
Since becoming an author myself, I've started reading the acknowledgments in other books, as I'm always curious to see who other authors take this space to thank. There are two overriding themes on which we all agree.

First, books, whether they be novels or technical guides, cannot happen without a dedicated team of editors and staff at the publishing company. On each of my books, I have been fortunate to be able to work with a fantastic team of professionals at Wiley, and this time was no exception. Stephanie McComb first approached me to write this Bible and shepherded me through the early stages of the book, and to her I am grateful. Once the writing got underway, Chris Wolfgang took over as the project editor, and I can say without any hesitation at all that this would never have come together without her hard work and dedication to the project. I need to particularly thank her for her patience through some of the project's more trying moments.

One particular challenge in writing a book on a brand-new product is finding someone with the expertise to be the technical editor. When I was asked whom I thought might be a good choice, one name came to mind immediately, so I am likewise grateful to TJ Downes for his help and dedication in finding and correcting my errors, as well as for his friendship.

The second theme I read from other authors and that I find holds true is that books cannot be written without love and support from the author's friends and family. I am very fortunate to have a loving and most important, an understanding wife who is okay with me needing to write through weekends, and likewise two beautiful kids who understand that sometimes daddy needs to work on Saturday.

The Flash Catalyst team at Adobe is an amazing group of people. Steve Heintz took time out of his schedule to call and personally answer some questions about the product, and for that I am eternally grateful. Ryan Stewart, Adam Cath, Andrew Shorten, Doug Winnie, and the rest of the team have been patient with me, even when I bombard them on Monday morning with a weekend's worth of questions, and have provided invaluable insight. If Catalyst changes the way you work as much as I think it will, these are the people to thank.

Richard Buikema at New Horizons was once an incredible boss; now, he's a good friend, and I need to thank him for opening up a classroom to give me a quiet place to write.

Brian and Laura Armstrong and Olen Sanders generously agreed to appear in pictures in the fake magazines used in this book's tutorials, and Jake Stroh provided useful insight on Fireworks; they all have my deep appreciation. Leslie Gallagher continues to be one of the most fantastic friends anyone could have.

Finally, I need to thank Ruth De Jesus. Ruth graciously agreed to design the Magazines Direct site used as the project in the book, and she did an amazing job. If you need design work, I can't recommend Ruth enough; contact her via her Web site at or

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