Appendix. Scratch quick start guide

What it’s called

What it looks like

Where it is

What it does

Scratch logo Grey Toolbar Brings you back to the homepage
Duplicator tool Grey Toolbar Makes a copy of the sprite
Delete tool Grey Toolbar Removes a sprite
Grow tool Grey Toolbar Enlarges a sprite
Shrink tool Grey Toolbar Shrinks a sprite
New sprite Sprite Zone Paintbrush icon opens the Art Editor for a sprite
New backdrop Sprite Zone Opens the Art Editor for a backdrop
Paintbrush tool Art Editor Makes dots and allows you to freehand draw
Line tool Art Editor Makes lines
Square tool Art Editor Draws a square or rectangle
Circle tool Art Editor Draws a circle
Text tool Art Editor Adds words to the sprite
Paint Bucket tool Art Editor Fills a contained area with color
Eraser tool Art Editor Removes or erases parts of the drawing
Select tool Art Editor Outlines a section of the drawing
Duplicate tool Art Editor Makes a copy of the selected section of the drawing
Zoom Color Toolbar Makes the canvas larger or smaller
Line width Color Toolbar Changes the thickness of the dot or line
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