The architecture of the discriminator

The architecture of the discriminator network is similar to the architecture of the discriminator in a PatchGAN network. It is a deep convolutional neural network and contains several convolution blocks. Basically, it takes an image of a shape of (128, 128, 3) and predicts whether the image is real or fake. It contains several ZeroPadding2D layers, the documentation for which is available at the following link: The following table shows the architecture of the discriminator network in detail:

Layer name


Input shape

Output shape

Input layer


(128, 128, 3)

(128, 128, 3)

ZeroPadding2D layer

padding(1, 1)

(128, 128, 3)

(130, 130, 3)

2D convolution layer

filters=64, kernel_size=4, strides=2, padding='valid'

(130, 130, 3)

(64, 64, 64)

Activation layer

activation='leakyrelu', alpha=0.2

(64, 64, 64)

(64, 64, 64)

ZeroPadding2D layer

padding(1, 1)

(64, 64, 64)

(66, 66, 64)

2D convolution layer

filters=128, kernel_size=4, strides=2, padding='valid'

(66, 66, 64)

(32, 32, 128)

Instance normalization layer


(32, 32, 128)

(32, 32, 128)

Activation layer

activation='leakyrelu', alpha=0.2

(32, 32, 128)

(32, 32, 128)

ZeroPadding2D layer

padding(1, 1)

(32, 32, 128)

(34, 34, 128)

2D convolution layer

filters=256, kernel_size=4, strides=2, padding='valid'

(34, 34, 128)

(16, 16, 256)

Instance normalization layer


(16, 16, 256)

(16, 16, 256)

Activation layer

activation='leakyrelu', alpha=0.2

(16, 16, 256)

(16, 16, 256)

ZeroPadding2D layer

padding(1, 1)

(16, 16, 256)

(18, 18, 256)

2D convolution layer

filters=512, kernel_size=4, strides=2, padding='valid'

(18, 18, 256)

(8, 8, 512)

Instance normalization layer


(8, 8, 512)

(8, 8, 512)

Activation layer

activation='leakyrelu', alpha=0.2

(8, 8, 512)

(8, 8, 512)

ZeroPadding2D layer

padding(1, 1)

(8, 8, 512)

(10, 10, 512)

2D convolution layer

filters=1, kernel_size=4, strides=1, padding='valid', activation='sigmoid'

(10, 10, 512)

(7, 7, 1)

The discriminator network returns a tensor with a shape of (7, 7, 1). We have now covered the detailed architecture of both networks. In the next section, we'll take a look at the objective function required to train CycleGANs.

The ZeroPadding2D layer adds rows and columns of zeros at the top, bottom, left, and right of an image tensor.
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