
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


! (exclamation mark)
!= (not equal to) operator, Conditionals
in naming methods, Method names
" (double quotes), Your first Ruby expressions
(see also ' (single quotes))
#{...} notation inside, String interpolation, Ruby makes working with strings easy
in double-quoted string, Escape sequences in strings
specifying strings using, Your first Ruby expressions
# (hash) mark
at start of method names in documentation, Instance methods denoted with # in the docs
making comments using, Running scripts
% (percent) sign, format sequences, Format sequences
& (ampersand), denoting block parameter to method, Defining a method that takes blocks, Your Ruby Toolbox
&& (and) operator, Conditionals
' (single quotes), Your first Ruby expressions
(see also " (double quotes))
specifying strings using, Your first Ruby expressions
( ) parentheses
using with parameters, Defining methods
with method calls, Method arguments
* (asterisk), multiplication operator, Your first Ruby expressions, “/” is a method
** (exponentiation) operator, Your first Ruby expressions
+ (plus) sign
+= operator, Variables
addition operator, Your first Ruby expressions, “/” is a method
for concatenation, Converting to strings
, (commas)
joining strings with, A program we should have had automated tests for
separating arguments by, Method arguments
separating array elements, Arrays
separating parameters by, Method names, Block parameters
- (minus sign), subtraction operator, Your first Ruby expressions, “/” is a method
. (dot)
denoting class methods in documentation, Looking up class methods
Float vs. Fixnum literals, Division with Ruby’s Fixnum class
operator, calling methods using, Everything is an object!, Running scripts, Calling methods you’ve defined, Call other methods on the same instance with “self”
/ (forward slash)
denoting regular expression literals, #5 Regular expressions
division operator, Your first Ruby expressions, Division with Ruby’s Fixnum class, “/” is a method
in Sinatra route paths, Named parameters in Sinatra routes
/ (slash)
denoting regular expression literals, #5 Regular expressions
division operator, Your first Ruby expressions, Division with Ruby’s Fixnum class, “/” is a method
in Sinatra route paths, Named parameters in Sinatra routes
: (colon)
denoting Sinatra named parameter, Named parameters in Sinatra routes
replacing hash rocket (=>) with, Leave off the braces!
symbol references using, Attribute writers and readers
: : (double colon) scope resolution operator, marking class methods, Looking up class methods, The “initialize” instance method appears as the “new” class method
: : (scope resolution) operator, marking class methods in documentation, Looking up class methods, The “initialize” instance method appears as the “new” class method
; (semicolon), using to separate statements, String interpolation
< % %> (ERB regular embedding tag), The regular embedding tag
< %= %> (ERB output embedding tag), The ERB output embedding tag, Pool Puzzle Solution, Building HTML links to individual movies (continued), An ERB template for an individual movie
< (less than) sign
as method, A preview of the Comparable mixin, How the Comparable methods work
comparison operator, Your first Ruby expressions
indicating inheritance, Defining a subclass (is really easy)
< < operator, inserting elements into arrays using, Arrays are objects, too!
< = (less than or equal to operator), Conditionals
as method, Mixins built into Ruby, How the Comparable methods work
< => (spaceship operator)
about, The spaceship operator
implementing as method, Implementing the spaceship operator on Steak, Your Ruby Toolbox
= (equals) sign
assigning variables using, Variables
in naming methods, Method names
= = (equality) operator, Your first Ruby expressions, A preview of the Comparable mixin, How the Comparable methods work
=> (hash rocket), Leave off the braces!
=> in rescue clause, Exception messages
> (greater than) sign
as method, A preview of the Comparable mixin, How the Comparable methods work
calling as method, Choice (of) beef
comparison operator, Your first Ruby expressions
>= (greater than or equal to operator), Conditionals
as method, A preview of the Comparable mixin, How the Comparable methods work
? (question mark), in naming methods, Method names, The verbose way to find array elements, using “each”
[ ] square brackets
accessing arrays with, Accessing arrays
accessing hashes with, Hashes, Returning something other than “nil” by default
denoting array literals, Arrays
in arguments in documentation, Arguments in call signatures
(backslash), in escape sequences, Escape sequences in strings
\ (double backslashes), Escape sequences in strings
{ } curly braces
denoting blocks, Block formats
hash literals, Hashes, Returning something other than “nil” by default, Leave off the braces!
using for string interpolation, String interpolation
| (vertical bars), denoting block parameters, Block parameters
| | (or) operator, Conditionals, Using the Boolean “or” operator for assignment, Your Ruby Toolbox, Finding the next available movie ID


< a> HTML tag, Making a movie list in HTML, Building HTML links to individual movies (continued)
abs method, Mixins built into Ruby
accessor methods, Attribute accessor methods
(see also attribute reader methods; attribute writer methods)
about, Attribute accessor methods
as type of instance method, Attribute writers and readers in action
calling, Using accessor methods
ensuring data is valid with, Ensuring data is valid with accessors
action attribute, HTML form, Setting the HTML form to send a POST request, Your Ruby Toolbox
addition operator (+), Your first Ruby expressions, “/” is a method
add_comment method
about, The media-sharing app
creating mixins for comments, Creating a mixin for comments
initialize method and revised, Why you shouldn’t add “initialize” to a mixin
initializing instance variable within, Avoid using “initialize” methods in modules
looking at revised, Using our comments mixin
comments mixin, Using our comments mixin
conditional assignment operator with, The conditional assignment operator
inheritance, The media-sharing app...using inheritance
:age symbol, Attribute writers and readers
age= method, Ensuring data is valid with accessors
about, Aliasing
problems with, Problems with a hash default object
ampersand (&), denoting block parameter to method, Defining a method that takes blocks, Your Ruby Toolbox
ancestors class method, Mixins and method overriding, Your Ruby Toolbox
and (&&) operator, Conditionals
and keyword, joining items with, A program we should have had automated tests for, Getting the test to pass
apps, web
browsers and, Browsers, requests, servers, and responses
complete code for, Our complete app code
defining routes, Sinatra routes, Multiple routes in the same Sinatra app
displaying data
accessing instance variables, Embedding a movie title in our HTML
ERB embedding tags, ERB embedding tags
output from embedding tags, The ERB output embedding tag
using output embedding tag ( < %= %>), The ERB output embedding tag, Pool Puzzle Solution
using regular embedding tag ( < % %>), The regular embedding tag
handling requests
serving HTML, Accessing the HTML from Sinatra
setting up routes, Multiple routes in the same Sinatra app
installing Sinatra, Installing the Sinatra gem
planning, Writing web apps in Ruby, Saving and retrieving form data
POST requests
about, Saving and retrieving form data
converting objects to and from strings, Converting objects to and from strings with YAML
displaying objects, An ERB template for an individual movie
finding objects in YAML::Store, A system for finding Movies in the YAML::Store
finding objects within files, Building HTML links to individual movies
loading objects, Loading all movies from the MovieStore
managing YAML::Store, A class to manage our YAML::Store
posting requests, Our browser can GET the form...
saving objects to YAML::Store, Saving objects to a file with YAML::Store
setting form attributes, Setting the HTML form to send a POST request
testing YAML::Store, Testing the MovieStore
resource path of, Resource path
sending request to WEBrick library, Your computer is talking to itself
setting up, Project directory structure
setting up data
with HTML forms, Letting users add data with HTML forms
with HTML tables, Letting users add data with HTML forms
documentation, Arguments in call signatures
optional arguments, Optional parameters
parameters vs., Optional parameters
to method calls, Defining methods
ARGV array, #4 Command-line arguments
Array class documentation, Read the docs for the superclass and mixins, too! (continued)
array index, Accessing arrays
about, Arrays and Blocks: Better Than Loops
accessing, Accessing arrays
ARGV, #4 Command-line arguments
arrays of arrays, An array of not ideal
as objects, Arrays are objects, too!
converting strings to arrays, Arrays are objects, too!
each method, The “each” method, Using “each” with the “refund” method
Enumerable module and, The Enumerable module
find_index instance method, Finding the index of an array element
hashes vs., Hashes, Hashes and “each”, Your Ruby Toolbox
inserting elements into, Arrays are objects, too!
integer index in, Accessing arrays
length of, Arrays are objects, too!
making array based on another, Making one array that’s based on another, the hard way
making hash of, Hash default blocks: A shortcut
pop method, Arrays are objects, too!
processing with while loops, Looping over the items in an array
searching for values within, Arrays are objects, too!
similarities between hashes and, Hashes
assert method, MiniTest: Ruby’s standard unit-testing library, Tests for ListWithCommas, Test failure messages, Your Ruby Toolbox
assert_equal method, A better way to assert that two values are equal
assert_includes method, Some other assertion methods
assert_instance_of method, Some other assertion methods
assert_raises method, Some other assertion methods
assignment statements
assigning variables using equals (=) sign, Variables
return value of, Hashes are objects
using conditional assignment operator, The conditional assignment operator
asterisk (*), multiplication operator, Your first Ruby expressions, “/” is a method
attribute accessor methods
defining via attr_accessor, Attribute writers and readers
matching instance variable names, Instance variables belong to the object, not the class!
subclasses inheriting, Inheritance to the rescue!
using, Attribute writers and readers in action
attribute reader methods
about, Attribute accessor methods
defining, Ensuring data is valid with accessors, When “self” is optional
defining via attr_reader, Attribute writers and readers
naming, Using accessor methods
using, Attribute writers and readers in action
attribute writer methods
about, Attribute accessor methods
calling, Attribute accessor methods, Call other methods on the same instance with “self”, When “self” is optional
defining, Ensuring data is valid with accessors
defining via attr_writer, Attribute writers and readers
naming, Using accessor methods
using, Attribute writers and readers in action
validation and, Ensuring data is valid with accessors
attribute, definition of, Attribute accessor methods
automated testing
about, Automated tests find your bugs before someone else does
asserting two values are equal, A better way to assert that two values are equal
MiniTest in
about, Unit Testing: Code Quality Assurance, MiniTest: Ruby’s standard unit-testing library
asserting two values are equal, A better way to assert that two values are equal
assert_includes method, Some other assertion methods
assert_instance_of method, Some other assertion methods
assert_raises method, Some other assertion methods
examining code, A closer look at the test code, Your Ruby Toolbox
running tests, Running a test
setup method, The “setup” method
testing classes, Testing a class
need for, A program we should have had automated tests for
red, green, refactor cycle and, A closer look at the test code, Tests for ListWithCommas
removing duplicated code from, Removing duplicated code from your tests


backslash (), in escape sequences, Escape sequences in strings
between? method, A preview of the Comparable mixin, How the Comparable methods work
Black, David A., The Well-Grounded Rubyist (2nd edition), #9 Bundler
about, Arrays and Blocks: Better Than Loops, Blocks
accessing during method call, Blocks and variable scope, Your Ruby Toolbox
adding rescue clause to begin/end, Ruby’s search for a rescue clause, Multiple rescue clauses in one begin/end block
building arrays based on return value in, Making one array based on another, using “map”
creating, Your first block
declaring &block parameter, Using the “yield” keyword
each method with
about, The “each” method
getting rid of repeated code, DRYing up our code with “each” and blocks
using, The “each” method, step-by-step, The verbose way to find array elements, using “each”
finding array elements using, Finding array elements we want, with a block
find_all method
passing array elements, Introducing a faster method..., How the method uses a block return value, Your Ruby Toolbox
passing words, Mixing Enumerable into our class
formats for
curly brace { }, Block formats
do...end, Your first block, Block formats
hash default
about, Our wish list for hash defaults
assigning to hash, Hash default blocks: Assigning to the hash
block return value, Hash default blocks: Block return value
hash default objects vs., Using hash default objects safely
matching values assigned to hash, Hash default blocks: Block return value
rules for using, The rule of thumb for hash defaults
in documentation, Blocks in call signatures
include? method in, The verbose way to find array elements, using “each”
map method
passing array elements into blocks, Making one array that’s based on another, the hard way
passing words, Mixing Enumerable into our class
associating with, Block formats
calling block multiple times, Calling a block multiple times
defining methods that take blocks, Defining a method that takes blocks
flow of control between blocks and, Flow of control between a method and block
passing many blocks into single method, Calling the same method with different blocks
similarities with, Blocks have a return value
parameters in, Block parameters, Blocks have a return value, A closer look at the block return values, The return values for “reject”
passing hashes to, Hashes and “each”
processing files using, Safely closing the file, with a block
reject method
passing array elements, Eliminating elements we don’t want, with a block
passing words, Mixing Enumerable into our class
return keyword within, Blocks have a return value
return values
about, Blocks have a return value
complete code for, The finished product
finding index of array element, Finding the index of an array element
find_all method with, Putting it all together
hash, Hash default blocks: Block return value
map method with, Making one array that’s based on another, the hard way
methods using, How the method uses a block return value
opening and closing files, Opening the file
processing collections, A big collection of words to search through
reject method with, Eliminating elements we don’t want, with a block
split method with, Breaking a string into an array of words
split method with, Breaking a string into an array of words
understanding values and, Blocks have a return value
using ampersand (&) to accept, Defining a method that takes blocks, Your Ruby Toolbox
using yield keyword with, Using the “yield” keyword, Your Ruby Toolbox
variables and, Blocks and variable scope, Don’t forget about variable scope!
Boolean values
methods named with ? returning, The verbose way to find array elements, using “each”, Your Ruby Toolbox
operators, Conditionals
truthy and falsy values, Hashes return “nil” by default
using or (| |) operator for assignment, Using the Boolean “or” operator for assignment, Your Ruby Toolbox
Bundler, #9 Bundler


call method, Defining a method that takes blocks, Block parameters
call signatures in documentation, Arguments in call signatures, Your Ruby Toolbox
chomp method, Calling “chomp” on the string object
class instance method on objects, Why everything inherits from the Object class
class keyword, Your first class
class methods
about, Class methods
documentation on, Pool Puzzle Solution
instance methods vs., Looking up class methods
about, What methods are available on an object?, Designing a class
Array, documentation on methods in, Read the docs for the superclass and mixins, too! (continued)
as superclasses, Your Ruby Toolbox
breaking methods into, Breaking up our giant methods into classes
Comparable mixing into, The Comparable mixin, Implementing the spaceship operator on Steak
core, Ruby’s core classes and modules, Docs for a class that doesn’t exist?!
date, Docs for a class that doesn’t exist?!, Looking up classes and modules in the standard library
defining, Your first class
designing, Designing a class
documentation on, Listing available classes and modules
adding initialize method to, Employee safety with “initialize”, “super” and “initialize”
creating instances of, Creating new Employee instances
defining, Payroll at Chargemore
fixing rounding errors in, Fixing the salary rounding error in Employee
implementing pay stubs for hourly employees through inheritance, Implementing hourly employees through inheritance
setting object attributes, Using “format” to fix our pay stubs
using self keyword, Call other methods on the same instance with “self”
validation of accessor methods, “initialize” does an end-run around our validation
Enumerable mixing into, A class to mix Enumerable into
Enumerator, Blocks in call signatures
Exception, Different rescue logic for different exceptions, Your Ruby Toolbox
File, Opening the file
about, Calling a method on an object, Division with Ruby’s Fixnum class
dividing by instances of, Division with Ruby’s Fixnum class
Float vs., Division with Ruby’s Fixnum class
Numeric as superclass of, Mixins built into Ruby
operands and, Division with Ruby’s Float class
rounding errors and, Fixing the salary rounding error in Employee
about, Division with Ruby’s Fixnum class
dividing by instances of, Division with Ruby’s Float class
fixing rounding errors, Fixing the salary rounding error in Employee
Fixnum vs., Division with Ruby’s Fixnum class
Numeric as superclass of, Mixins built into Ruby
operands and, Division with Ruby’s Float class
inheriting from multiple, Not an option: Multiple inheritance
initialize inherited from superclass, “super” and “initialize”
instances of
about, Designing a class
creating, Your first class, Creating instances of our new animal classes
ListWithCommas, Tests for ListWithCommas
mixing Comparable module into, A preview of the Comparable mixin
modules mixed into, Using modules as mixins, Mixins, behind the scenes
naming, Breaking up our giant methods into classes
NilClass, “nil” stands for nothing
Numeric, adding comparison operator methods to, Mixins built into Ruby, Your Ruby Toolbox
about, The Object class
inheriting initialize method, Using optional parameters with “initialize”
methods inherited from, Why everything inherits from the Object class
setting as superclass, Your Ruby Toolbox, Mixins, behind the scenes
object vs., What’s the difference between a class and an object?
sharing methods between, Inheritance to the rescue!
standard library as collection of, The Ruby standard library
comparison operator methods of, Mixins built into Ruby, Your Ruby Toolbox
find_index method of, Finding the index of an array element
include? method of, The verbose way to find array elements, using “each”, Your Ruby Toolbox
inheriting methods, Mixins built into Ruby
split method of, Breaking a string into an array of words
testing, Testing a class
Code Magnets exercises
on constructing blocks, Blocks have a return value
on creating classes, Updating our class diagram with instance methods
on creating program using modules and classes, Mixins, behind the scenes
on creating Sinatra route, Multiple routes in the same Sinatra app
on hashes, Making the entire hash optional
on making superclasses and subclasses, “super” and “initialize”
on reconstructing YAML::Store code, Saving movies to a file with YAML::Store
on rescue clauses, Exception messages
on superclasses and subclasses, Overriding methods
arrays as, Arrays
(see also arrays)
hashes as, Hashes: Labeling Data, Hashes
(see also hashes)
of methods, Mixins, behind the scenes
processing, A big collection of words to search through
(see also blocks: return values)
colon (:)
denoting Sinatra named parameter, Named parameters in Sinatra routes
replacing hash rocket (=>) with, Leave off the braces!
symbol references using, Attribute writers and readers
command-line arguments, #4 Command-line arguments
commas (,)
joining strings with, A program we should have had automated tests for
separating arguments by, Method arguments
separating array elements, Arrays
separating parameters by, Method names, Block parameters
comments method
about, The media-sharing app
conditional assignment operator with, The conditional assignment operator
creating mixins for comments, Creating a mixin for comments
initialize method and revised, Why you shouldn’t add “initialize” to a mixin
initializing instance variable within, Avoid using “initialize” methods in modules
looking at revised, Using our comments mixin
using comments mixin, Using our comments mixin
using inheritance, The media-sharing app...using inheritance
about, A preview of the Comparable mixin, How the Comparable methods work
Enumerable vs., The Enumerable module
mixing into classes, Implementing the spaceship operator on Steak
spaceship operator ( < =>) and, Implementing the spaceship operator on Steak, Your Ruby Toolbox
understanding, How the Comparable methods work
using in classes, Implementing the spaceship operator on Steak
comparison operators
about, Your first Ruby expressions
as methods, A preview of the Comparable mixin, How the Comparable methods work
Boolean expressions and, Conditionals
Comparable and, A preview of the Comparable mixin, How the Comparable methods work
spaceship operator ( < =>) and, The spaceship operator
compiling other languages, Use Ruby
concatenation (+) symbol, Converting to strings
conditional assignment operator, The conditional assignment operator
conditional statements, Conditionals, Your Ruby Toolbox, CSV
about, Constants, Your Ruby Toolbox
naming, Constants
constructors vs. initialize method, Using optional parameters with “initialize”
core classes, Docs for a class that doesn’t exist?!
CSV library, CSV
curly braces { }
denoting blocks, Block formats
hash literals, Hashes, Returning something other than “nil” by default, Leave off the braces!
using for string interpolation, String interpolation


Date class, Docs for a class that doesn’t exist?!, Looking up classes and modules in the standard library
day method, Docs for a class that doesn’t exist?!
decimal places
fixing rounding errors, Fixing the salary rounding error in Employee
Float vs. Fixum classes, Division with Ruby’s Fixnum class
formatting numbers, Formatting numbers for printing
def keyword, Defining methods
division operator (/), Your first Ruby expressions, Division with Ruby’s Fixnum class, “/” is a method
do keyword, Your first block
do...end, block format, Your first block
about, Learning how to learn more
adding documentation using comments, Adding your own documentation, with comments
call signatures, Arguments in call signatures, Your Ruby Toolbox
class methods, Pool Puzzle Solution
for mixin methods, Read the docs for the superclass and mixins, too!
for superclass methods, Read the docs for the superclass and mixins, too!
HTML, HTML documentation, Your Ruby Toolbox
initialize/new method, The “initialize” instance method appears as the “new” class method
instance methods, Looking up instance methods
popular sites for, HTML documentation
rdoc command and, Where Ruby docs come from: rdoc, The “initialize” instance method appears as the “new” class method
using search engine to find, The “initialize” instance method appears as the “new” class method
dot (.)
denoting class methods in documentation, Looking up class methods
Float vs. Fixnum literals, Division with Ruby’s Fixnum class
operator, calling methods using, Everything is an object!, Running scripts, Calling methods you’ve defined, Call other methods on the same instance with “self”
double backslashes (\), Escape sequences in strings
double quotes (“), Your first Ruby expressions
(see also single quotes ('))
#{...} notation inside, String interpolation, Ruby makes working with strings easy
in double-quoted string, Escape sequences in strings
specifying strings using, Your first Ruby expressions
dRuby library, dRuby
dump method for YAML, Converting objects to and from strings with YAML


each method
about, The “each” method
Enumerable methods calling, A class to mix Enumerable into
hashes and, Hashes and “each”
using, The “each” method, step-by-step, Using “each” with the “refund” method
else statement, Conditionals
avoiding use with unless statements, The opposite of “if” is “unless”
Employee class
adding initialize method to, Employee safety with “initialize”, “super” and “initialize”
creating instances of, Creating new Employee instances
defining, Payroll at Chargemore
fixing rounding errors in, Fixing the salary rounding error in Employee
implementing pay stubs for hourly employees through inheritance, Implementing hourly employees through inheritance
setting object attributes, Using “format” to fix our pay stubs
using self keyword, Call other methods on the same instance with “self”
validation of accessor methods, “initialize” does an end-run around our validation
encapsulation, Encapsulation
end keyword, Conditionals, Defining methods, Your first class, Your first block, Using modules as mixins
ensure clause, The ensure clause
about, Comparable and Enumerable: Ready-Made Mixes, The Enumerable module, Inside the Enumerable module, Read the docs for the superclass and mixins, too!
Comparable vs., The Enumerable module
documentation on, Read the docs for the superclass and mixins, too!
methods, Our next mixin
methods calling each method, A class to mix Enumerable into
mixing into classes, A class to mix Enumerable into
Enumerator class, Blocks in call signatures
equality (= =) operator, Your first Ruby expressions, A preview of the Comparable mixin, How the Comparable methods work
equals (=) sign
assigning variables using, Variables
in naming methods, Method names
defined, Accessing the HTML from Sinatra
embedding tags, ERB embedding tags
output embedding tag ( < %= %>), The ERB output embedding tag, Building HTML links to individual movies (continued), An ERB template for an individual movie
regular embedding tag ( < % %>), The regular embedding tag
ERB library, Accessing the HTML from Sinatra
erb method, Accessing the HTML from Sinatra
ERB templates
accessing instance variables within, Embedding a movie title in our HTML
creating for HTML form, Getting an HTML form for adding a movie
displaying objects, An ERB template for an individual movie
setting local variables in, Embedding a movie title in our HTML
error messages, using raise method to report errors, Using “raise” to report errors
escape sequences, in strings, Escape sequences in strings
Exception classes, Different rescue logic for different exceptions, Your Ruby Toolbox
about, Exceptions: When something’s gone wrong
differentiating between, Different rescue logic for different exceptions
ensure clause, The ensure clause
messages, Exception messages
rescue clauses
about, Ruby’s search for a rescue clause, Your Ruby Toolbox
handling exceptions, Rescue clauses: A chance to fix the problem
retry keyword in, Trying again after an error with “retry”
specifying exception classes for, Specifying exception class for a rescue clause
using, Using a rescue clause with our SmallOven class
using raise method to report errors, Using “raise” to report errors
ZeroDivisionError, Some other assertion methods
exclamation mark (!)
!= (not equal to) operator, Conditionals
in naming methods, Method names
on < li> HTML tag, Looping over several movie titles in our HTML
on arrays and blocks, We’ve gotten rid of the repetitive loop code!, The finished product
on assertions in testing, Some other assertion methods, Updating our code to use the “setup” method
on Comparable, How the Comparable methods work
on constructing blocks, Blocks have a return value
on creating
classes, Updating our class diagram with instance methods
instances, Attribute writers and readers in action
program using modules and classes, Mixins, behind the scenes
Sinatra route, Multiple routes in the same Sinatra app
on defining Sinatra routes, Defining routes in order of priority
on definitions connected with inheritance, Overriding methods
on Enumerable, Inside the Enumerable module
on ERB tags, Pool Puzzle
on expressions, Calling a method on an object
on File class and blocks, Don’t forget about variable scope!
on formatting numbers, Using “format” to fix our pay stubs
on hashes, Hashes, Hashes are objects, nil (and only nil) is “falsy”, Making the entire hash optional
on initializing instances, Using optional parameters with “initialize”
on instance methods, Pool Puzzle
on loading methods, Optional parameters
on making hash of arrays, Hash default blocks: A shortcut
on making superclasses and subclasses, “super” and “initialize”
on method definitions and blocks, Block formats
on method overriding and super keyword, A super-powered subclass
on methods using hashes, Required keyword arguments
on MiniTest, A closer look at the test code
on mixins and modules, Mixins and method overriding
on or (| |) operator for assignment, The conditional assignment operator
on output of code from classes, Aliasing
on placing class names and method definitions in class diagram, Subclasses keep inherited methods alongside new ones
on POST requests, Setting up a Sinatra route for a POST request
on processing arrays, Arrays are objects, too!
on reconstructing YAML::Store code, Saving movies to a file with YAML::Store
on rescue clauses, Exception messages
on superclasses and subclasses, Overriding methods
on terms related to storing data within objects, Attribute writers and readers in action
on understanding retry keyword, Updating our oven code with “retry”
explicit return values, Return values
exponentiation (**) operator, Your first Ruby expressions
expressions, Your first Ruby expressions


factory methods, An inefficient factory method
false Boolean values, Conditionals
falsy values, Hashes return “nil” by default
File class
closing files, Opening the file
opening files, Opening the file
find method, Finding a Movie in the YAML::Store, Finishing the Sinatra route for individual movies
find_all method
documentation on, Read the docs for the superclass and mixins, too!
from Enumerable, Comparable and Enumerable: Ready-Made Mixes, Our next mixin
passing array elements into blocks, Blocks have a return value, How the method uses a block return value, Your Ruby Toolbox
find_index method, Finding the index of an array element
Fireside Chats
on associating methods and blocks, Block formats
on differences between arrays and hashes, Hashes and “each”
on modules and classes, Mixins, behind the scenes
Fixnum class
about, Calling a method on an object, Division with Ruby’s Fixnum class
dividing by instances of, Division with Ruby’s Fixnum class
Float vs., Division with Ruby’s Fixnum class
Numeric as superclass of, Mixins built into Ruby
operands and, Division with Ruby’s Float class
rounding errors and, Fixing the salary rounding error in Employee
Float class
about, Division with Ruby’s Fixnum class
dividing by instances of, Division with Ruby’s Float class
fixing rounding errors, Fixing the salary rounding error in Employee
Fixnum vs., Division with Ruby’s Fixnum class
Numeric as superclass of, Mixins built into Ruby
operands and, Division with Ruby’s Float class
decimal, format sequence type (%f) for, Format sequences, Format sequence width with floating-point numbers
numbers, format sequence width with, Format sequence width with floating-point numbers
< form> HTML tag, Letting users add data with HTML forms
format method, Formatting numbers for printing
format sequences
about, Format sequences
types of, Format sequences, Your Ruby Toolbox
width, Format sequence width
forward slash (/)
denoting regular expression literals, #5 Regular expressions
division operator, Your first Ruby expressions, Division with Ruby’s Fixnum class, “/” is a method
in Sinatra route paths, Named parameters in Sinatra routes
Fowler, Chad (Programming Ruby), #5 Regular expressions, #9 Bundler
Freeman, Eric, Head First HTML and CSS, Project directory structure


< h1> HTML tag, Making a movie list in HTML
hash (#) mark
at start of method names in documentation, Instance methods denoted with # in the docs
making comments using, Running scripts
hash default blocks
about, Our wish list for hash defaults
assigning to hash, Hash default blocks: Assigning to the hash
block return value, Hash default blocks: Block return value
hash default objects vs., Using hash default objects safely
rules for using, The rule of thumb for hash defaults
hash default objects
detailed look at, A more detailed look at hash default objects
leaving off hash keys and, Hash parameters in our Candidate class
modifying, We’re actually modifying the hash default object!
problems with, Problems with a hash default object
references to, The astronomer’s hash: Our final code
rules for using, Hash default object rule #1: Don’t modify the default object
using immutable objects as, Hash default object rule #1: Don’t modify the default object, Your Ruby Toolbox
using numbers as default for, Returning something other than “nil” by default, Using hash default objects safely
values returned from unassigned keys and, Your Ruby Toolbox, Our wish list for hash defaults
hash keys
assigning values to, A more detailed look at hash default objects, Hash default blocks: Assigning to the hash
checking using if/else statements, nil (and only nil) is “falsy”
leaving off in method arguments, Hash parameters in our Candidate class, Making the entire hash optional
normalizing, Normalizing hash keys
objects used as, Hashes
referencing hash default object, Our wish list for hash defaults
referring same object, Problems with a hash default object
unassigned, Problems with a hash default object
using nil with, Hash parameters in our Candidate class
using square brackets [ ], Hashes, Returning something other than “nil” by default
using symbols as parameter keys, A mess of method arguments
hash literals
omitting curly braces { } for method arguments, Leave off the braces!
using curly braces { }, Hashes, Returning something other than “nil” by default
hash rocket (=>), Leave off the braces!
about, Hashes, Hashes are objects
arrays vs., Hashes, Hashes and “each”, Your Ruby Toolbox
as method parameters, A mess of method arguments
as objects, Hashes
assigning values to, A more detailed look at hash default objects, Hash default blocks: Assigning to the hash
creating new, Returning something other than “nil” by default, Your Ruby Toolbox, A more detailed look at hash default objects
default object, Returning something other than “nil” by default, Your Ruby Toolbox
each method and, Hashes and “each”
Enumerable module and, The Enumerable module
initialize methods using, Hash parameters in our Candidate class
instance methods of, Hashes
making optional as parameters, Leave off the braces!
method arguments and, A mess of method arguments
nil values, Hashes return “nil” by default, Making the entire hash optional
regular parameters vs. hash parameters, A mess of method arguments
returning values not nil, nil (and only nil) is “falsy”
similarities between arrays and, Hashes
typos in arguments, Making the entire hash optional
using keyword arguments, Making the entire hash optional
yielding two-element arrays, Hashes and “each”
Head First HTML and CSS (Robson and Freeman), Project directory structure
heap, The heap
href attribute, Building HTML links to individual movies
HTML documentation, HTML documentation, Read the docs for the superclass and mixins, too! (continued), The “initialize” instance method appears as the “new” class method, Your Ruby Toolbox
HTML files
accessing from Sinatra, Accessing the HTML from Sinatra
outputting with documentation, Where Ruby docs come from: rdoc
web apps and, Browsers, requests, servers, and responses
HTML forms
action attribute, Setting the HTML form to send a POST request, Your Ruby Toolbox
method attribute, Setting the HTML form to send a POST request, Your Ruby Toolbox
saving and retrieving POST requests (see HTML pages: POST requests)
users adding data with, Letting users add data with HTML forms
HTML links, building, Building HTML links to individual movies
HTML pages
displaying data
accessing instance variables, Embedding a movie title in our HTML
ERB embedding tags, ERB embedding tags
output from embedding tags, The ERB output embedding tag
using output embedding tag ( < %= %>), The ERB output embedding tag, Pool Puzzle Solution
using regular embedding tag ( < % %>), The regular embedding tag
POST requests
about, Saving and retrieving form data
complete code for, Our complete app code
converting objects to and from strings, Converting objects to and from strings with YAML
displaying objects, An ERB template for an individual movie
finding objects in YAML::Store, A system for finding Movies in the YAML::Store
finding objects within files, Building HTML links to individual movies
loading objects, Loading all movies from the MovieStore
managing YAML::Store, A class to manage our YAML::Store
posting requests, Our browser can GET the form...
saving objects to YAML::Store, Saving objects to a file with YAML::Store
setting form attributes, Setting the HTML form to send a POST request
testing YAML::Store, Testing the MovieStore
setting up data
with HTML forms, Letting users add data with HTML forms
with HTML tables, Letting users add data with HTML forms
tags in, Making a movie list in HTML
HTML tables
about, HTML tables
arranging text in form fields using, Letting users add data with HTML forms
HTML tags
< a>, Making a movie list in HTML, Building HTML links to individual movies (continued)
< form>, Letting users add data with HTML forms
< h1>, Making a movie list in HTML
< input>, Letting users add data with HTML forms
< label>, Letting users add data with HTML forms
< li>, Making a movie list in HTML, The regular embedding tag
< strong>, An ERB template for an individual movie
< table>, HTML tables, An ERB template for an individual movie
< td>, HTML tables
< title>, Making a movie list in HTML
< tr>, HTML tables
< ul>, Making a movie list in HTML
HTTP requests
about, Request type
parts of, Resource path
POST requests, ... But it needs to POST the response
Hunt, Andy (Programming Ruby), #5 Regular expressions, #9 Bundler


-I flag, A closer look at the test code, #8 Automating tasks with Rake
id attribute, Building HTML links to individual movies, Using a named parameter to get a movie’s ID, Finding a Movie in the YAML::Store, Finishing the Sinatra route for individual movies
if statements, Conditionals
in ERB tags, The regular embedding tag
inline, CSV
if/else statements, Conditionals, Breaking up our giant methods into classes, Eliminating repetition...the WRONG way..., nil (and only nil) is “falsy”
implicit return values, Return values
include? method, The verbose way to find array elements, using “each”
indentation, Conditionals
about, Your Ruby Toolbox
finding for array element, Finding the index of an array element
HTML file, Where Ruby docs come from: rdoc
in arrays, Accessing arrays
about, Inheritance: Relying on Your Parents
adding methods to subclasses, Adding methods to subclasses
designing hierarchies using, Overriding methods, Designing the animal class hierarchy
initialize methods and, Using optional parameters with “initialize”, Inheritance and “initialize”
methods from Object class, Why everything inherits from the Object class
multiple, Not an option: Multiple inheritance
of methods, Inheritance to the rescue!, Subclasses keep inherited methods alongside new ones, Overriding methods
initialize method
about, Using optional parameters with “initialize”
appearing as new class method in documentation, The “initialize” instance method appears as the “new” class method
arguments to, Arguments to “initialize”
calling, The “initialize” method, Using optional parameters with “initialize”
constructors vs., Using optional parameters with “initialize”
default parameters for, Using optional parameters with “initialize”
defining, The “initialize” method
in creating YAML::Store, A class to manage our YAML::Store
inheritance and, Inheritance and “initialize”
leaving off hash keys with, Making the entire hash optional
mixins and, Why you shouldn’t add “initialize” to a mixin
modules and, Why you shouldn’t add “initialize” to a mixin, Mixins and method overriding
overriding, “super” and “initialize”
restoring, Restoring “initialize” methods
returning values from, Using optional parameters with “initialize”
setting instance attributes, A mess of method arguments
super keyword and, “super” and “initialize”
using keyword parameters with, Using keyword arguments with our Candidate class
initializing instances, Using optional parameters with “initialize”
(see also initialize method)
code for, Your Ruby Toolbox
Employee class
adding initialize method to, Employee safety with “initialize”
creating, Payroll at Chargemore
creating instances of, Creating new Employee instances
fixing rounding errors in, Fixing the salary rounding error in Employee
setting object attributes, Using “format” to fix our pay stubs
factory methods
about, An inefficient factory method
calling on class, Class methods
implementing pay stubs for hourly employees through inheritance, Implementing hourly employees through inheritance
using dot (,) operator in, Call other methods on the same instance with “self”
inline conditionals, CSV
< input> HTML tag, Letting users add data with HTML forms
inspect method
about, Inspecting objects with the “inspect” and “p” methods, Why everything inherits from the Object class
identifying objects with, Fixing the astronomer’s program, Problems with a hash default object
on arrays, Accessing arrays
on hashes, Hashes
p method and, “nil” stands for nothing
instance methods
about, Designing a class
accessor methods as type of, Attribute writers and readers in action
calling, Updating our class diagram with instance methods
class methods vs., Looking up class methods
documentation on, Looking up instance methods
in mixins and modules, Using modules as mixins, Your Ruby Toolbox
initialize as, Inheritance and “initialize”
subclasses inheriting, Subclasses keep inherited methods alongside new ones
instance variables
about, Designing a class, Too many arguments (again), Instance variables live as long as the instance does
accessing, Your Ruby Toolbox
accessing via attribute accessors, Our complete Dog class
accessor methods for, Attribute writers and readers in action
defined within Sinatra route blocks, Embedding a movie title in our HTML
encapsulation and, Encapsulation
instance methods with, Our complete Dog class
matching attribute accessor names, Instance variables belong to the object, not the class!
modules and, Using our comments mixin
objects and, Instance variables belong to the object, not the class!
outside of instance methods, Too many arguments (again), Instance variables live as long as the instance does
storing data outside of instance method, Attribute writers and readers in action
subclasses and, Inheritance to the rescue!, Subclasses keep inherited methods alongside new ones
creating Employee, Creating new Employee instances
initializing, creating Employee class, Payroll at Chargemore
of classes, Designing a class, Your first class, Creating instances of our new animal classes
instance_variables method, Instance variables belong to the object, not the class!
integer index in arrays, Accessing arrays
integers, format sequence type (%i) for, Format sequences
integration tests, A program we should have had automated tests for
interpolating values in strings, String interpolation
about, Use Ruby—interactively
exercises on working with expressions using, Calling a method on an object


< label> HTML tag, Letting users add data with HTML forms
length method
on arrays, Looping over the items in an array, Your Ruby Toolbox
on hashes, Hashes
less than ( < ) sign
as method, A preview of the Comparable mixin, How the Comparable methods work
comparison operator, Your first Ruby expressions
indicating inheritance, Defining a subclass (is really easy)
less than or equal to operator ( < =), Conditionals
as method, Mixins built into Ruby, How the Comparable methods work
< li> HTML tag, Making a movie list in HTML
lib directory, Testing a class, Your Ruby Toolbox, Project directory structure, Setting up a Movie object in the Sinatra app
dRuby, dRuby
ERB, Accessing the HTML from Sinatra
MiniTest (see MiniTest library)
Ruby standard, The Ruby standard library, CSV
WEBrick, Your computer is talking to itself, Sinatra routes, Our browser can GET the form..., Building HTML links to individual movies
YAML, Converting objects to and from strings with YAML
ListWithCommas class, Tests for ListWithCommas
array, Hashes
Float vs. Fixnum, Division with Ruby’s Fixnum class
for numbers, Updating our class diagram with instance methods, Using “format” to fix our pay stubs, Your Ruby Toolbox
leaving off curly braces { }, Leave off the braces!
using curly braces { }, Hashes, Returning something other than “nil” by default
regular expression, #5 Regular expressions
load method, Converting objects to and from strings with YAML
LOAD_PATH, Sinatra takes requests
local variables, methods and, Local variables live until the method ends
about, Your Ruby Toolbox
arrays and, Looping over the items in an array, The “each” method, step-by-step, Using “each” with the “refund” method
until, Loops
while, Loops, Looping over the items in an array, The “each” method, step-by-step, Using “each” with the “refund” method


map method
documentation on, Read the docs for the superclass and mixins, too! (continued)
on Enumerable, Comparable and Enumerable: Ready-Made Mixes, Our next mixin
using, Making one array based on another, using “map”, Mixing Enumerable into our class, Loading all movies from the MovieStore
math operators
about, Your first Ruby expressions
addition operator (+), Your first Ruby expressions, “/” is a method
as methods, “/” is a method
division (/), Your first Ruby expressions, Division with Ruby’s Fixnum class, “/” is a method
exponentiation (**), Your first Ruby expressions
multiplication (*), Your first Ruby expressions, “/” is a method
subtraction (-), Your first Ruby expressions, “/” is a method
Matsumoto, Yukihiro “Matz,” developer of Ruby, The Ruby philosophy
max method, Finding the next available movie ID
method arguments
about, Method arguments, Method names
hashes and, A mess of method arguments
method attribute of < form> HTML tag, Setting the HTML form to send a POST request
method body, Defining methods, Method names
method calls
arguments passing with, Optional parameters
on objects, Everything is an object!
parentheses with, Method arguments
return values, Calling a method on an object
method definition, Optional parameters
about, What methods are available on an object?
abs, Mixins built into Ruby
accepting blocks, Defining a method that takes blocks
accepting parameters, Defining methods
accessor, Attribute accessor methods
(see also attribute accessor methods; attribute writer methods)
about, Attribute accessor methods
as type of instance method, Attribute writers and readers in action
calling, Using accessor methods
ensuring data is valid with, Ensuring data is valid with accessors
about, The media-sharing app
creating mixins for comments, Creating a mixin for comments
initialize method and revised, Why you shouldn’t add “initialize” to a mixin
initializing instance variable within, Avoid using “initialize” methods in modules
looking at revised, Using our comments mixin
using comments mixin, Using our comments mixin
using conditional assignment operator with, The conditional assignment operator
using inheritance, The media-sharing app...using inheritance
age=, Ensuring data is valid with accessors
ancestors class, Mixins and method overriding, Your Ruby Toolbox
assert, MiniTest: Ruby’s standard unit-testing library, Tests for ListWithCommas, Test failure messages, Your Ruby Toolbox
assert_equal, A better way to assert that two values are equal
assert_includes, Some other assertion methods
assert_instance_of, Some other assertion methods
assert_raises, Some other assertion methods
attribute accessor
defining via attr_accessor, Attribute writers and readers
matching instance variable names, Instance variables belong to the object, not the class!
subclasses inheriting, Inheritance to the rescue!
using, Attribute writers and readers in action
attribute reader
about, Attribute accessor methods
defining, Ensuring data is valid with accessors, When “self” is optional
defining via attr_reader, Attribute writers and readers
naming, Using accessor methods
using, Attribute writers and readers in action
attribute writer
about, Attribute accessor methods
calling, Attribute accessor methods, Call other methods on the same instance with “self”, When “self” is optional
defining, Ensuring data is valid with accessors
defining via attr_writer, Attribute writers and readers
naming, Using accessor methods
using, Attribute writers and readers in action
validation and, Ensuring data is valid with accessors
available object, What methods are available on an object?
between?, A preview of the Comparable mixin, How the Comparable methods work
blocks and
associating with, Block formats
defining methods that take blocks, Defining a method that takes blocks
flow of control between methods and blocks, Flow of control between a method and block
method calling block multiple times, Calling a block multiple times
passing into single method many, Calling the same method with different blocks
same block across multiple methods, Block parameters
similarities between, Blocks have a return value
breaking into classes, Breaking up our giant methods into classes
call, Defining a method that takes blocks, Block parameters
calling, Calling methods you’ve defined, #7 Call any method, even undefined ones
about, Why everything inherits from the Object class, Class methods
documentation on, Pool Puzzle Solution
instance methods vs., Looking up class methods
comparison operators as, A preview of the Comparable mixin, How the Comparable methods work
copy and pasting to change, Copy, paste... Such a waste...
data having, Everything is an object!
day, Docs for a class that doesn’t exist?!
defining, Defining methods
DELETE, Request type
documentation on, Instance method documentation
dump, Converting objects to and from strings with YAML
about, The “each” method
Enumerable methods calling, A class to mix Enumerable into
hashes and, Hashes and “each”
using, The “each” method, step-by-step, Using “each” with the “refund” method
erb, Accessing the HTML from Sinatra
errors messages and return values of, Don’t use method return values for error messages
factory, An inefficient factory method
find, Finding a Movie in the YAML::Store, Finishing the Sinatra route for individual movies
documentation on, Read the docs for the superclass and mixins, too!
from Enumerable, Comparable and Enumerable: Ready-Made Mixes, Our next mixin
passing array elements into blocks, Blocks have a return value, How the method uses a block return value, Your Ruby Toolbox
find_index, Finding the index of an array element
format, Formatting numbers for printing
from Enumerable, The Enumerable module
about, Request type
handling requests, Sinatra routes, Our browser can GET the form...
HTML links sending requests, Building HTML links to individual movies
request paths, Multiple routes in the same Sinatra app
gets, Method arguments, Calling “chomp” on the string object
in top-level execution environment, Calling methods you’ve defined
include?, The verbose way to find array elements, using “each”, Putting it all together
about, Inheritance to the rescue!, The media-sharing app, Mixins, behind the scenes
problems with, One of these classes is not (quite) like the others
about, Using optional parameters with “initialize”
arguments to, Arguments to “initialize”
calling, The “initialize” method, Using optional parameters with “initialize”
constructors vs., Using optional parameters with “initialize”
default parameters for, Using optional parameters with “initialize”
defining, The “initialize” method
in creating YAML::Store, A class to manage our YAML::Store
inheritance and, Inheritance and “initialize”
leaving off hash keys with, Making the entire hash optional
mixins and, Why you shouldn’t add “initialize” to a mixin
modules and, Why you shouldn’t add “initialize” to a mixin, Mixins and method overriding
overriding, “super” and “initialize”
restoring, Restoring “initialize” methods
returning values from, Using optional parameters with “initialize”
setting instance attributes, A mess of method arguments
super keyword and, “super” and “initialize”
using keyword parameters with, Using keyword arguments with our Candidate class
about, Inspecting objects with the “inspect” and “p” methods, Why everything inherits from the Object class
identifying objects with, Fixing the astronomer’s program, Problems with a hash default object
on arrays, Accessing arrays
on hashes, Hashes
p method and, “nil” stands for nothing
about, Designing a class
accessor methods as type of, Attribute writers and readers in action
calling, Updating our class diagram with instance methods
class methods vs., Looking up class methods
documentation on, Looking up instance methods
in mixins and modules, Using modules as mixins
initialize as, Inheritance and “initialize”
subclasses inheriting, Subclasses keep inherited methods alongside new ones
instance_variables, Instance variables belong to the object, not the class!
join, A program we should have had automated tests for, Tests for ListWithCommas, Getting the test to pass
keyword arguments in, Your Ruby Toolbox
on arrays, Looping over the items in an array, Your Ruby Toolbox
on hashes, Hashes
load, Converting objects to and from strings with YAML
local variables and, Local variables live until the method ends
documentation on, Read the docs for the superclass and mixins, too! (continued)
on Enumerable, Comparable and Enumerable: Ready-Made Mixes, Our next mixin
using, Making one array based on another, using “map”, Mixing Enumerable into our class, Loading all movies from the MovieStore
math operators as, “/” is a method
max, Finding the next available movie ID
methods, What methods are available on an object?
documentation on, Read the docs for the superclass and mixins, too!
overriding, Mixins and method overriding
modulo, Mixins built into Ruby
month, Docs for a class that doesn’t exist?!
name=, Ensuring data is valid with accessors, Creating new Employee instances, “initialize” does an end-run around our validation, Back to the hash of planets and moons
naming, Method names
new, Updating our class diagram with instance methods, Class methods, The “initialize” instance method appears as the “new” class method
object_id, Aliasing, Fixing the astronomer’s program
open, Opening the file, Looking up class methods
operators as, Arrays are objects, too!, A preview of the Comparable mixin, How the Comparable methods work
about, Overriding methods, Overriding a method in the Animal subclasses
to_s method, Difficulties displaying Dogs
p, Inspecting objects with the “inspect” and “p” methods, “nil” stands for nothing, Accessing arrays
parameters in, Method names, Our objects don’t “know” their names or ages!
params, Setting up a Sinatra route for a POST request, Named parameters in Sinatra routes
pop, Arrays are objects, too!, Arrays are objects, too!
POST (HTTP), Request type, ... But it needs to POST the response
print, Running scripts, Calling “chomp” on the string object
defining, An Employee class
errors, Using “format” to fix our pay stubs
fixing rounding error, Fixing the salary rounding error in Employee
formatting numbers, Formatting numbers for printing, Format sequence width with floating-point numbers
using algorithms with, When “self” is optional
using self keyword with, Call other methods on the same instance with “self”
private, #3 Private methods
PUT (HTTP), Request type
about, Running scripts
method arguments and, Method arguments
nil and, “nil” stands for nothing
to_s method and, Difficulties displaying Dogs, Overriding the inherited method
with arrays, The repeating loop
raise, Errors—the “emergency stop” button, Don’t use method return values for error messages, We need a description of the problem from its source
rand, Calling a method on an object
redirect, Using our MovieStore class in the Sinatra app
on Enumerable, Inside the Enumerable module
using, Eliminating elements we don’t want, with a block, Mixing Enumerable into our class
require, loading libraries with, The Ruby standard library, A closer look at the test code, Your Ruby Toolbox
return value of, Your Ruby Toolbox
returning values from, Return values
roots, Finding the next available movie ID, Loading all movies from the MovieStore
salary=, Creating new Employee instances, “initialize” does an end-run around our validation
save, A class to manage our YAML::Store
setup, The “setup” method, Your Ruby Toolbox
shift, Arrays are objects, too!, Arrays are objects, too!
singleton, #6 Singleton methods
slice, A program we should have had automated tests for
split, Breaking a string into an array of words
String class inheriting, Mixins built into Ruby
sub, #5 Regular expressions
adding, Adding methods to subclasses
defining own, Adding methods to subclasses
overriding in, Overriding methods
superclass, The Object class, “super” and “initialize”, Read the docs for the superclass and mixins, too!
teardown, The “teardown” method, Your Ruby Toolbox
test_, methods beginning with, MiniTest: Ruby’s standard unit-testing library, A closer look at the test code
today, Docs for a class that doesn’t exist?!
to_f, Converting strings to numbers
to_i, Converting strings to numbers, Your Ruby Toolbox
to_s, Converting to strings, Your Ruby Toolbox, Difficulties displaying Dogs, “nil” stands for nothing
transaction, Saving objects to a file with YAML::Store, Loading all movies from the MovieStore (continued)
type=, Back to the hash of planets and moons
use_headlights, Defining methods, Method names, Optional parameters
year, Docs for a class that doesn’t exist?!
methods method, What methods are available on an object?
MiniTest library
about, Unit Testing: Code Quality Assurance, MiniTest: Ruby’s standard unit-testing library
asserting two values are equal, A better way to assert that two values are equal
assert_includes method, Some other assertion methods
assert_instance_of method, Some other assertion methods
assert_raises method, Some other assertion methods
examining code, A closer look at the test code, Your Ruby Toolbox
red, green, refactor cycle and, A closer look at the test code, Tests for ListWithCommas
removing duplicated code from testing, Removing duplicated code from your tests
running tests, Running a test
setup method, The “setup” method
testing classes, Testing a class
minus sign (-), subtraction operator, Your first Ruby expressions, “/” is a method
about, Using modules as mixins, Your Ruby Toolbox
about, Comparable and Enumerable: Ready-Made Mixes, A preview of the Comparable mixin
Enumerable vs., The Enumerable module
implementing spaceship operator ( < =>) for, Implementing the spaceship operator on Steak, Your Ruby Toolbox
mixing into classes, The Comparable mixin
understanding, How the Comparable methods work
using in classes, Implementing the spaceship operator on Steak
complete code for, Our complete code
creating, Creating a mixin for comments
documentation on, Read the docs for the superclass and mixins, too!
about, Comparable and Enumerable: Ready-Made Mixes
Comparable vs., The Enumerable module
documentation on, Read the docs for the superclass and mixins, too!
methods, Our next mixin
methods calling each method, A class to mix Enumerable into
mixing into classes, A class to mix Enumerable into
initialize method and, Why you shouldn’t add “initialize” to a mixin
method overriding and, Mixins and method overriding
methods in, Using modules as mixins, Your Ruby Toolbox
using, Using our comments mixin
using modules as, Using modules as mixins
about, Using modules as mixins, Your Ruby Toolbox
classes vs., Mixins, behind the scenes
Comparable, A preview of the Comparable mixin
complete code for, Our complete code
core, Ruby’s core classes and modules
Enumerable, The Enumerable module
instance methods in, Using modules as mixins, Your Ruby Toolbox
mixing into classes, Using modules as mixins, Your Ruby Toolbox
naming, Mixins, behind the scenes, Your Ruby Toolbox
using as mixins, Using modules as mixins
YAML, Converting objects to and from strings with YAML
modulo method, Mixins built into Ruby
month method, Docs for a class that doesn’t exist?!
multiplication operator (*), Your first Ruby expressions, “/” is a method


:name symbol, Attribute writers and readers
name= method, Ensuring data is valid with accessors, Creating new Employee instances, “initialize” does an end-run around our validation, Back to the hash of planets and moons
attribute reader method, Using accessor methods
classes, Breaking up our giant methods into classes
constants, Constants
methods, Method names
modules, Mixins, behind the scenes
symbols, Attribute writers and readers
variables, Method names, Attribute writers and readers
new method, Updating our class diagram with instance methods, Class methods, The “initialize” instance method appears as the “new” class method
about, Using “format” to fix our pay stubs
arrays returning, Accessing arrays
as only falsy value, Hashes return “nil” by default
errors related to, “/” is a method
hashes returning, Hashes return “nil” by default, Making the entire hash optional
NilClass, “nil” stands for nothing
normalizing hash keys, Normalizing hash keys
converting strings to, Converting strings to numbers
displaying dollar amounts using decimal places, Creating new Employee instances
about, Creating new Employee instances
fixing rounding errors, Fixing the salary rounding error in Employee
Float vs. Fixum classes, Division with Ruby’s Fixnum class
formatting, Formatting numbers for printing
creating numbers and, Updating our class diagram with instance methods
with decimal points, Using “format” to fix our pay stubs, Your Ruby Toolbox
Numeric class, adding comparison operator methods to, Mixins built into Ruby, Your Ruby Toolbox


Object class
about, The Object class
as superclass, Your Ruby Toolbox, Mixins, behind the scenes
inheriting initialize method, Using optional parameters with “initialize”
methods inherited from, Why everything inherits from the Object class
object ID, Fixing the astronomer’s program, Problems with a hash default object, Hash default object rule #1: Don’t modify the default object
object-oriented language, Ruby as, Everything is an object!
arrays as, Arrays are objects, too!
calling method values returned from, Calling a method on an object
calling methods on, Everything is an object!
classes vs., What’s the difference between a class and an object?
creating with new method, Your first class
ERB templates displaying, An ERB template for an individual movie
finding in YAML::Store, A system for finding Movies in the YAML::Store, Finding a Movie in the YAML::Store
heap and, References
storing data in instance variables, Instance variables live as long as the instance does
object_id method, Aliasing, Fixing the astronomer’s program
open method, Opening the file, Looking up class methods
operands, with Fixum and Float classes, Division with Ruby’s Float class
or (| |) operator, Conditionals, Using the Boolean “or” operator for assignment, Your Ruby Toolbox, Finding the next available movie ID
output embedding tag ( < %= %>), The ERB output embedding tag, Pool Puzzle Solution, Building HTML links to individual movies (continued), An ERB template for an individual movie
overriding methods
about, Overriding methods, Overriding a method in the Animal subclasses
to_s method, Difficulties displaying Dogs


p method, Inspecting objects with the “inspect” and “p” methods, “nil” stands for nothing, Accessing arrays
arguments vs., Optional parameters
for initialize method, Using optional parameters with “initialize”
hashes, A mess of method arguments
in method definitions, Method names, Our objects don’t “know” their names or ages!
keyword arguments and hash, Keyword arguments
making hashes optional, Leave off the braces!
of blocks, Block parameters, Blocks have a return value, A closer look at the block return values, The return values for “reject”
optional, Required keyword arguments
regular parameters vs. hash, A mess of method arguments
using parentheses with, Defining methods
params method, Setting up a Sinatra route for a POST request, Named parameters in Sinatra routes
parentheses ( )
using with parameters, Defining methods
with method calls, Method arguments
percent (%) sign, format sequences, Format sequences
performance tests, A program we should have had automated tests for
plus (+) sign
+= operator, Variables
addition operator, Your first Ruby expressions, “/” is a method
for concatenation, Converting to strings
Pool Puzzle exercises
on arrays and blocks, We’ve gotten rid of the repetitive loop code!
on assertions in testing, Updating our code to use the “setup” method
on Comparable, How the Comparable methods work
on ERB tags, Pool Puzzle
on initializing instances, Using optional parameters with “initialize”
on instance methods, Pool Puzzle
on methods and classes, Attribute writers and readers in action
pop method, Arrays are objects, too!, Arrays are objects, too!
POST method, for HTTP requests, Request type, ... But it needs to POST the response
print method, Running scripts, Calling “chomp” on the string object
print_pay_stub method
defining, An Employee class
errors, Using “format” to fix our pay stubs, “initialize” does an end-run around our validation, Call other methods on the same instance with “self”
fixing rounding error, Fixing the salary rounding error in Employee
formatting numbers, Formatting numbers for printing, Format sequence width with floating-point numbers, Using “format” to fix our pay stubs
using algorithms with, When “self” is optional
using self keyword with, Call other methods on the same instance with “self”
private methods, #3 Private methods
procs, Block parameters
Programming Ruby (Thomas et al.), #5 Regular expressions, #9 Bundler
PUT method, for HTTP requests, Request type
puts method
about, Running scripts
method arguments and, Method arguments
nil and, “nil” stands for nothing
to_s method and, Difficulties displaying Dogs, Overriding the inherited method
with arrays, The repeating loop


raise method, Errors—the “emergency stop” button, Don’t use method return values for error messages, We need a description of the problem from its source
Rake tool, #8 Automating tasks with Rake
rand method, Calling a method on an object, Generating a random number
random numbers, generating, Calling a method on an object, Generating a random number
.rb filename extension, The Ruby standard library
rdoc command, Ruby documentation and, Where Ruby docs come from: rdoc, The “initialize” instance method appears as the “new” class method
red, green, refactor cycle, A closer look at the test code, Tests for ListWithCommas
redirect method, Using our MovieStore class in the Sinatra app
about, References
aliasing and, Aliasing
hash default blocks receiving, Hash default blocks
identifying referenced object, Fixing the astronomer’s program
to hash default object, Our wish list for hash defaults
to same object, Fixing the astronomer’s program
understanding, The rule of thumb for hash defaults
regular embedding tag ( < % %>), The regular embedding tag
regular expressions, #5 Regular expressions
reject method
on Enumerable, Inside the Enumerable module
using, Eliminating elements we don’t want, with a block, Mixing Enumerable into our class
request routes, Sinatra, Sinatra routes, Multiple routes in the same Sinatra app
request types, HTTP, Request type, Sinatra routes
require method, The Ruby standard library, A closer look at the test code, Your Ruby Toolbox
rescue clauses
=> with, Exception messages
about, Ruby’s search for a rescue clause, Your Ruby Toolbox
accessing exception messages, Exception messages
differentiating between exceptions, Different rescue logic for different exceptions
handling exceptions, Rescue clauses: A chance to fix the problem
retry keyword in, Trying again after an error with “retry”
specifying exception classes for, Specifying exception class for a rescue clause
using, Using a rescue clause with our SmallOven class
resource path, for HTTP requests, Request type, Resource path
resources, for learning Ruby, #9 Bundler
retry keyword, Trying again after an error with “retry”
return keyword, Returning from a method early, Class methods, Blocks have a return value
return statements, Your Ruby Toolbox
return value of methods, Your Ruby Toolbox
Robson, Elisabeth, Head First HTML and CSS, Project directory structure
roots method, Finding the next available movie ID, Loading all movies from the MovieStore
rounding errors, fixing, Fixing the salary rounding error in Employee
routes, Sinatra
defining, Sinatra routes, Multiple routes in the same Sinatra app
differentiating by resource path, Multiple routes in the same Sinatra app
instance variables defined within blocks, Embedding a movie title in our HTML
named parameters for, Named parameters in Sinatra routes
priority order, Defining routes in order of priority
requests and, Sinatra routes
about, More with Less: Code the Way You Want
as object-oriented language, Everything is an object!
benefits of using, Use Ruby
determining version number, Get Ruby
getting, Get Ruby
resources for learning, #9 Bundler
running, Use Ruby
running code, Use Ruby
Ruby 2.0, required keyword arguments in, Required keyword arguments
Ruby documentation
about, Learning how to learn more
adding documentation using hash (#) mark, Adding your own documentation, with comments
call signatures, Arguments in call signatures, Your Ruby Toolbox
class methods, Pool Puzzle Solution
core classes and modules, Ruby’s core classes and modules
for mixin methods, Read the docs for the superclass and mixins, too!
for superclass methods, Read the docs for the superclass and mixins, too!
HTML, HTML documentation, Your Ruby Toolbox
initialize methods appearing as new class method in, The “initialize” instance method appears as the “new” class method
looking up instance methods, Looking up instance methods
popular sites for, HTML documentation
rdoc command and, Where Ruby docs come from: rdoc, The “initialize” instance method appears as the “new” class method
Ruby standard library, The Ruby standard library
using search engine to find, The “initialize” instance method appears as the “new” class method
Ruby interpreter, Get Ruby, Use Ruby—interactively
Ruby on Rails, Sinatra takes requests, Multiple routes in the same Sinatra app, Ruby on Rails
Ruby standard library, The Ruby standard library, CSV
command-line tool, Sinatra takes requests
downloading and installing libraries with, Sinatra takes requests


salary= method, Creating new Employee instances, “initialize” does an end-run around our validation
save method, A class to manage our YAML::Store
scope resolution (: :) operator, marking class methods in documentation, Looking up class methods, The “initialize” instance method appears as the “new” class method
scripts, Use Ruby
search engines, finding Ruby HTML documentation in, HTML documentation, The “initialize” instance method appears as the “new” class method
self keyword, Call other methods on the same instance with “self”, Implementing hourly employees through inheritance, Your Ruby Toolbox, The “each” method
semicolon (;), using to separate statements, String interpolation
setup method, The “setup” method, Your Ruby Toolbox
shift method, Arrays are objects, too!, Arrays are objects, too!
about, Sinatra takes requests
displaying data
accessing instance variables, Embedding a movie title in our HTML
ERB embedding tags, ERB embedding tags
output from embedding tags, The ERB output embedding tag
using output embedding tag ( < %= %>), The ERB output embedding tag, Pool Puzzle Solution
using regular embedding tag ( < % %>), The regular embedding tag
handling requests
serving HTML, Accessing the HTML from Sinatra
setting up routes, Multiple routes in the same Sinatra app
installing, Installing the Sinatra gem
named parameters for routes, Named parameters in Sinatra routes
POST requests
about, Saving and retrieving form data
complete code for, Our complete app code
converting objects to and from strings, Converting objects to and from strings with YAML
displaying objects, An ERB template for an individual movie
finding objects in YAML::Store, A system for finding Movies in the YAML::Store
finding objects within files, Building HTML links to individual movies
loading objects, Loading all movies from the MovieStore
managing YAML::Store, A class to manage our YAML::Store
posting requests, Our browser can GET the form...
saving objects to YAML::Store, Saving objects to a file with YAML::Store
setting form attributes, Setting the HTML form to send a POST request
testing YAML::Store, Testing the MovieStore
defining, Sinatra routes, Multiple routes in the same Sinatra app
instance variables defined within blocks, Embedding a movie title in our HTML
multiple routes in same app, Multiple routes in the same Sinatra app
named parameters for, Named parameters in Sinatra routes
priority order, Defining routes in order of priority
setting up data
with HTML forms, Letting users add data with HTML forms
with HTML tables, Letting users add data with HTML forms
simple app for, A simple Sinatra app
Sinatra gem
installing, Installing the Sinatra gem
users installing files in directory, Installing the Sinatra gem
single quotes ('), Your first Ruby expressions
(see also double quotes (“))
specifying strings using, Your first Ruby expressions
singleton methods, #6 Singleton methods
slash (/)
denoting regular expression literals, #5 Regular expressions
division operator, Your first Ruby expressions, Division with Ruby’s Fixnum class, “/” is a method
in Sinatra routes, Named parameters in Sinatra routes
slice method, A program we should have had automated tests for
space characters, in Ruby, Same class, same attribute values
spaceship operator ( < =>)
about, The spaceship operator
implementing as method, Implementing the spaceship operator on Steak, Your Ruby Toolbox
split method, Breaking a string into an array of words
square brackets [ ]
accessing arrays with, Accessing arrays
accessing hashes with, Hashes, Returning something other than “nil” by default
denoting array literals, Arrays
in arguments in documentation, Arguments in call signatures
standard library, The Ruby standard library, CSV
StandardError subclasses, Exception classes, Updating our oven code with custom exception classes
conditional, Conditionals, Your Ruby Toolbox
return, Your Ruby Toolbox
separating, String interpolation
String class
comparison operator methods of, Mixins built into Ruby, Your Ruby Toolbox
find_index method of, Finding the index of an array element
include? method of, The verbose way to find array elements, using “each”, Your Ruby Toolbox
inheriting methods, Mixins built into Ruby
split method of, Breaking a string into an array of words
string interpolation, String interpolation
about, Your first Ruby expressions
converting to arrays, Arrays are objects, too!
converting to numbers, Converting strings to numbers
escape sequences in, Escape sequences in strings
format sequence type (%s) for, Format sequences
interpolation, String interpolation, Ruby makes working with strings easy
< strong> HTML tag, An ERB template for an individual movie
sub method, #5 Regular expressions
calling overridden methods from, The “super” keyword
defining, Defining a subclass (is really easy)
having own subclasses, Overriding methods
attribute accessor methods, Inheritance to the rescue!
from superclass, Inheritance to the rescue!, Subclasses keep inherited methods alongside new ones, Overriding methods
instance methods, Subclasses keep inherited methods alongside new ones
inheritance hierarchies and, Designing the animal class hierarchy
instance variables and, Inheritance to the rescue!, Subclasses keep inherited methods alongside new ones
adding, Adding methods to subclasses
defining own, Adding methods to subclasses
overriding, Overriding methods
of StandardError, Exception classes, Updating our oven code with custom exception classes
overriding inherited methods, Overriding methods, Overriding a method in the Animal subclasses
overriding methods from superclasses, Mixins and method overriding
sharing methods between classes with, Inheritance to the rescue!
super keyword and, A super-powered subclass
subtraction operator (-), Your first Ruby expressions, “/” is a method
super keyword, The “super” keyword
about, The “super” keyword
initialize and, “super” and “initialize”
omitting parentheses with, The “super” keyword
return value of, Your Ruby Toolbox
using, A super-powered subclass
superclass method, The Object class, “super” and “initialize”
classes as, Your Ruby Toolbox, Mixins, behind the scenes
defining, Defining a superclass (requires nothing special)
designing inheritance hierarchies using, Designing the animal class hierarchy
documentation on, Read the docs for the superclass and mixins, too!
documentation on methods in, Read the docs for the superclass and mixins, too!
initialize methods and inheriting from Object, Using optional parameters with “initialize”
method lookup and, Overriding methods
mixins and, Using modules as mixins
overriding methods from
about, Overriding methods, We need to get at the overridden method!
calling overridden methods, The “super” keyword
sharing methods between classes with, Inheritance to the rescue!
subclasses inheritance from, Inheritance to the rescue!, Subclasses keep inherited methods alongside new ones, Overriding methods
subclasses overriding methods from, Mixins and method overriding
symbols, Ruby, Attribute writers and readers


< table> HTML tag, HTML tables, An ERB template for an individual movie
< td> HTML tag, HTML tables
teardown method, The “teardown” method, Your Ruby Toolbox
asserting two values are equal, A better way to assert that two values are equal
assert_includes method, Some other assertion methods
assert_instance_of method, Some other assertion methods
assert_raises method, Some other assertion methods
about, Automated tests find your bugs before someone else does
examining code, A closer look at the test code, Your Ruby Toolbox
MiniTest in, Unit Testing: Code Quality Assurance, MiniTest: Ruby’s standard unit-testing library, Testing a class
need for, A program we should have had automated tests for
running tests, Running a test
red, green, refactor cycle and, A closer look at the test code, Tests for ListWithCommas
removing duplicated code from, Removing duplicated code from your tests
setup method, The “setup” method
unit tests, Unit Testing: Code Quality Assurance
test_, methods beginning with, MiniTest: Ruby’s standard unit-testing library, A closer look at the test code
Thomas, Dave (Programming Ruby), #5 Regular expressions, #9 Bundler
< title> HTML tag, Making a movie list in HTML
today method, Docs for a class that doesn’t exist?!
top-level execution environment, methods in, Calling methods you’ve defined
to_f method, Converting strings to numbers
to_i method, Converting strings to numbers, Your Ruby Toolbox
to_s method, Converting to strings, Your Ruby Toolbox, Difficulties displaying Dogs, “nil” stands for nothing
< tr> HTML tag, HTML tables
transaction method, Saving objects to a file with YAML::Store, Loading all movies from the MovieStore (continued)
true Boolean values, Conditionals
truthy values, Hashes return “nil” by default
type= method, Back to the hash of planets and moons


-v, seeing version number, Get Ruby
in attribute writer methods, Creating new Employee instances, “initialize” does an end-run around our validation, “initialize” does an end-run around our validation
using raise method to report errors, Errors—the “emergency stop” button, Our complete Dog class, Using “raise” to report errors
returning in methods, Return values
searching within arrays for, Arrays are objects, too!
truthy and falsy values, Hashes return “nil” by default
understanding blocks and, Blocks have a return value
about, Variables
blocks and, Blocks and variable scope
copying same reference to, Aliasing
about, Designing a class, Too many arguments (again), Instance variables live as long as the instance does
accessing, Your Ruby Toolbox
accessing via attribute accessors, Our complete Dog class
accessor methods for, Attribute writers and readers in action
defined within Sinatra route blocks, Embedding a movie title in our HTML
instance methods with, Encapsulation
matching attribute accessor names, Instance variables belong to the object, not the class!
modules and, Using our comments mixin
objects and, Instance variables belong to the object, not the class!
outside of instance methods, Attribute writers and readers in action
storing data inside of objects using, Too many arguments (again), Instance variables live as long as the instance does
subclasses and, Inheritance to the rescue!, Subclasses keep inherited methods alongside new ones
naming, Variables, Method names, Attribute writers and readers, Instance variables belong to the object, not the class!
naming with matching attribute accessors, Instance variables belong to the object, not the class!
using lowercase letters in, Variables
version number, of Ruby, Get Ruby
vertical bars (|), denoting block parameters, Block parameters


web apps
browsers and, Browsers, requests, servers, and responses
complete code for, Our complete app code
defining routes, Sinatra routes, Multiple routes in the same Sinatra app
displaying data
accessing instance variables, Embedding a movie title in our HTML
ERB embedding tags, ERB embedding tags
output from embedding tags, The ERB output embedding tag
using output embedding tag ( < %= %>), The ERB output embedding tag, Pool Puzzle Solution
using regular embedding tag ( < % %>), The regular embedding tag
handling requests
serving HTML, Accessing the HTML from Sinatra
setting up routes, Multiple routes in the same Sinatra app
installing Sinatra, Installing the Sinatra gem
planning, Writing web apps in Ruby, Saving and retrieving form data
POST requests
about, Saving and retrieving form data
converting objects to and from strings, Converting objects to and from strings with YAML
displaying objects, An ERB template for an individual movie
finding objects in YAML::Store, A system for finding Movies in the YAML::Store
finding objects within files, Building HTML links to individual movies
loading objects, Loading all movies from the MovieStore
managing YAML::Store, A class to manage our YAML::Store
posting requests, Our browser can GET the form...
saving objects to YAML::Store, Saving objects to a file with YAML::Store
setting form attributes, Setting the HTML form to send a POST request
testing YAML::Store, Testing the MovieStore
resource path of, Resource path
sending request to WEBrick library, Your computer is talking to itself
setting up, Project directory structure
setting up data
with HTML forms, Letting users add data with HTML forms
with HTML tables, Letting users add data with HTML forms
web browsers
sending request to WEBrick library, Your computer is talking to itself, Our browser can GET the form..., Building HTML links to individual movies
using HTTP requests, Request type
web apps and, Browsers, requests, servers, and responses
WEBrick library, Your computer is talking to itself, Sinatra routes, Our browser can GET the form..., Building HTML links to individual movies
The Well-Grounded Rubyist, 2nd edition (Black), #9 Bundler
while loops, Loops, Looping over the items in an array, The “each” method, step-by-step


ZeroDivisionError exception, Some other assertion methods
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