The Johnny-Five motor object

The motor object in Johnny-Five allows us to easily control our motors without having to worry about communicating with the hat via the Pi. Let's code a test setup with the REPL before coding our project, to make sure everything is working.

Create a new project folder and, inside it, run the following:

npm init -y

And, create a file in the folder named motor-test.js. Start by requiring in Johnny-Five and Raspi-IO, instantiating your board object, and creating a board.on('ready') handler, as we usually do:

const Raspi = require('raspi-io')
const five = require('johnny-five')
const board = new five.Board({
io: new Raspi()

board.on('ready', () => {


Now, we're ready to set up our motor object, keeping in mind that we'll need to configure for our hat.

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