Programming our keyframes 

So based on the information we've been given, the values we need for each keyframe are:

  • servoOne null, servoTwo null (start wherever the servos happen to be)
  • servoOne 0, servoTwo 180
  • servoOne 180, servoTwo null (servoTwo starts moving towards 90 degrees)
  • servoOne false, servoTwo null (servoOne stays put, servoTwo still moving to 90 degrees)
  • servoOne 90, servoTwo 90

Each position needs to be an object with a property degrees for each keyframe. Let's translate that into JavaScript, right under the construction of our animation object:

let keyframes = [
[null, {degrees: 0}, {degrees: 180}, false, {degrees:90}], // servoOne
[null, {degrees: 180}, null, null, {degrees: 90}] // servoTwo

Now that we have our keyframes programmed, let's get started on our cue points.

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