Chapter 6

  1. A motor is an electrical device that converts electricity into rotational movement
  2. The difference between a motor and a stepper motor is that motor can only be told what direction and speed to go, while a stepper motor can be told how many pre-defined increments to move, making it better for precision movements.
  3. You should use external power for motors because otherwise, it will draw too much power from the Raspberry Pi, causing strange errors or even reboots while your project is running. Your motors may also run slowly or not respond to commands when powered directly from the Pi.
  4. We need a Pi hat to control our motor because getting the motor to move backward requires extra components that the hat provides—it also makes it much easier to supply external power to the motors.
  5. The benefits of the Motors object when controlling multiple motors is the ability to control all of your motors in the group with one command while retaining the ability to send commands to the individual motors.
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