Training the adversarial network

To train the adversarial network, we need both input values and ground truth values. The input values to the network are batchA and batchB. The ground truth values are real_labels, real_labels, batchA, batchB, batchA, batchB, as follows:

        g_loss = adversarial_model.train_on_batch([batchA, batchB],
[real_labels, real_labels, batchA, batchB, batchA, batchB])

This step will train the generator network without training the generating networks.

After the completion of a single iteration (loop) over each mini-batch, store the losses in lists called dis_losses and gen_losses, as follows:


After every 10 epochs, use the generator networks to generate a set of images:

# Sample and save images after every 10 epochs
if epoch % 10 == 0:
# Get a batch of test data
batchA, batchB = load_test_batch(data_dir=data_dir, batch_size=2)

# Generate images
generatedB = generatorAToB.predict(batchA)
generatedA = generatorBToA.predict(batchB)

# Get reconstructed images
reconsA = generatorBToA.predict(generatedB)
reconsB = generatorAToB.predict(generatedA)

# Save original, generated and reconstructed images
for i in range(len(generatedA)):
save_images(originalA=batchA[i], generatedB=generatedB[i], recosntructedA=reconsA[i],
originalB=batchB[i], generatedA=generatedA[i], reconstructedB=reconsB[i],
path="results/gen_{}_{}".format(epoch, i))

Put the preceding code block inside the epochs loop. After every 10 epochs, it will generate a batch of fake images and save them to the results directory.

Next, store the average losses to TensorBoard for visualization. Store both losses: the average loss for the generator network, and the average loss for the discriminator network, as shown in the following example:

write_log(tensorboard, 'discriminator_loss', np.mean(dis_losses), 
write_log(tensorboard, 'generator_loss', np.mean(gen_losses), epoch)

Put the preceding code block inside the epochs loop.

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