Downloading Raspbian Lite

The following steps will show you how to download Raspbian Lite:

  1. The first step is downloading the Raspbian Lite image so we can burn it to our microSD card. The best place to get the image from is, as shown in the following screenshot:
A screenshot of the Raspbian download page, with both Full and Lite download links
  1. Select RASPBIAN STRETCH LITE (or whichever version is the current one), which will replace the word STRETCH. Give yourself some time for this step to complete; although Raspbian Lite is much smaller than Raspbian Full, it is still several hundred megabytes, and can take time to download!
If you're preparing to run a class, hackathon, or some other event using the Raspberry Pi and Raspbian, it's best to predownload it and place it on a flash drive to hand around, as conference and event Wi-Fi can be a bit slower than normal, or even drop in and out, so be prepared!
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