Coding it all together

We need to take what we've learned in this chapter and put it together. Start by creating a file called weather-dashboard.js in your project folder, and setting up your Johnny-Five, Raspi-IO, and request  libraries, constructing your Board object, and creating your board.on('ready') handler:

const Raspi = require('raspi-io')
const five = require('johnny-five')
const request = require('request')

const board = new five.Board({
io: new Raspi()

board.on('ready', () => {

Then, inside the board.on('ready') handler, construct and set up our LCD:

let LCD = new Five.LCD({
controller: 'PCF8574'


Then, we'll create a function that gets the weather data, and set it on an interval of one minute:

function getWeather() {
url: '',
qs: {
q: [your city],
appid: [your API key],
units: ['metric' or 'imperial'],
json: true
}, (err, resp, body) => {


setInterval(getWeather, 60000)

In the request callback, we'll clear, and write to, the LCD:

LCD.home().print('Temp: ' + body.main.temp + ' Deg [F or C]')
LCD.setCursor(0, 1).print(

Finally, call the getWeather() function at the start to prevent the project from taking a full minute before showing anything:


Once you have the full code together, load the project folder onto our Pi the following, navigate to the folder in your Pi SSH session, and run the following commands:

npm i
sudo node weather-dashboard.js

You should have the temperature and conditions for the city you put in appear on the LCD, and they should refresh every minute.

Now that we've seen a project where the Pi pulls from a nice neat JSON REST API, let's take a crack at getting data from a bit more difficult source: HTML scraping.

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