Index 201
American Management Association
objective third- party, 2425, 34, 39,
46–48, 100101, 121
project or program managers as, 30, 34
skills needed by, 48–51
see also multi- level learning coach
feedback, see performance feedback
Feldman, Martha A., 116, 117
nancial objectives, in strategic portfolio
alignment, 154
Fisher, Roger, 63
Fokker Aircraft, 174
formal training, 81, 94–95
Fowler, M., 32
free and informed choice
in decision making, 61
in e ective facilitation, 52, 53
Fry, R., 54
General Electric (GE), 77
generativity, of productive re ection, 29
Gerson, Janet, 65
Getting to Yes (Fisher and Ury), 63
Ghoshal, S., 111
in continuous project improvement, 127
importance of, 54
multi- level learning coach and, 54–55
Goussevskaia, A., 115–117, 177
as boundary practice, 85–86, 115
“no- go” decisions, 85–86
ground rules for groups, 69–72, 73
acceptance of, 72
change and, 70–71
in continuous project improvement, 133
in cross- project improvement, 146
habits and, 70
Kerth’s Prime Directive, 71–72, 133, 146
list of, 73
safety and, 71–72, 134–135
in strategic portfolio alignment, 160
Gulliver, F. R., 21
development of, 70
in ground rules for groups, 70
Hansen, M. T., 186
Hansman, C. A., 178, 180181
Harley- Davidson, 30, 31
Highsmith, James, 35
improvement, see continuous project
im provement; cross- project improve-
informing behaviors, in con ict resolu-
tion, 65
Intel, 2–3, 34, 4647, 50
internal clients
clarifying problems of, 50
in continuous project improvement, 130
customers versus, 130
de ned, 4
external customers versus, 4
importance of satisfying, 3536
internal commitment
in decision making, 61
in e ective facilitation, 52, 53
interpersonal relationships, 55
as enabler of cross- project improve-
ment, 97–99
multi- level learning coach and, 56, 111
recommendations for PMO leaders,
investment priorities
examples of, 155
in strategic portfolio alignment, 154–156
in continuous project improvement,
in cross- project improvement, 147
in Scrum approach, 32–33
J. M. Huber, 30, 31
Jensen, R. J., 117
joint enterprise, in communities of prac-
tice, 183, 185
Jones, C., 188
Julian Jerry, 3, 17, 21, 75, 76, 78, 81
Keegan, Anne, 19, 22, 111112, 173
Kerth, Norm, 7172, 133–135, 146, 147,
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