The encoder network

The encoder network is the initial network of the generator network and contains eight convolutional blocks with the following configuration:

Layer Name


Input Shape

Output Shape

1st 2D Convolution Layer

filters=64, kernel_size=4, strides=2, padding='same',

(256, 256, 1)

(128, 128, 64)

Activation Layer

activation='leakyrelu', alpha=0.2

(128, 128, 64)

(128, 128, 64)

2nd 2D Convolution Layer

filters=128, kernel_size=4, strides=2, padding='same',

(128, 128, 64)

(64, 64, 128)

Batch Normalization Layer


(64, 64, 128)

(64, 64, 128)

Activation Layer

activation='leakyrelu', alpha=0.2

(64, 64, 128)

(64, 64, 128)

3rd 2D Convolution Layer

filters=256, kernel_size=4, strides=2, padding='same',

(64, 64, 128)

(32, 32, 256)

Batch Normalization Layer


(32, 32, 256)

(32, 32, 256)

Activation Layer

activation='leakyrelu', alpha=0.2

(32, 32, 256)

(32, 32, 256)

4th 2D Convolution Layer

filters=512, kernel_size=4, strides=2, padding='same',

(32, 32, 256)

(16, 16, 512)

Batch Normalization Layer


(16, 16, 512)

(16, 16, 512)

Activation Layer

activation='leakyrelu', alpha=0.2

(16, 16, 512)

(16, 16, 512)

5th 2D Convolution Layer

filters=512, kernel_size=4, strides=2, padding='same',

(16, 16, 512)

(8, 8, 512)

Batch Normalization Layer


(8, 8, 512)

(8, 8, 512)

Activation Layer

activation='leakyrelu', alpha=0.2

(8, 8, 512)

(8, 8, 512)

6th 2D Convolution Layer

filters=512, kernel_size=4, strides=2, padding='same',

(8, 8, 512)

(4, 4, 512)

Batch Normalization Layer


(4, 4, 512)

(4, 4, 512)

Activation Layer

activation='leakyrelu', alpha=0.2

(4, 4, 512)

(4, 4, 512)

7th 2D Convolution Layer

filters=512, kernel_size=4, strides=2, padding='same',

(4, 4, 512)

(2, 2, 512)

Batch Normalization Layer


(2, 2, 512)

(2, 2, 512)

Activation Layer

activation='leakyrelu', alpha=0.2

(2, 2, 512)

(2, 2, 512)

8th 2D Convolution Layer

filters=512, kernel_size=4, strides=2, padding='same',

(2, 2, 512)

(1, 1, 512)

Batch Normalization Layer


(1, 1, 512)

(1, 1, 512)

Activation Layer

activation='leakyrelu', alpha=0.2

(1, 1, 512)

(1, 1, 512)


The encoder network is followed by a decoder network. We'll have a look at the architecture of the decoder network in the following section.

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