(05-12427) Job:05-12424 Title:RP-Field Guide-How to be a Fashion Designer
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Fashion is an act of communication in
itself, a form of nonverbal exchange
through which individuals express
their identity and social belonging. In
addition, fashion must communicate
in order to sell, employing the right
language for a product that changes
rapidly every season.
Fashion is a unique system both for
the way it functions—through always
changing trends, ephemeral by defi-
nition—and for its market, which con-
sists of big companies, luxury brands,
and large-scale distribution.
Since dressing is a basic necessity,
fashion has a very strong potential
market and therefore its offerings must
respond to a multi-faceted demand—all
ages, both sexes, all social categories,
and professionals.
The strength of fashion resides in
the fact that it involves a market that
is conducive to buying: styles are
renewed each season and clothes
deteriorate, making the potential sales
of the sector infinite. Moreover, it is a
market that knows perfectly well how
to create necessity, generate demand,
and provoke buying. Thus, exceeding
mere usefulness and comfort, fashion
has imposed a new logic: that of the
power of seduction, which justifies the
act of buying beyond the reasonable.
Fashion is legitimized through a socially
disseminated media discourse whose
main characteristic is communication.
Its message is simple—trends—and is
circulated visually in a spectacularly
effective way—through advertising,
fashion shows, brand image—adapt-
able to all media.
Today, communication is the indis-
pensable focal point for managing any
fashion brand. The product, advertis-
ing campaigns, fashion shows, bou-
tiques, in short, everything that ema-
nates from the brand and is related
to it, emit messages that must be
coherent with each other in order to
communicate a strong brand image,
always carefully maintained.
(Ray) Text
(05-12427) Job:05-12424 Title:RP-Field Guide-How to be a Fashion Designer
#175 Dtp:221 Page:149
148-185_12427.indd 149148-185_12427.indd 149 5/30/09 10:38:22 AM5/30/09 10:38:22 AM
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