Downloading the dataset

In this section, we will cover the different steps required to install the dependencies and download the dataset. Before executing the following commands, activate the virtual environment created for this project:

  1. Execute the following command to install gallery-dl:
pip install --upgrade gallery-dl
  1. Alternatively, you can install the latest development version of gallery-dl using the following command:
pip install --upgrade
  1. If the preceding commands don't work, follow the instructions given in the official repository:
# Official gallery-dl Github repo
  1. Finally, execute the following command to download the images from using gallery-dl.:
Download images at your own risk. The information given is for educational purposes only and we don't support illegal scraping. We don't have copyright of the images, as the images are hosted by their respective owners. For commercial purposes, please contact the respective owner of the website or the content that you are using.
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