Coding the project

Create a new file in your project folder called light-meter.js. Set up your normal scaffolding: requiring in Johnny-Five and Raspi-IO, setting up our Board object, and creating the board.on('ready') handler:

const Raspi = require('raspi-io')
const five = require('johnny-five')

const board = new five.Board({
io: new Raspi()

board.on('ready', () => {

Inside the board.on('ready') handler, construct your Servo and Light objects:

let servo = new five.Servo({
controller: "PCA9685",
pin: 0

let lightSensor = new five.Light({
controller: 'TLS2561'

Then, we need to build a lightSensor.on('change') handler. We're going to use the Sensor.scaleTo([min, max]) to scale the 0-255 input of the light sensor to the 0-180 output of the servo:

lightSensor.on('change', function(){[0, 180]))

And that's it! Let's get it on the Pi and see it at work.

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