Chapter 5. Model Optimization

CD Files



Until now, we have spent our time developing a good, clean model without worrying too much about the polygon count. That’s about to change—in this chapter, we will be removing a lot of the details you have sculpted into Kila so far. Try not to think of this step as destroying all your hard work, however. What you’ve accomplished so far is to create a character that is complete and has all the embellishment it needs to have. With all these details in place, we can now make informed decisions about the places from which we can remove those details. That’s what optimization is all about.

You will find as you gain more experience in modeling game characters that the optimization stage will gradually become less important, because you will learn to analyze the topology automatically, from the moment you begin building. For the novice artist, this chapter tells you exactly what you need to be looking for as you optimize your character.

With every model, you will find areas where polygons have been placed but are not needed. Essentially, we want the model to have as few polygons as possible. Our polygon limit for this project, established in Chapter 1, is 4500, and we don’t want to use more than that number. Indeed, after optimization we may very well end up well under our budget, which is good. If not, we will start to look at areas that we can sacrifice in order to bring the polygon count down.

Deciding What to Remove

It’s important to decide carefully about where to remove polygons from the geometry. Remove the wrong ones, and the shape of our character will change dramatically. It could also result in bad deformation in the game.

The first two sorts of polygons you should consider for removal are unnecessary polygons and polygons that form shallow angles.

Your model is currently made up of hundreds of polygons, and almost all of them are needed. You may think that a polygon’s actual presence means it is necessary to a model, but this is not the case.

So how do you determine which polygons will be unused? An unnecessary polygon is one that does not add to the shape of the mesh, nor does it aid in its deformation.

Look at the two cubes in Figure 5.1. They look exactly the same; the only way they differ is in construction.


FIGURE 5.1 Although these cubes look the same, they are constructed differently.

Now look at their wireframes in Figure 5.2. You can see that the one on the right contains more polygons than the one on the left. Since the edges are straight, the cube does not need the extra polygons to create that straight edge. If we removed these polygons, the cube would look exactly the same.


FIGURE 5.2 In the wireframe, you can see that the cube on the right unnecessarily uses far more polygons than the one on the left.

Removing areas that contain shallow angles is also a good way to reduce the polygon count, although this will slightly affect the way the geometry looks.

Take a look at the cylinders in Figure 5.3. Do you see a difference? The one on the right has a very slight bump in it. This is a shallow angle, and it adds so insignificantly to the shape of the geometry that no one would miss it if it were gone.


FIGURE 5.3 Two cylinders

We now know what to look for—unnecessary polygons and shallow angles—so let’s move on and begin optimizing our character model.

Finding the Polygon Count

Before we begin optimizing, let’s first look at how many polygons our model currently has.

Load in the last file you saved, Kila_Complete.mb. You first need to convert the geometry to triangles in order to get an accurate reading.

1. Select everything by dragging over the entire character in the view panel; then go to Polygons > Triangulate. The model will now be built from triangular polygons only.

2. To show the polygon count, go to Display > Heads Up Display > Poly Count. The polygon statistics (Figure 5.4) will be displayed in the upper-left corner of your view, although depending on your resolution setting these could even take up more space.


FIGURE 5.4 The polygon count display

In the Faces line, the far-left number is the current scene’s polygon count. This includes only the polygons of objects onscreen, so make sure your entire mesh is visible. Our current polygon count is 5856. This is 1356 over our budget, which is what we expected.

Remember that we added the higher-resolution hands and ear in Chapter 4, to see if we could use them. Each hand alone is around 1010 polygons. If we replaced those with the lower version, which was 406 polygons each, we would save 1208. But we don’t want to do that just yet as we first need to remove the unnecessary polygons. We will begin by looking at Kila’s upper body, concentrating first on her arms before moving on to her torso, considering various places where we can cut back. Next we will look at the lower body, including waist, legs, and feet, before working on her hair, neck, and face.

After we’ve made some changes, we can recheck the polygon count and decide whether we need to make any additional sacrifices, such as swapping the hands for lower versions.

Arm Optimization

Let’s begin by looking at Kila’s arms. (We’ll leave the hands for now, just concentrating on the arm itself.)

Before you start, make sure to press Z/Cmd+Z to undo the triangulation you used to get a polygon count. Or you can reload the file called Kila_Complete.mb.

With the model now back in quads, the polygon count will be lower, around 3342. Don’t let this fool you—Maya’s quads can be made from a number of triangles, not just two, so this number is not an accurate reflection of the number of triangles in the scene. We want this amount to be around 2600. When in doubt, it’s always best to do a quick triangulation to check the actual count.

1. Looking from the front, you can see three sections of polygons that can be removed because they affect the shape of the arm only slightly. These areas are highlighted in Figure 5.5. The best way to remove these polygons is to collapse the edges, so go ahead and do that now.


FIGURE 5.5 Remove the shallow angles from the arm.

2. Move the row that is closest to the wrist down the arm (Figure 5.5, bottom). This will help when the wrist deforms.

3. On the top of the arm, you can remove some of the small polygons that exist here. Collapse the edges highlighted in Figure 5.6, left.


FIGURE 5.6 Collapse the edges that form small polygons on the top of the arm.

4. You will have to do a bit of repair work to the areas from which you have removed the polygons and edges. The shape of the biceps and the shoulder area will need some extra work (Figure 5.7).


FIGURE 5.7 Tidy up the arm area after optimizing.


If you end up with two adjoining triangles, try converting them into quads. Select them and go to Polygons > Quadrangulate. This helps to keep the mesh clean and tidy.


When converting to quads, Maya will guess at the way the triangles should lie. This could result in concave areas like we saw on her hips in Chapter 2. In such instances, it will be necessary to keep the area triangulated.

5. Optimize the back of the arm by welding the vertex in the center of the X (Figure 5.8, top) to a vertex above it.


FIGURE 5.8 Remove the vertex in the center of this X by welding it to a vertex above it.

That’s about all we should do on the arm for now; if we need to, we can reduce it further later.

Torso Optimization

Next, let’s look at the torso area. At the very front, there are some edges we created when doing our muscle mapping, as you can see on the left of Figure 5.9. Since this area is cloth and not skin, we can remove these edges, giving us a nice, flat front (Figure 5.9, right).


FIGURE 5.9 Take out the edges at the front of her crop top.

Flipping around to her back, you can see the same situation as in the front: a few unnecessary edges because the area is cloth. In addition, there are a few unused polygons.

First remove the edges highlighted in Figure 5.10, left. Then remove any stray vertices that remain, giving us a cleaner back (Figure 5.10, right).


FIGURE 5.10 Remove these highlighted polygons on the back.

Finally, on Kila’s side there are a few unused polygons just under her arm, as well as two edges we can collapse at the front of her shoulder. These are all illustrated in Figure 5.11.


FIGURE 5.11 Remove these polygons from under her armpit.

Looking farther down the model, you will notice a few areas that are currently triangulated. Convert these to quads to clean up the area.

The topology in the breasts is sound; reducing this area would mean we’d lose the curve, making them more angular. So, with the torso optimized, let’s move on.

Waist and Leg Optimization

We next come to Kila’s waist area. We will not optimize the belt at this time; it is currently quite low in resolution anyway, so reducing it more would make the overall shape suffer.

1. Hide her belt so we can concentrate on her waist.

Although we modeled all of the sash in Chapter 4, we only need certain parts of it built into the geometry. The rest will be visible via the texture. Take a look at Figure 5.12; there are a few areas here we can optimize. For example, highlighted on the left, along the hip, is a shallow angle comprising numerous divisions; this was created when we split the polygons for the sash.


FIGURE 5.12 The front of the waist.

2. Follow the line highlighted in Figure 5.13 (left) around the mesh, removing most of the sash’s polygons (Figure 5.13, middle).


FIGURE 5.13 Remove most of the sash from the front.

3. When you’re done, combine some of the triangular faces into quads to clean up the area (Figure 5.13, right).

4. Rotating around to her backside, continue removing the extra polygons of the sash. There are a couple at the top of her jeans that can go, too. These are all highlighted in Figure 5.14, left.


FIGURE 5.14 Continue removing the sash from the back.

We are finished with her waist for now, so let’s concentrate on her thighs before moving down the legs. There are a few shallow angles here but we will not remove all of them.

1. Select just the edges across the center of the thigh (Figure 5.15, left) and collapse them, giving us the results seen in Figure 5.15, right.


FIGURE 5.15 Collapse the central row of edges across the thighs.

2. At the very front of both knee areas, under the ridges of her knees, there is a small quad (Figure 5.16, top). It does not help either the shape or the deformation, so we can remove it, leaving the knees as shown in Figure 5.16, bottom.


FIGURE 5.16 Collapse the edges just under the ridge of her knees.

3. Working on the back of the knees, there are more edges we can collapse, shown in Figure 5.17, left. Again, they create both shallow edges and smaller polygons, so these edges won’t be missed.


FIGURE 5.17 Collapse the central row of edges across her knees.

4. Moving on to the calves, start by collapsing the central section of edges, shown in Figure 5.18, left. This extra division of polygons is not essential. Notice on your model and in Figure 5.18 (middle) that collapsing these edges leaves some of the creases in front a bit messy. Take five minutes to fix them (Figure 5.18, right).


FIGURE 5.18 Remove the central division of faces from the calf area, and then clean up the creases.

5. Concentrating on just the left leg now, optimize the folds in the cloth at the bottom of her jeans. Try to maintain their shape—following the example in Figure 5.19, collapse the middle of each fold, leaving the peaks intact. Move over to the right leg and do the same (Figure 5.20).


FIGURE 5.19 Optimize the folds on the left leg.


FIGURE 5.20 Optimize the folds on the right leg.

6. At the back of her lower legs, we can remove a section of polygons completely and not harm the overall shape. Select the edges shown in Figure 5.21 (left) and collapse them. Next, optimize the area a little more by removing any small polygons or edges that are left.


FIGURE 5.21 Remove the unnecessary section at the back of her leg.

For now, Kila’s jeans are optimized, so let’s see what we can do with her feet.

Foot Optimization

The optimization you can do on Kila’s feet is fairly straightforward.

1. To start, delete any polygons that are hidden by her jeans (Figure 5.22), these will never be seen in the game so they don’t need to exist.


FIGURE 5.22 Delete any faces from the shoes that are hidden by her jeans.

2. Because the tops of her shoes are relatively flat, we can remove the middle section of polygons. As illustrated in Figure 5.23, select the edges that span the middle and collapse them. Make sure you collapse them all the way around the foot.


FIGURE 5.23 The tops of her shoes are flat, so remove the central section of polygons.

3. Before we finish with the feet, notice that three quads at her heel, also hidden by the jeans, could be removed; see the top of Figure 5.24. After removing these three quads, weld down the point on the remaining quad to create a triangle, and smooth the area.


FIGURE 5.24 Get rid of the three quads at the back of her feet.


If you want to be able to see through the jeans but keep the shoes solid, as I have in Figure 5.24, right-click the geometry you want to see through and select Actions > Template. To return it to normal, right-click again and select Actions > Untemplate.

Before we continue to her hair and face, take one final look around Kila’s main body. You should now have a good idea of what to look for, so chances are you can find a few more polygons to remove. A few areas I found were in her collarbone and the backs of her shoulders. You can see these areas highlighted in Figures 5.25 and 5.26.


FIGURE 5.25 Check her collarbone area for opportunities for reduction.


FIGURE 5.26 Behind the shoulder, you can remove a polygon or two.


It is very important to have the right amount and placement of geometry around the shoulder for good deformation. We will examine this in Chapter 6.

We are not at the stage where we need to sacrifice any major details yet. Our current polygon count is 2992 (remember, this is in quads)—we are only 392 away from reaching the target of about 2600.

We can leave the main body behind now, and get busy with the head area.

Hair, Face, and Neck Optimization

The geometry that makes up Kila’s head and hair is a goldmine of opportunities where we can remove lots of polygons. Let’s begin with the hair.

The Hair

Hide everything apart from her hair and face. Template the face (using the method explained earlier for working with the jeans), so we can work on just the top part of her hair.

To start, there are quite a few areas where we can collapse edges because there are so many shallow angles.

1. Select the edges shown in Figure 5.27, selecting them all around her hair, and collapse them.


FIGURE 5.27 Select and collapse every other edge, to reduce the hair.

Leave the very bottom of the hair intact, however. This area is divided into separate strips, so collapsing the edges constructing the strips will remove them. Kila’s hair should now look like that in Figure 5.28.


FIGURE 5.28 The hair after the edges are collapsed.

Take another look; there are still a couple of shallow angles that can be removed without affecting the overall shape of her hair.

2. As shown in Figure 5.29, select the middle row of edges and collapse them, leaving the hair as seen in Figure 5.30.


FIGURE 5.29 Reduce the hair further by removing this row of edges.


FIGURE 5.30 The hair after removing the middle row of edges.

3. Moving around now to the front of her hair, we can have a look and see if we can get away with removing a polygon or two from here. Try selecting and collapsing the edges shown in Figure 5.31 (left); does it still look okay?


FIGURE 5.31 Try removing a few edges from the front.

Although it does looks fine (Figure 5.31, right), altering the hairline like this will reduce the number of vertices along that edge, thereby changing how the face mesh lines up with the hair. This will become obvious when the face is untemplated in subsequent steps.

4. Continue looking around the geometry for polygons to be removed. Another one lies right on the top; you can see it in Figure 5.32 (left). It’s a small polygon and so should not cause any major problems when it’s removed.


FIGURE 5.32 Remove this tiny polygon from the top of her hair.

We are finished now with the top portion of the hair; let’s optimize the inner layers next.

1. Isolate the first layer so we can work on it alone (Figure 5.33, top).

2. As shown in the middle image of Figure 5.33, select every other edge around the very top and collapse them. We can do this because the top layer of hair will hide most of these polygons. We still need them to exist, though, so that you don’t see through her head.


FIGURE 5.33 Collapse the top strip of edges on the first layer of hair.

3. Since this is an inner layer, the curves in the geometry need not be perfectly smooth. That means we can reduce this layer some more by removing an entire row of polygons. This is shown in Figure 5.34.


FIGURE 5.34 Further reduce the inner layer by removing a row of polygons from the strips.

Now follow the same procedure for the other inner layers of hair. When you’re done, the geometry will look like that in Figure 5.35.


FIGURE 5.35 More reductions on the other inner layers

The Face and Neck

The hair’s done; now let’s work on her face. One quick look will show many areas where you can reduce the mesh.

Start with the forehead. I chose to begin here because we’ve already reduced her hairline, and the vertices in her hair no longer line up with her head.

1. Follow the edges down the brow, starting with the same edges we removed from her hair, until you get to the eye area. If you’re not sure which edges to choose, they’re shown in Figure 5.36 (left). Judging by the results in Figure 5.36 (right), removing these edges doesn’t cause a problem.


FIGURE 5.36 Optimizing the forehead

Time to make our first sacrifice; we need to reduce her ear. This is not a major loss, however, because the texture will hold all the detail we need.

2. Flatten the outer face of the ear, but try to retain the ear’s general shape (Figure 5.37).


FIGURE 5.37 Flatten out the face of the ear, keeping the overall shape.

3. It looks like we can reduce the ear a little more by collapsing the edges highlighted in Figure 5.38 (left). This will ultimately affect the ear’s overall shape, but not too much.


FIGURE 5.38 Collapse these three edges.

4. Looking around, you’ll spot a small polygon nearly out of sight on the inside (Figure 5.39, left); remove this. Then go ahead and work a little more on the ear’s general shape, and see if you can remove any more polygons.


FIGURE 5.39 Collapse this small polygon hiding on the inside of the ear.

After the ear is done, the next major area to examine is under her chin. You can see in Figure 5.40 (left) that there are lots of unused polygons here.


FIGURE 5.40 Flatten the area under her chin.

1. We can probably get away with flattening the area as demonstrated in Figure 5.40 (right), although I admit I’m not entirely comfortable with removing this many polygons in one go because it does affect the shape. After we’re finished, if we’re under our budget, we can always add a bit back into this area to fill out the shape.

2. Removing so much from the chin will make other potential trim areas stand out. The edges in Figure 5.41 (left), for example, lead up from a now-unused edge around her jaw.


FIGURE 5.41 Working up from the jaw line, remove polygons from her cheek.

3. Again, optimizing the underside of her chin has made other reduction possibilities leap right out at us. Look at the chin itself: We definitely don’t need all six of those subdivisions. Removing the bottom edge alone, however, may cause some odd-looking results. So work your way up as I have done in Figure 5.42 (left), optimizing the lips, too.


FIGURE 5.42 Reduce the subdivisions in her chin and lips.

4. Removing the edges from the lips has left us with two stray vertices, shown in Figure 5.43 at the top. Weld these vertices to the ones closest to them, smoothing out the upper lip (Figure 5.43, bottom).


FIGURE 5.43 Smoothing out the upper lip

Next, we will examine Kila’s eyes before moving on to the rest of her head. They are quite round, but we don’t actually need this amount of detail.

1. We can get away with collapsing the edges highlighted in Figure 5.44 (left), before moving the remaining vertices to reshape the eye as shown in Figure 5.44 (right). By doing this, we’ll regain 18 quads, or 36 polygons.


FIGURE 5.44 Reducing and reshaping the eyes

Now look at the bridge of the nose from the side. You’ll spot an area that is quite flat. There are three vertical subdivisions making up this area, but we can live with just two.

2. Select the edges that make up the central division of the nose. Optimizing the bridge of the nose means we can also reduce her cheeks, so work your way around them and see what you can do (Figure 5.45).


FIGURE 5.45 Optimizing the bridge of her nose and the cheeks

3. Here’s something less obvious: Notice the small polygon next to the corner of her eye, shown in Figure 5.46. Select and collapse this, as it is not needed.


FIGURE 5.46 Here’s an edge you can collapse without taking away from the shape of the eye.


It’s important to keep your eyes peeled, looking for potential areas of optimization that are less easily seen, like this one.


When you are unsure about removing a particular polygon, go ahead and try it—if the geometry looks wrong, you can always press Z/Cmd+Z to undo the operation. And Shift+Z/Shift+Cmd+Z will redo the last undo.

4. The back of Kila’s head would be another good place to look for optimization opportunities, because her hair will cover it. In Figure 5.47 (left), you can see an edge that might potentially be collapsed.


FIGURE 5.47 This area at the back of the head can be reduced.

5. Now move around the head, scanning the surface for anything you might remove. Above the nostril we built in the crease, but this is such a small polygon we just can’t justify keeping it, so collapse this edge (Figure 5.48).


FIGURE 5.48 The small polygon above her nostril can be removed.

Returning to the back of her neck, it looks like we can do some additional reduction. Shown in the top image of Figure 5.49, there are two quads on the sides of the neck that do not offer much in the way of shape or deformation. These edges can be removed, but make sure to fine-tune the new geometry so that the form correctly resembles the back of a neck.


FIGURE 5.49 You can reduce these edges, but you’ll need to reshape the area afterward.

Taking one last look around the head, we notice an edge under the jaw that we can remove (Figure 5.50). This cleans up the area nicely.


FIGURE 5.50 On final inspection: an extra edge under the jaw and a muscle in the neck.

Another spot we can remove in this area is the muscle definition in the side of the neck, also shown in Figure 5.50. Ultimately this does not add to the character; besides, the muscle tone here can be drawn into the texture if we need it.

The face is now complete and can be seen in Figure 5.51. As mentioned earlier, we may have removed too much from a few areas, but we will wait and see how things shape up. If we come in well below our limit, we can go back in and rework some areas.


FIGURE 5.51 The fully optimized face

Now bring back the rest of the geometry so it is visible. Because we removed the detail from the upper part of the neck, we must now remove it from the lower portion as well, so they match up (Figure 5.52).


FIGURE 5.52 Optimize the lower neck so that it matches the upper portion that we trimmed.

Current Count

The main optimization is now complete. Before we find out how we are doing as far as the polygon count is concerned, let’s look at the appearance of our character. Figure 5.53 shows our model of Kila before and after optimization—can you tell which is which?


FIGURE 5.53 Character model comparison. Which is the optimized version?

If you look closely, there are subtle differences now. The main difference, however, is that one version has 1054 more polygons. You can see from this example that removing polygons does not mean you have to sacrifice the detail or even the shape of a character. What it does mean is that you have a well-constructed and efficient model that doesn’t eat up lots of processing power because it has 1000 polygons in an ear that the player never sees. It pays to be ruthless!

So where are we now with Kila? Remembering that our limit is 4500, let’s see how many polygons she currently holds. Select all the geometry, and go to Polygons > Triangulate and read the onscreen display. Our current polygon count is 4802. Hmmm, not bad—but we’re still 302 over our limit. There’s one remaining area where we can reduce to pare down these faces a little more: the hands.


Remember to undo (Z/Cmd+Z) the triangulation before you proceed.

Hand Optimization

Kila’s hands at this point do house a lot of detail, so reducing them by 151 polygons each should not significantly reduce their quality. We should be able to have all five fingers articulated, without having to resort to a mitten hand or one with frozen fingers.

So what’s available for optimization? We can start by removing the fingernails. Here we have to remember that when working on the fingers, if we alter one we must do the same on the other four. They all have to match or they will look odd.

1. On all the fingernails and the thumbnail, snap the inner vertices of the nails to the outer ones and weld them, as demonstrated in the before-and-after shots in Figure 5.54.


FIGURE 5.54 Start by removing the fingernails.

Currently we have fewer divisions of faces on the wrist than we have across the back and palm of the hand. So we should next optimize the back of the hand. Figure 5.55 (left) shows the back of the hand currently.


FIGURE 5.55 Optimize the back of the hand so it matches the divisions on the wrist.

2. Following the center of the X created for the knuckles, trace back to the two vertices behind it and weld them to the ones on their left (Figure 5.55, right).

3. Next, flip the hand over and do the same for the palm, reducing it to match the divisions on the wrist. Figure 5.56 shows the palm before and after the optimization.


FIGURE 5.56 Reduce the palm as you did the back of the hand.

4. You might be left with the two edges I have highlighted in Figure 5.57 (left). If so, you can simply collapse these because they don’t add anything to the model.


FIGURE 5.57 Collapse these two edges if they exist on your model.

The main hand area is now done, but we can reduce it even further by optimizing the fingers.

1. Flatten the top of each finger as shown in Figure 5.58. Do this by snapping each of the vertices that run down the center to the ones directly to their right. Remember to weld them afterward, or the polygons will still exist.


FIGURE 5.58 Flatten the top of each finger.

2. Right at the tip of each finger there is a single vertex that we no longer need. It doesn’t add much to the shape, so snap it to the vertex at the tip of the nail, and weld (Figure 5.59).


FIGURE 5.59 Remove the vertex in the center of each fingertip.

3. Still looking at the fingertip, there are two edges at either side of the nail; you can see these in Figure 5.60, left. Collapsing these on each finger will recoup another 20 polygons.


FIGURE 5.60 Collapse the two edges on each side of the fingernail.

That completes the first stage of reducing the hand; you can see the results in Figure 5.61. We could leave it as-is, but there’s more we can do. I don’t think we will see a major difference in quality if we move forward one more step, which will reduce the polygon count by another 160.


FIGURE 5.61 The hand model so far

4. As we did on the top of the hand, we can optimize the sides of the fingers and thumb. Select the vertices that run down both sides of each digit, and snap and then weld them to the vertices below. Figure 5.62 shows you how this looks on just the index finger.


FIGURE 5.62 Flatten the sides of each finger and thumb.


This operation not only removes the side-finger divisions but also reduces the number of mesh divisions on the underside of each knuckle from 3 to 1.

We will leave the bottom curve of the fingers intact. This will provide a little more shape than they would have if we reduced them to cubes.

Once all the digits have been done, the hand is finished (Figure 5.63).


FIGURE 5.63 Final optimized hand model

Final Check

So the model optimization is done! We have been through each section of Kila’s body and optimized them all in an attempt to get the polygon count under 4500. Before we look at the final total, spend some time looking at the model to try and reduce it further. See if you can spot any areas we missed.

Figure 5.64 shows the final model, top to bottom, after all the optimizations described in this chapter. So what’s the polygon count? Triangulating the model gives it to us: 3998. We are well under our budget—which is great. But we can’t afford to put any detail back in just yet, as we may need the polygons during the next chapter, “Deformation Testing.” Once the model is finalized we can then go back through it, if we feel we need to, and add detail back in.


FIGURE 5.64 Kila, fully optimized

Before we go to the deformation stage, I recommend saving the model and leaving it alone for a day. Clean up the model and the scene then save your file as Kila_Optimized.mb. If you can, do something else before you come back to it for a final look. Taking a break from it will enable you to see it from a fresh perspective when you return. You may be able to spot some additional extra polygons that can be removed, or an area that needs reshaping. Indeed, optimizing the geometry will mean that some areas do in fact need reshaping. Usually, they will be thinner than before and so will need filling out.

Take some time to look around the entire model. Double-check the proportions and make sure the shape is perfect. Check it against your concept images; you must be positive it is correct before you proceed to the next stage.


Here’s a good way to determine how smooth your model is: Go to the Lighting menu in your current panel and select Use No Lights. Just the silhouette of the character will remain. Now you can rotate around the model and assess her.

Following are some of the alterations I made to Kila during my final, postoptimization examination:

Image Adjusted the bottom of her crop top so the point was smoother

Image Generally reworked the shape of her hips, widening them slightly

Image Moved up her navel

Image Brought the upper body down, shortening her slightly (the distance between her chest and the bottom of her t-shirt was too great)

Image Added more of a curve to the small of her back, making her chest and backside a bit more pronounced

Image Shortened the legs and widened the bottom of her jeans

Image Reduced the length of her neck

Image Added an extra division across her waist to smooth it out

You can see the final model in Figure 5.65.


FIGURE 5.65 The tweaked Kila model

When you’re sure Kila is ready, clean up the model and the scene, and save your file again as Kila_Optimized.mb.


We now have a model that is not only clean and good looking, but efficient as well. The various techniques explored in this chapter will serve you well when you need to optimize your geometry. You’ll know what to look out for on future projects.

With Kila now the best she can be, we can proceed to see how she deforms.

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