Creating our IFTTT Applets

On the IFTTT home page, you create a new applet by selecting your username in the top-right corner and selecting New Applet:

You'll be presented with the IFTTT Applet formula:

Click the +this link to be taken to a list of services you can use to trigger your IFTTT applet. Fill out the name of the social media service you wish to use in the search bar, and select it as it pops up.

You'll then see a list of possible triggers from that service. Select which one you'd like to be notified for (I started with someone following my twitter account). Once you click your trigger, you'll be taken back to the formula page, and the +this will be replaced with the logo for the social media site you use as a trigger. Then, it's time to create our action by clicking +that.

You'll be taken to a similar page to select a service for your action. Search for AdafruitIO and select it. You'll be asked to fill out some information about which AdafruitIO feed you'd like to send to, and the message you'd like to send:

Select the name of the feed that matches the social media site that triggers this applet. Under data to save, you can enter a message that we can display on the LCD. You can also click the Add ingredient button to add information from the social media event itself:

I selected FullName and ended up with the message {{FullName}} followed you on Twitter!

Repeat this for both the other triggers from the first social media site and the other social media sites and their triggers.

Now that our IFTTT Applets are sending data to AdafruitIO, we can start wiring and coding our bot.

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