Acceleration error constant, Eqn1502

Since the static error constants are present at the denominator of the steady-state error equation, the steady-state error will decrease as the static error constant increases. It is clear that the above three static error constants are dependent on the transfer function of the system Eqn1503 and the number of poles present at the origin. But it is known that the number of poles present at the origin determines the TYPE of the system. Hence, the relationship among the TYPE of the system, static error constant and steady-state error of the system are given in Table 5.5.

Table 5.5 ∣ Relationship among the input, system type, static error constant and steady-state error


The significant features of static error constants:

  1. Steady-state error characteristics are specified using static error constants.
  2. The TYPE of the system, the type of input applied to the system can be determined by knowing the static error constants.
  3. These coefficients are used for error analysis only if the input is step, ramp and parabolic inputs.
  4. The values of static error constants given in Table 5.5 are for the systems only with unity feedback.
  5. If the input applied to a system is a linear combination of the inputs (step, ramp and parabolic), then the steady-state error can be obtained by superimposing the errors obtained due to each input.

Example 5.40: The open-loop transfer function of a control system is Eqn1529. Determine the steady-state error of the ­system when the transfer function of the feedback path is Eqn1530 and the system inputs are (i) Eqn1531, (ii) Eqn1532 and (iii) Eqn1533.

Solution: The characteristic equation of the system is



Therefore, the steady-state error of the system is


Steady-state error for different inputs:

  1. For step input Eqn1537, Eqn1538

    Therefore, Eqn1539 Eqn1540

  2. For ramp input Eqn1541, Eqn1542


  3. For acceleration input Eqn1545, Eqn1546


Example 5.41: The open-loop transfer function of a unity feedback system is Eqn1548 and damping ratio ξ = 0.4. Determine K and the steady-state error for the ramp input.

Solution: The characteristic equation of the system,



Comparing the above equation with the standard form Eqn1552, we obtain


Substituting known values, we obtain Eqn1554

Also, Eqn1555

Hence, Eqn1556

Steady-state error for the ramp input:

Velocity error constant Eqn1557

Therefore, Eqn1558

Example 5.42: For a unity feedback system shown in Fig. E5.42(a), B = 70 × 10−6 Nm/rad/sec, J = 1.4 × 10, motor constant Eqn1561, gain of the error detector or synchro constant Ks = 57.4 V/rad/error, ξ = 0.3 and error = 1 V. Input speed = 20 rpm. Determine the steady-state error of the system.


Fig. E5.42(a)

Solution: The equivalent block diagram of the system is shown in Fig. E5.42(b).


Fig. E5.42(b)

Input velocity, Eqn1564

Motor constant Eqn1565

We know that, for the given system Eqn1566 and Eqn1567

Therefore, Eqn1568

Eqn1569 = Eqn1570

Gain of the amplifier = Eqn1571



Steady-state error at motor shaft, Eqn1574

Example 5.43: A control system is designed to keep the antenna of a tracking radar pointed at a flying target. The system must be able to follow a straight line course with speed up to 1,000 km/hr with a maximum ­permissible error of 0.01°. If the shortest distance from antenna to target is 300 m, then determine the ramp error constant Kv in order to ­satisfy the requirements.



Fig. E5.43

Speed = 1000 km/hr Eqn1576

Therefore, the distance travelled by the target for 1 sec = 277 m

From Fig. E5.43, we obtain Eqn1577

Therefore, Eqn1578

But we know that for a ramp input, the steady-state error is obtained as


Therefore, for the given system where the input R is an angle Eqn1580, we obtain


Therefore, the ramp error constant, Eqn1582

Example 5.44: The open-loop transfer function of a system with unity feedback is given by Eqn1583 and the input signal to be applied to the system is given by Eqn1584 Determine the steady-state error of the system.


Given the open-loop transfer function Eqn1585.

Position error constant, Eqn1586

Velocity error constant, Eqn1587

Acceleration error constant, Eqn1588

Hence, the steady-state error for

  1. the input Eqn1589 is given by Eqn1590
  2. the input Eqn1591 is given by Eqn1592
  3. the input Eqn1593 is given by Eqn1594

Hence, the total steady-state error is given by

Eqn1595 Eqn1596 Eqn1597.

Example 5.45: The open-loop transfer function of a system with unity feedback is given by Eqn1598. Determine (i) all the error constants and (ii) error for ramp input with magnitude 4.

Solution: (i) Given the open-loop transfer function Eqn1599.

  1. Position error constant, Eqn1600
  2. Velocity error constant, Eqn1601
  3. Acceleration error constant, Eqn1602

(ii) The steady-state error for ramp input is given by


Give the magnitude of ramp input, A = 4

Therefore, Eqn1605

Example 5.46: The open-loop transfer function of a system with unity feedback is given by Eqn1606. Determine all the error constants and hence the steady-state error when the system is subjected to an input signal Eqn1607.

Solution: Given the open-loop transfer function Eqn1608.

  1. Position error constant, Eqn1609
  2. Velocity error constant, Eqn1610
  3. Acceleration error constant, Eqn1611

Hence, the steady-state error for

  1. the input 3 is given by Eqn1612
  2. the input Eqn1613 is given by Eqn1614
  3. the input t2 is given by Eqn1616a

Hence, the total steady-state error is given by Eqn1617aEqn1618Eqn1619

Example 5.47: The block diagram shown in Fig. E5.47 represents a heat treating oven. The set point (desired temperature) is Eqn1620. What is the steady-state temperature?


Fig. E5.47

Solution: Given Eqn1621 Eqn1622 and input is step of 1,000

The input Eqn1623

For step input,


Therefore, steady-state error, Eqn1625

where A = magnitude of step input.

i.e., Eqn1626

Therefore, the steady-state temperature can be determined as


Hence, Eqn1628.

Example 5.48: The open-loop transfer function of a system with unity feedback is given by Eqn1629. Determine the type of signal for which the system gives a constant steady-state error and calculate its value.

Solution: Since there exist no poles at the origin, the system is TYPE 0 system.

From Table 5.5, the unit-step input gives a constant steady-state error for TYPE 0 system.


Position error constant, Eqn1630a

and the steady-state error, Eqn1631

Example 5.49: The open-loop transfer function of a system with unity feedback is given by Eqn1632 and the input signal to be applied to the system is given by Eqn1633. Determine K so that the steady-state error of the system is 0.8.


Given the open-loop transfer function Eqn1634 and Eqn1633(A)

Position error constant, Eqn1635

Velocity error constant, Eqn1636

Acceleration error constant, Eqn1637

Hence, the steady-state error for

  1. the input 1 is given by Eqn1638
  2. the input Eqn1639 is given by Eqn1640
  3. the input 9t2 is given by Eqn1642

Hence, the total steady-state error is given by Eqn1643



Given the steady-state error of the system New 11 Therefore,


Hence, K = 90.

Example 5.50: The open-loop transfer function of a system with unity feedback is given by Eqn1647 and the input signal to be applied to the system is given by Eqn1648. Determine the K1 so that the steady-state error of the system is 0.1.


Given the open-loop transfer function Eqn1649 and new12

Position error constant, Eqn1650

Velocity error constant, Eqn1651

Therefore, the steady-state error for

  1. the input Eqn1652 is given by Eqn1653
  2. the input Eqn1654 is given by Eqn1655

Hence, the total steady-state error is given by Eqn1656



Given the steady-state error of the system is 0.1. Therefore,


Therefore, K1 = 60.

Example 5.51: A control system with PD controller is shown in the Fig. E5.51. If the velocity error constant Eqn1660 and the damping ratio ξ = 0.5, find the values of Eqn1662.


Fig. E5.51


We have Eqn1663

or Eqn1664


The characteristic equation is Eqn1666

or Eqn1667

or Eqn1669

Comparing with Eqn1670, we obtain


or Eqn1672.

Example 5.52: The open-loop transfer function of a system with unity feedback is given by Eqn1673 and a unit-parabolic signal is applied to the system. Determine the static error constants and steady-state error.


Given the open-loop transfer function Eqn1674

Position error constant, Eqn1675

Velocity error constant, Eqn1676

Acceleration error constant, Eqn1677

The steady-state error of the system subjected to parabolic input is given by


5.8.6 Generalized or Dynamic Error Coefficients

The error coefficients discussed in the previous sections are known as static error coefficients since each of the input applied to the system to get the steady-state error is not time-varying quantity. Also, it is impossible to design such control systems to maintain zero ­steady-state error when the input applied is a time-varying quantity. The steady-state error of such ­systems is determined as follows:

The error Eqn1679 of a unity feedback control system as discussed in the static error ­coefficients is given by


The error transfer function, Eqn1681 can be expressed as




where, in general, the coefficients Eqn1685, Eqn1686, Eqn1687, Eqn1688, … are defined as dynamic error ­coefficients or generalized error coefficients.

The generalized error coefficients are obtained using the formula


To determine the steady-state error using the generalized or dynamic error coefficients, the following steps are followed:


Taking inverse Laplace transform, we obtain


Therefore, the steady-state error is given by


The relationship between the static and dynamic (generalized) error coefficients are given below which are not difficult to prove.

Eqn1693, Eqn1694 and Eqn1695

Example 5.53: The open-loop transfer function of a unity feedback control system is Eqn1696. Determine the steady-state error of the system when the system is excited by (i) Eqn1697, (ii) Eqn1698, (iii) Eqn1699 and (iv) Eqn1700 using the generalized error series.

Solution: The transfer function of the system relating the error and the input of the system is given by


Also, the error series of the system is given by Eqn1702

Here, the coefficients Eqn1703, Eqn1704, Eqn1705, Eqn1706, … are obtained using the formula


  1. For input Eqn1708

    From the given input, we obtain Eqn1709

    Therefore, steady-state error Eqn1710

    Hence, Eqn1711

    And, Eqn1712

  2. For the input Eqn1713

    From the given input, we obtain

    Eqn1714 and other differentials as zero.

    Therefore, Eqn1715

    Hence, Eqn1716

    and, Eqn1717

  3. For the input Eqn1718

    From the given input, we obtain

    Eqn1719, Eqn1720 and other higher differentials are zero.

    Therefore, Eqn1721

    where Eqn1722

    Hence, Eqn1723

  4. For the input Eqn1724

    From the given input, we obtain

    Eqn1725, Eqn1726

    Therefore, Eqn1727


    Substituting the known values in the given equation, we obtain




Example 5.54: The block diagram of a fire-control system with unity feedback is shown in Fig. E5.54. Determine the steady-state error of the system when the system input is Eqn1732 using generalized error series method.


Fig. E5.54

Solution: From the block diagram shown in Fig. E5.54, we obtain


For the negative feedback system with Eqn1734, the function Eqn1735 is


For the given input Eqn1738, we have

Eqn1739 and Eqn1740

Therefore, the steady-state error is given by


Therefore, the generalized error coefficients are




Hence, the steady-state error of the system is


Example 5.55: The open-loop transfer function of the system Eqn1746 for a type-2 unity feedback system is given by Eqn1747. Determine the steady-state error to an input Eqn1748 using the generalized error coefficients.

Solution: The error transfer function for the system is given by


Dividing the numerator by denominator directly, we obtain


But the error transfer function is given by


Using the above two equations, we obtain


Taking inverse Laplace transform, we obtain


From the given input Eqn1754, we obtain Eqn1756

Hence, the steady-state error of the system is


Example 5.56: The open-loop transfer function for a unity feedback control system is given by Eqn1759. Determine (i) generalized error ­coefficients Eqn1760 and (ii) error series Eqn1761.

Solution: The open-loop transfer function of a unity feedback system is given by


Therefore, the error transfer function of the system is given by


The generalized error coefficients for the given system are determined using Eqn. (5.2) as


Therefore, Eqn1765







Therefore, the generalized error coefficients are




Thus, the error series of the system using the generalized error coefficients is


Example 5.57: The open-loop transfer function of a system is Eqn1775, and it has a feedback with a transfer function of Eqn1776. Determine (i) position, velocity, acceleration coefficient and (ii) the steady-state error for the system when the system is subjected to an input Eqn1777 using generalized error series.

Solution: Given New13

Therefore, Eqn1779


Hence, the static error constants are Eqn1781



To determine Eqn1784:

For the input Eqn1785, we obtain Eqn1786

Error signal in s-domain, Eqn1787



Therefore, steady-state error




5.9 Effect of Adding Poles and Zeros in the Second-Order System

Consider a second-order system with the open-loop transfer function as Eqn1793 and unity feedback. The closed-loop transfer function of the system is obtained as Eqn1794. The time-domain specifications of the second-order system are rise time, peak time, peak overshoot, settling time, etc. These time-domain specifications can be modified (either be increased or decreased) by adding either a pole or a zero.

5.9.1 Effect of Adding Poles

If a pole Eqn1795 is added to the above-mentioned system, the closed-loop transfer function of the system will be modified as Eqn1796. Assuming a fixed value for Eqn1797 and varying Eqn1798, the response of the system can be determined. Fig. 5.20 shows the response of the second-order system subjected to a unit-step input by varying the pole Eqn1799.


Fig. 5.20 ∣ Step response of the second-order system for different pole location

The following changes occur by adding pole to the existing system:

  1. Peak overshoot decreases as Eqn1800 decreases.
  2. Number of oscillations existing in the system becomes less as Eqn1801 decreases.
  3. Increase in rise time.
  4. System becomes more sluggish as Eqn1802 decreases.

Also, it is important to know the fact that by adding pole to the system in the forward path, the system will have the opposite effect.

5.9.2 Effect of Adding Zeros

If a zero Eqn1803 is added to the above-mentioned system, the closed-loop transfer function of the system will be modified as Eqn1804. Assuming a fixed value for Eqn1805 and varying Eqn1806, the response of the system can be determined. Fig. 5.21 shows the response of the second-order system subjected to a unit-step input by varying the zero Eqn1807.


Fig. 5.21 ∣ Step response of the second-order system for different zero location

The following changes occur by adding pole to the existing system:

  1. Increases rise time as Eqn1808 increases.
  2. Increases peak overshoot and number of oscillations as Eqn1809 increases.

5.10 Response with P, PI and PID Controllers

The transient response specifications and steady-state response specifications of the ­system are to be maintained at a specific value for maintaining the system stability. Among the ­different transient response specifications discussed earlier in this chapter, the value of ­maximum overshoot is taken as the criteria to maintain stability and for steady-state response, steady-state error is taken as the criteria. The controllers are used to maintain those specifications at a specific value instead of zero or infinity. Here, a general second-order system is used and different types of controllers are used to maintain the steady-state error at a specific value. The output signal of the controller or the input signal of the system is known as actuating signal.

5.10.1 Proportional Derivative Control

The derivative controller alone is not used in the control system due to some reasons. One of the reasons is that if there is a constant steady-state error in the system, the derivative ­controller does not take any corrective measure since the derivative of a constant value is zero, which makes the error to prevail in the system even though a derivative controller is used. Hence, the derivative controller is used alongwith some of the other controllers.

The block diagram of the system with proportional derivative controller with unity ­feedback system is shown in Fig. 5.22. The system is a general second-order system. The ­actuating ­signal of the controller consists of the sum of the control action given by the ­proportional derivative controller. Hence, the actuating signal is given by


Taking Laplace transform, we obtain



Fig. 5.22 ∣ Proportional derivative controller of second-order system

The closed-loop transfer function of the system using proportional derivative control is given by


Comparing the above equation with the standard form Eqn1813, we obtain



where Eqn1816 is the damping ratio of the system with the controller.

From the above equation, it is clear that effective damping ratio has been increased by using the controller, thereby reducing the maximum overshoot.

The forward path transfer function of the system shown in Fig. 5.22 is given by


and the feedback path transfer function is Eqn1818

Hence, the error function is given by



For a unit-ramp input, Eqn1822

Therefore, Eqn1823

Therefore, Eqn1824

The steady-state error for unit-ramp input is given by




It is clear that by introducing the proportional derivative controller in the system, the damping ratio Eqn1828 has been increased without changing the TYPE of the system and ­undamped natural frequency Eqn1829 of the system. Also, due to the increase in the damping ratio of the system, the maximum peak overshoot and settling time that have direct impact on Eqn1830 have been reduced. Also, the steady-state error of the system remains unchanged even though a proportional derivative controller has been used.

5.10.2 Proportional Integral Control

The block diagram of a unity feedback system with proportional integral controller is shown in Fig. 5.23. The system is a general second-order system. The actuating signal of the controller consists of sum of the control action given by the proportional and integral controllers. Hence, the actuating signal is given by


where Eqn1832 is a constant.

Taking Laplace transform, we obtain



Fig. 5.23 ∣ Proportional integral controller of second-order system

The closed-loop transfer function of the control system is given by


The characteristic equation of the system with integral control is given by


The order of the system has been increased due to the inclusion of integral controller in the existing second-order system.

The forward path transfer function of the system shown in Fig. 5.23 is given by


and the feedback path transfer function, Eqn1837

Hence, the error function is given by



For a unit-ramp input Eqn1840, Eqn1841

Hence, Eqn1842

The steady-state error is given by

Eqn1843 Eqn1844

For unit-parabolic input, Eqn1845


The steady-state error Eqn1847 is given by Eqn1848Eqn1849

It is clear that by introducing proportional integral controller in the system, the type and order of the system can been increased. Also, the steady-state error of the system by ­introducing proportional integral controller in the system has been decreased for certain types of inputs such as parabolic input.

5.10.3 Proportional Plus Integral Plus Derivative Control (PID Control)

The block diagram of a unity feedback system with proportional integral derivative controller is shown in Fig. 5.24. The system is a general second-order system. The actuating signal of the controller consists of sum of the control action given by the proportional, integral and derivative controllers. Hence, the actuating signal is given by


Fig. 5.24 ∣ Proportional integral derivative controller of second-order system

The actuating signal for the PID control is given by Eqn1850a

Taking Laplace transform, we obtain Eqn1851a

From the above sections, we come to know that proportional derivative controller improves the transient response specifications (peak overshoot, settling time) and proportional integral controller improves the steady-state response specifications (steady-state error), but the proportional integral derivative controller that combines the actions of above-mentioned controllers helps in improving both the transient and steady-state response specifications.

Example 5.58: The block diagram of a system with unity feedback is shown in Fig. E5.58. A derivative control is used in the given control system to make the damping ratio 0.8. Determine (i) Eqn1852 and (ii) compare the rise time, peak time and maximum overshoot of the system with and without the derivative control when the system is subjected to unit-step input.


Fig. E5.58



Example 5.59: The block diagram of the system shown in Fig. E5.59 has PD controller to control the time-domain specifications of the system. Determine Td such that the system will be critically damped and also, calculate its settling time.


Fig. E5.59

Solution: The closed-loop transfer function of the system is given by


Comparing the above equation with the standard form Eqn1879, we obtain

Eqn1880, Eqn1881 and Eqn1882.

Since the damping ratio of the system with derivative control is given as 1 (For critically damped system) substituting 1 in the above equation we obtain Eqn1883

Hence, settling time is given by Eqn1884

5.11 Performance Indices

The qualitative measure of the performance of a system is very important in designing a control system. Performance index is a qualitative measure of the performance of the system where certain parameters of the system can be varied for getting the optimum design and hence emphasizing on system specifications. A particular performance index referred as cost function should be chosen and has to be measured for obtaining the optimal design. There are many cost functions of which some are discussed below:

  1. Integral of the absolute magnitude of the error (IAE)


    where error Eqn1886

    The integral value is minimum for a damping factor of 0.7 for a second-order system.

  2. Integral of the square of the error (ISE)


    The integral value is minimum for a damping factor of 0.5 for a second-order system.

  3. Integral of time multiplied by the absolute value of error (ITAE), which is given by


    The integral value is minimum for a damping factor of 0.7 for a second-order system.

  4. Integral of time multiplied by the squared error (ITSE)

    ITSE Eqn1889

  5. Integral of squared time multiplied by the absolute value of error square (ISTAE)

    ISTAE Eqn1890

  6. Integral of squared time multiplied by square error (ISTSE)

    ISTSE Eqn1891

The last three performance indices are not used due to the difficulty existing in ­determining the values. Figure. 5.25 shows the performance indices of the system obtained using the response Eqn1892.


Fig. 5.25 ∣ Performance indices obtained using the response of the system

Review Questions

  1. What do you mean by time response of a system and what are its components?
  2. Define transient response system and steady-state response of a system. In addition, mention the significance of these responses of the system.
  3. Define the standard tests signals used for time-domain studies:

    (a) Impulse signal and unit-impulse signal, (b) step signal and unit-step signal, (c) ramp signal and unit-ramp signal and (d) parabolic signal.

  4. What is the importance of impulse signal, step signal, ramp signal and parabolic ­signal?
  5. What is the relation existing between the standard test signals?
  6. Define the type and the order of a system.
  7. What do you mean by first- and second-order systems? Give examples.
  8. List out the performance indices used for evaluating the performance of first-order system.
  9. Derive the response of a first-order system subjected to the following:

    (a) Impulse input and unit-impulse input, (b) step input and unit-step input and (c) ramp input and unit-ramp input.

  10. Derive the performance indices of a first-order system when the system is excited by the following inputs: (a) Unit-impulse, (b) step input and (c) ramp input.
  11. By deriving the unit-step response of a first-order system, obtain the response of the system when it is excited by (a) unit-impulse input and (b) unit-ramp input.
  12. Sketch the responses of a first-order system subjected to a (a) unit-impulse input, (b) unit-step input and (c) unit-ramp input.
  13. How is second-order system classified based on the damping ratio Eqn1?
  14. What are the effects of damping ratio on the response of a second-order system?
  15. List out the performance indices used for evaluating the performance of a second-order system.
  16. Define the following performance indices and give its expression:

    (a) Delay time, (b) rise time, (c) peak time, (d) maximum peak overshoot and (e) ­settling time.

  17. Discuss the relationship between the maximum peak overshoot and damping ratio.
  18. Derive the response of a second-order underdamped system when the system is subjected to the following inputs: (a) Unit-impulse (b) unit-step and (c) Unit-ramp

    Also, derive it for overdamped, undamped and critically damped cases of second-order system.

  19. Derive the expression for a unit-impulse response and unit-ramp response of a standard second-order system using the unit-step response of the system.
  20. Derive the expression for time-domain specifications for evaluating the performance of second-order underdamped system when subjected to the following inputs: (a) Unit-impulse, (b) unit-step and (c) unit-ramp. Also, derive it for overdamped, ­undamped and critically damped cases of second-order system.
  21. What do you mean by steady-state error?
  22. Discuss the concept of steady-state error of a system in terms of forward-path transfer function Eqn2_1 of the system and in terms of closed-loop transfer function Eqn3_1 of the system.
  23. Discuss the concept of steady-state error when the system is excited by following inputs: (a) Unit-step, (b) unit-ramp and (c) unit-parabolic.
  24. What are the types of static error constants?
  25. What are the units of Eqn4_1 and Eqn5_1?
  26. Give the relationship between the static error constants, standard test signals, steady-state error and TYPE of the system.
  27. What is the significance of static error constants?
  28. What do you mean by generalized or dynamic error constants and why are they ­required?
  29. Discuss the concept of generalized error constants using a derivation.
  30. How are the generalized or dynamic error constants and static error constants ­related?
  31. Discuss the effect of adding a pole and a zero to an existing system.
  32. How does the controller play a significant role in the time-domain analysis of the system?
  33. How does the steady-state value of the system changes when the following controllers are added to the system: (a) PD controller, (b) PI controller and (c) PID controller
  34. What do you mean by the performance indices of the system?
  35. What are the different cost functions used in evaluating the performance of a system? Also, sketch the different cost functions.
  36. The specification given on a certain second-order feedback control system is that overshoot of the step response should not exceed 25%. What are the corresponding limiting values of the damping ratio Eqn6_1 and peak resonance Eqn7_1?
  37. Derive the error constants for step, ramp and parabolic inputs to a system. Also, ­deduce the effects of these constants on Type 0, 1, 2 systems.
  38. The unit-step response of a system is found to produce an overshoot of 10%, rise time of 1 sec and zero steady-state error. Identify the system transfer function.
  39. The open-loop transfer function of a closed-loop system with unity feedback is given. Evaluate the static error constants and estimate the steady-state errors for step, ramp and acceleration inputs.
  40. The system shown in Fig. Q5.40 is a unity feedback control system with a minor feedback loop (output derivative feedback).

    Fig. Q5.40

    (a) In the absence of derivative feedback Eqn18, determine the damping ratio and natural frequency. Also, determine the steady-state error resulting from a unit-ramp input.

    (b) Determine the derivative feedback control a, which will increase the damping ratio of the system to 0.7. What is the steady-state error to unit-ramp input with this setting of the derivative feedback constant.

  41. The value of data of the components of a servomechanism are Eqn19_1 slug-ft2, Eqn20_1, Eqn21_1, Eqn22_1 and input speed is 10 rpm. Determine (a) forward loop gain K and (b) change in the friction coefficient value to maintain the damping value as 0.358.
  42. A unity feedback second-order servo system has the transient response curve as shown in Fig. Q5.42 given below for unit-step input. The motor torque is proportional to the error. For constant velocity input of 1 rad/sec, a position lag error 2° is observed. The steady-state error for step input is 0.1 rad for each lb.ft of applied torque. Find (a) Eqn23_1, (b) Eqn24_1, (c) J and (d) F.

    Fig. Q5.42

  43. Estimate the static error constants and steady-state error for the systems with unity feedback for which the input to the system and the forward-path transfer function of the system are given in Table Q5.43.

    Table Q5.43

  44. The open-loop transfer functions for different systems with unity feedback are given in Table Q5.44. The inputs to be applied to the system are also given. Determine the generalized error coefficients and the steady-state error.

    Table Q5.44

  45. For a second-order system whose open-loop transfer function Eqn55_1, determine the maximum overshoot and the rise time to reach the maximum overshoot when a step displacement of Eqn56_1 is given to the system. Find the rise time and the setting time for an error of 7% and the time constant.
  46. Calculate the steady-state error of a type 0 system having unit-step input and ­position error constant of Eqn57_1.
  47. Consider a unity feedback system with a closed-loop transfer function Eqn58_1. Determine the open-loop transfer function Eqn59_1. Show that the steady-state error with unit-ramp input is Eqn60_1.
  48. Determine a unit-impulse response of a second-order system whose transfer function: (a) Eqn61_1 and (b) Eqn62_1
  49. The open-loop transfer function of a unity feedback system is given by Eqn63_1. Determine the response of the system subjected to unit-step input.
  50. Derive the time response of a system with Eqn65_1, subjected to a step input, assuming the system is underdamped.
  51. A unity feedback system has a loop transfer function Eqn66_1. The steady-state error for a ramp input of Eqn67_1 is required to be less than 1.0. Find K.
  52. The open-loop transfer function of a unity feedback control system is Eqn68_1. By what factor should K be multiplied so that the overshoot of unit-step response is ­reduced from 80% to 20%?
  53. Determine the TYPE and ORDER of the following systems:

    (a) Eqn69_1, (b) Eqn70_1, (c) Eqn71_1, (d) Eqn72_1 and (e) Eqn73_1

  54. The transfer function of a system with unity feedback is given below. Determine the time response of the system and also, determine the rise time, settling time and peak overshoot of the system subjected to unit-step input.

    (a) Eqn74_1, (b) G(s) = Eqn75_1, (c) Eqn76_1, (d) Eqn77_1, (e) Eqn78_1, (f) Eqn79_1, (g) Eqn80_1, (h) Eqn81_1 and (i) Eqn82_1

  55. The characteristic equation of a second-order system is given by Eqn83_1. ­Estimate the peak overshoot for a unit-step input.
  56. Determine the current Eqn14 flowing through the series new1 circuit shown in Fig. Q5.56.

    Fig. Q5.56

  57. Determine the current Eqn26 flowing through the series new1 circuit shown in Fig. Q5.57 when the circuit is excited by the following inputs: (i) sinωt, (ii) cosωt, (iii) new2 cos(ωt + θ) and (iv) new2 sin(ωt + θ).

    Fig. Q5.57

  58. Determine the current Eqn175 flowing through the series new1 circuit shown in Fig. Q5.58(b) when a triangular wave shown in Fig. Q5.58(a) is applied as an input.

    Fig. Q5.58

  59. Determine the current Eqn14 flowing through the series new3 circuit shown in Fig. Q5.59 when the circuit is excited by the following inputs: (i) sinωt, (ii) cosωt, (iii) new2 cos(ωt + θ) and (iv) new2 sin(ωt + θ).

    Fig. Q5.59

  60. Determine the step and impulse responses of the series new3 circuit shown in Fig. Q5.59.
  61. Determine the step and impulse responses of the parallel RLC circuit shown in Fig. Q5.61.

    Fig. Q5.61

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