• 180o thinking, 62
  • “1984” Apple commercial, 24, 347


  • Absolutes, usage, 45
  • Abstraction, example, 61f
  • Account executives, role, 38
  • Adams, Jeff, 184
  • Adams, Scott, 76
  • Adjectives
    • brand, equivalence, 26–27, 46, 71f
    • selection, 28
  • Advertising
    • agencies, competition, 305–306
    • battles, selection (care), 287–289
    • business, 329
    • changes, 188–189
    • competitor advertising, examination, 46
    • deadlines, attention, 269–270
    • death, 281–282
    • digital advertising, 179
    • direction/future, 180–190
    • enjoyment, 343
    • examples, usage, 297–298
    • five-word course, example, 52f
    • flat statements, usage, 56
    • graduate school, 12
    • images, inauthenticity, 34
    • impact, 9
    • job
      • acceptance, 337
      • description, 17–19
    • judges, behavior, 313–314
    • masters, studying, 307
    • message, determination, 275
    • negative effects, control, 341
    • occurrence, 20
    • out-of-home advertising (OOH), 121–123
    • paradigm shift, 180f
    • presentation, 308–309
    • problems, solving, 47
    • research, science (contrast), 289–290
    • schools, 303–305
    • skepticism/confidence, balance, 25
    • strategy, 8, 48
    • testing, impact, 292
    • this-versus-that structure, 225f
    • vandalism, comparison, 162–163
  • Advertising by Design (Landa), 126
  • Advertising: Concept and Copy (Felton), 85, 100
  • Advertising Concept Book, The (Barry), 20, 45, 78, 252, 290
  • Advertising Week, 327
  • AeroMexico ad, example, 170f, 308
  • Agency
    • business, pressure/insanity, 23
    • career, entry, 333
    • phone/email relationship, establishment, 327–328
    • selection, salary basis (avoidance), 336
    • size, selection, 328–329
    • stories, 344–346
    • studying, 328
  • “Agency Search” (AAAA), 324
  • Airline headlines, improvement, 92–93
  • Aitchison, Jim, 70
  • Åkestam Holst, 163
  • AKQA, app creation, 207–208
  • Alcohol, avoidance, 270
  • Alka-Seltzer account, 6
  • Allied Breweries, 20
  • Ally, Carl, 19
  • American Floral Marketing Council ad, 40, 41f
  • “Amping the Tension” (Sjoenelle), 131
  • Anacin commercials, 5
  • Anderson, Ron, 11
  • Angry Butterfly, 94
  • Anselmo, Frank, 303, 326, 332
  • Apple, “1984” commercial, 24, 347
  • Arauz, Mike, 169
  • Arby's, TikTok usage, 222–223, 223f
  • Archetypes, 135
  • Art and Science of Creativity, The (Kneller), 270
  • ArtCenter
    • ad, example, 342f
    • campaign, creation, 83, 84f
    • writing, example, 80f
  • ArtCenter College of Design, 303
  • Art directors, moral, 44
  • Artificial intelligence (AI), 239
  • Art of Branded Content, The (Pascoa), 194, 197
  • Art of Immersion, The (Rose), 34, 142
  • Assets, creation, 220
  • Associate creative director (ACD), relationship, 327
  • Asterisks, usage, 33–36
  • Attention bankruptcy, 179
  • Auckland University of Technology, 304
  • Audio/video tension, 259
  • Augmented reality (AR), 231, 238, 243
  • Authenticity, 34, 38
  • Authority
    • questioning, 33
    • replacement, 33–36
    • Voice of Authority, 31–33
  • “AutoAds” (, 235
  • Avis account
    • example, 8
    • Krone work, 66, 66f
  • Avnet, Mark, 212
  • “Avoid Humans” app, 316
  • AWARD School, 304


  • Bacardi, social campaign, 223–224, 224f
  • Bacher, Jason, 274
  • Bad guy, interest, 129
  • Baked In (Bogusky/Winsor), 132, 164
  • Band Sports Ogilvy Brasil ads, 96, 97f
  • Barnett, Guy, 82
  • Barren Wasteland, 64–65
  • Barrie, Bob, 12
  • Barry, Pete, 20, 45, 62, 78, 252, 290
    • idea/punch line, usage, 100
    • music tracks, archiving, 255
    • print, importance, 53
  • Bar stool scenario, 35–36
  • Bartle Bogle Hegarty, 65
  • Basadur, Min, 149–150
  • Baze, Joshua, 257
  • BBDO Auckland, 202
  • B&B Dorland, 9
  • BBH, 337
  • Beginner's mind, 149
  • Bell, Ted, 4
  • Belsky, Scott, 269
  • Bennet, Mitch, 157
  • Benton & Bowles, 2
  • Berger, Jonah, 169, 214
  • Berger, Warren, 150, 214
  • Berlin, Andy, 330
  • Bernbach, William, 4–6, 9, 286, 336
    • execution, importance, 173
    • path, 14
    • product magic, 43
    • product sale, 47, 85
    • provocativeness, 163–164
    • public opinion measurement, 291
    • truth, 24
  • Berry, Norman, 3, 46
  • Best Buy, holidays campaign (sample brief), 51f
  • Beveridge, W.I., 293
  • Big Tobacco, lies, 338–339
  • Billboards
    • appearance, 138
    • simplicity, 121–123
  • Billion Point Giveaway, 198–201, 308
  • Bird by Bird (Lamott), 56, 271
  • Blewett, Bob, 314–315
  • Blood, Andy, 196, 212, 218–219
  • Blue-skying, 79
  • BMP London, 73
  • BMW Films, 193–194
  • Boches, Edward, 182, 187, 196–197
    • do-invite-capture-share, usage, 203–206, 217
    • Velcro approach, 216
  • Body copy, 108
    • battles, 288f, 289
    • dissection, 111
    • essay, comparison, 111
    • reading aloud, 111
    • treatment, 109
    • website inclusion, 318
  • Bogusky, Alex, 36, 165, 184
  • Bond, Jon, 161
  • Bookstores, usage, 275
  • Boulder Digital Arts, 304
  • Bozell & Jacobs, 11
  • Brain, rewiring, 147
  • Brand
    • action, direction change, 62, 181–182
    • activation, 204
    • adjective, equivalence, 7 1f, 26–27, 46
    • archetype, 134–136
    • broadcast messaging, focus, 184
    • core value, 26
    • customers, relationship, 43
    • direction, 186
    • emotion, relationship, 41
    • equity, 19–20
    • experiences
      • creation, 206–209
      • immersiveness, 235–236
    • idea, questions, 152
    • installations, 231
    • manifestos, 106, 106f
    • mission, alignment, 197
    • party arrival, pretending, 108–109
    • platforms, 129, 136–141
    • positioning, examination, 44
    • power/totality, 20
    • presence, engineering, 196
    • research, 41–46
    • show, 27
    • statement, 181–182
    • storytelling, 143
    • verb, equivalence, 26
    • visualness, 66–67
    • voice
      • determination, 221–222
      • writing, 103–104
    • writing, 20–22
  • Branded content
  • Branded experiences, capture, 236
  • Brand X
    • selection, avoidance, 19–20
    • study, 275
  • Breaking In (Spencer), 230, 317, 337, 348
  • Break Out (Wallace), 315
  • Brevity, importance, 81
  • Brier, Noah, 201
  • Brigham Young University, 303
  • British Airways ad, example, 124, 126f
  • Brown, Tim, 149
  • Buckhorn, Dean, 40
  • Buckley's cough syrup campaign, 37, 37f
  • Buirge, Brian, 274
  • Bull Durham (movie), 25
  • Burger King, digital ad, 186f, 308
  • “Burke Scores,” 8
  • “Burn That Ad” (Burger King app), 187, 308
  • Business
    • entry, portfolios (usage), 303
    • pitches, 48
    • strategy, 48


  • Campaign
    • 2D campaigns, 321
    • creation, 150
    • defense, strategy basis, 294–295
    • Economist, The (outdoor campaign), 87, 87f
    • executions, creation, 75
    • ideas, 74–79
      • presentation, 308–309
    • movie, analogy, 137–139
    • one-sentence setup, 322
    • patterns, equivalence, 77–78
    • platform, contrast, 136
    • selling, practice, 283
    • sense, 75
    • student approach, 309
    • thumbnails, usage, 84f
  • Campopiano, Javier, 309
  • Cantral St. Martins College of Art and Design, 304
  • Capone, Al, 282
  • Carroll, Ryan, 318, 320, 321, 328, 330, 331
  • Carson, Johnny, 2
  • Catch-22 (Heller), 22
  • Cereal box, history, 9, 10f
  • Cezanne, Paul, 119
  • Charmin commercials
    • concept/brand image, 1
    • dislike, 2
    • purchases, 7
  • Chasing the Monster Idea (Mumaw), 35, 47, 143
  • Chen, Jenn, 215
  • CHE Proximity, 198, 235
  • Chew With Your Mind Open (Day), 262, 327
  • Chiat/Day, 172, 218
  • Chik-Fil-A ad, example, 125f
  • Chivas Regal account, example, 8
  • Choi, Brent, 94
  • Churchill, Winston, 57
  • Citizen Kane (Welles), 164
  • Client
    • battles, selection (care), 287–289
    • business, understanding (development), 43–44
    • concerns, repair (timing), 295
    • corporate culture, learning, 282–283
    • customers, knowledge, 41–42
    • education, 297–298
    • intangible idea, presentation (problem), 294
    • listening, meaning, 287
    • names, memorization, 328
    • negative approaches, problems, 296–297
    • objections, outlasting, 298
    • presentation assurances, avoidance, 285
    • previous work, studying, 44
    • problems, solving, 47
    • relationship, improvement, 300
    • work
      • defense, 286
      • presentation, 316
  • Cluetrain Manifesto, The, 105, 181
  • Coding languages, usage, 231
  • Cognitive Surplus (Shirky), 215
  • Coke Zero ad, 137–138, 138f
  • Colenso, 225–226
  • “Colgate Comedy Hour, The,” 5
  • Commercials
    • audio, tension, 259
    • dialogue, impact, 261
    • entertainment, 256
    • pre-production/post-production process, 250
    • problems, 1, 249–250
    • reels, studying, 261–262
    • simplicity, 253–254
    • story, importance, 254–255
    • three-part story structure, example, 251f
    • writing, breathing room, 259–260
  • Common sense, reverse, 164–165
  • Communication Arts, 298
    • awards annuals, 11
    • print campaign, 83
  • Communication, words (barrier), 65
  • Communities
    • influencers, interaction (importance), 215
    • knowledge, 212–213
  • Comparison, example, 61f
  • Competition, 305–306
    • research, 41–46
  • Competitors
    • advertising, examination, 46
    • de-positioning, 44
    • product, trying, 45
  • Completion, perfection (contrast), 201–202
  • Computers, usage/avoidance, 274–275
  • Concepting, 49, 53, 211
  • Confessions of a Copywriter, 289
  • Conflict, 129–132, 296
    • creation, 134
    • identification/leverage, 132–133
    • truth, combination, 140–141
  • Connected capitalism, values, 340
  • Connected devices, usage, 236–238
  • Contagious (Berger), 169, 214
  • Contemporizing, example, 60f
  • Content
    • branded content, popularity, 193
    • completion, perfection (contrast), 201–202
    • creators
      • role, 194
      • world awareness, 221
    • ecosystem
    • importance, increasing, 181
    • schedule, providing, 214
  • Continuous partial attention, 265
  • Contrast, usage, 133–134
  • Convergent thinking, 76–77
  • Conversation strategy, 213–214
  • Cook, Marshall, 63
  • Cooper, Alan, 233
  • Copywriter position, landing (approach), 317
  • Copywriting, art, 81
  • Costner, Kevin, 25
  • Cox, Daniel, 251
  • Cox, Tony, 119
  • Creative Advertising (Pricken), 58, 63
  • Creative brief, 48, 151
    • agency derivation process, 49f
    • changes, 188–189
    • information, 55–56
    • message, rewriting, 154–155
    • simplified version, 50f, 51f
  • Creative Circus (Atlanta), 303
  • Creative Companion, The (Fowler), 63, 257, 295
  • Creative department, entry refusal, 333
  • Creative Direction in a Digital World (Harrell), 233
  • Creative director, assistance request, 276
  • Creative engine, ignition (methods), 268–269
  • Creative idea, 154–155
  • Creative leaps, making, 147
  • Creative mind, monkey mind (contrast), 265
  • Creative process, 17
    • beginning, 56
    • fear, impact, 25
    • messiness/rules absence, 22–25
    • writing/talking, approach, 35–36
  • Creative Process Illustration, The (Griffin/Morrison), 63–64
  • Creative Revolution, 5–6
  • Creative silences, 271
  • Creatives, sites (studying), 307–308
  • Creative subconscious, representation, 264f
  • Creative Suite (Adobe), usage, 312
  • Creative technologists (creative techs), 230–240
  • Creative testing, problems, 289–293
  • Creativity
    • definition, 25–26
    • iterative process, 57
    • meaning, 63
    • requirement, 152
    • usage, 338–340
  • Crichton, Michael, 197
  • Crispin Bogusky + Partners, 36
  • Crispin Porter + Bogusky, 76, 170, 218
  • Crompton, Alastair, 294
  • Cross-functional grouping, 232
  • Cultural tensions, 132
  • Culture, understanding, 183–184
  • Customers
    • attention, 27
    • brand, relationship, 43
    • contact point, selection, 74–75
    • creative tech interaction, 232–233
    • knowledge, 195–197
    • life, imagining, 42–43
    • pleasing, 24
    • research, 41–46
    • speech, listening, 42
    • studying, 100
    • talking, interaction (importance), 184–185
  • Cutting Edge Advertising (Aitchison), 70
  • Cybersmile Foundation, social campaign, 224, 224f


  • D&AD, 212, 261, 298, 310
  • Data, creative usage, 202–206
  • Davidson, Tony, 230
  • da Vinci, Leonardo, 47
  • Day, Cameron, 262, 327, 329
  • DDB Chicago, vertical-only ad, 245
  • Death by a thousand cuts, 294
  • “Deep Dig” (divergent thinking), 77
  • Delashmet, Clark, 112, 239
  • Demographics
    • ignoring, 42
    • information, usage, 233
  • Desert of Damn, I Suck at This, 272
  • Destiny, Mike, 20
  • Devil's advocacy, avoidance, 63
  • Dialogue, impact, 261
  • Digital developers, 230–240
  • Digital technology, impact, 124–125, 229
  • Disinterest, 130
  • Disruption (Dru), 47, 136
  • Distrust, disarming, 36
  • Divergent thinking, 77
  • DiVito/Verdi, 101
  • Do-invite-capture-share, usage, 203–206, 205f, 217
  • Do-It-Yourself Lobotomy, The (Monahan), 151–152
  • Domino's, turnaround, 36–37
  • Donato, Rafael, 182
  • Doyle Dane Bernbach (DDB), 5–6, 14, 69, 104
    • Avis ad, 66f
    • early trade page, example, 30f
    • standard, 172
    • truth, 38–41
  • Draconian reductionism, 120
  • Draconian simplicity, impact, 27
  • Drama, conflict, 130, 296
  • Droit de Regard, advertising fun, 208, 209f
  • Drugs, avoidance, 270
  • Dru, Jean-Marie, 47, 136
  • Durant, Will, 175
  • Dyson, James, 165


  • Earned media, 162
  • Economist, The (outdoor campaign), 87, 87f, 317
  • Editing, importance, 78, 108
  • “Ed Sullivan Show, The,” 4
  • Eliot, T.S., 12
  • Elm, Jason, 38
  • Emails, ignoring, 266–267
  • End of Advertising, The (Essex), 194
  • Energy, control, 276
  • Energy panic, 265
  • Engage (Solis), 179
  • Essex, Andrew, 194
  • Exaggerate technique, 59–62
  • Exclamation points, avoidance, 109
  • Exorcist, The (movie), 283
  • Experience designers, 230–231


  • Facebook (FB)
    • content, development, 220
    • page, creation, 186
    • social campaigns, 225–226
  • Facts, example, 39f
  • Failure
    • reminder, 278f
    • speed/success, 57
  • Fake names, avoidance, 109–110
  • Fakery, 33–36
  • Fallon McElligott, 314
    • recruitment ad, 302f
  • FCB, 346
  • FCB&FiRe, 207
  • Fear, importance, 25
  • Felton, George, 85, 100, 102
  • Fenske, Mark, 39, 167, 299, 346, 347
  • First Savings Bank of Mankato (ad), 13f
  • Fisher-Price ad, 73, 74f
  • Florida State University, 22
  • Focus groups, usage, 42, 280f
    • problems, representation, 293f
  • Ford Expedition ad, example, 117f
  • Forsman & Bodenfors, 253
  • Four Corners, headline example, 101f
  • Fowler, David, 63, 257, 275, 295
  • Freelance work, 300
    • availability, 333
  • Freezing up, avoidance, 268, 272
  • French, Neil, 119, 120f
  • Friend-vertising, 226


  • Galaxies, creation, 157–158, 158f
  • Garcia, Matt, 316
  • GEICO “Raccoons” ad, 258
  • Generation Stream study, 213
  • Gen Z
    • authenticity, skepticism, 35
    • brand skepticism, 339–340
  • Geofencing, 242
  • Gerlernter, David, 31
  • Giga Selfie (web app), 244, 244f
  • Gimmick, creation, 24
  • Glaser, Milton, 276
  • Glassdoor, usage, 328
  • Goal-directed design, 233
  • Gobry, Pascal-Emmanuel, 259
  • Godin, Seth, 54, 165, 179
  • Goldman, William, 291
  • Goodby, Jeff, 162, 332, 338
  • Goodby Silverstein + Partners, 39, 131, 283
  • Gossage, Howard Luck, 127
  • Gotlib, Daniel, 188
  • Got milk? campaign, 131, 155
  • Grace, Roy, 69
  • Grant, John, 35
  • Gregersen, Hal, 150
  • Group ECD, 218
  • GSD&M, 71, 157, 316
  • GS+P, 155, 171, 332
  • Guerilla advertising, 126


  • Haanel, Charles, 63
  • Half-Rational Half-Random Word Collider, 89–90
  • Hampel, Al, 2
  • “Happy woman with shopping bags,” 34, 34f
  • Harley-Davidson ad, example, 102, 103f
  • Harrell, Adam, 233
  • Hashtags
    • creation, 157–159
    • usage, understanding, 217
  • Hayden, Steve, 346
  • Headlines
    • all-type ad examples, 92
    • breakdown, 89–90
    • cleverness, 101–102
    • creation, 87–88
    • emotional benefits, examples, 93
    • logo, combination, 85
    • tension/release, 99–100
    • writing, 55, 93–95
  • Hegarty, John, 29, 65, 154, 186
  • Hegarty on Advertising (Hegarty), 154
  • Heinz
    • ad, example, 171, 308
    • customer-generated content, 205f
    • digital technology, 188f
  • Heller, Joseph, 22
  • Hero's Journey, 134
  • Hidden Persuaders, The (Packard), 314
  • High-fidelity mock-up, creation, 234
  • Hive mind, concepting (usage), 211
  • Hoffman, Susan, 74, 309, 313
  • Hogshead, Sally, 94
  • Holland Mark Digital, 290
  • Holmes, Reid, 346
  • Honda, billboard ad (example), 123f
  • Hoopla (Berger), 214
  • Hoover, Amy, 305
  • Hopkins, Claude, 343, 346
  • Houdini Solution, The (Schenck), 253
  • Household income (HHI), 42
  • How Might We (HMW) process, 149–150
  • “How to Have More Insights” (Rock), 273
  • How to Succeed in Advertising When All You Have Is Talent (Minsky), 74
  • Hucksters, The (Wakeman), 3
  • Hughes, Mike, 337
  • Human truth, usage, 39–40
  • Humber College, 304
  • Humility, 287, 347–348
  • Hunches, 173–175
  • Hyper Island, 304


  • Icons, fall, 33
  • Idea-as-Press-Release, 168, 204, 205f, 235
  • Ideas
    • additions, 299
      • client request, 295
    • approval, vigilance (continuation), 299
    • architecture, 96–102
    • art/copy/technology, combination, 187–188
    • blowing up, 162–163
    • change, 274
    • chasing, 147
    • clarity, 86f
    • completion, 112
    • contagiousness, 169–170
    • creation, 75, 308
      • mobile functions, leverage, 241–243
      • platforms, impact, 136
      • process, enjoyment, 277
    • creative ideas, 154–155
    • defense, strategy basis, 294–295
    • delight, 126–127
    • development, paradigm, 64–65
    • disapproval, depression (avoidance), 299
    • discussion, 165–167
    • emergence, 43
    • encoding, 116
    • essence, 119–121
    • files, keeping, 300
    • finalization, 24
    • fuse, length, 115–121
    • generation, 21, 269
    • hashtags, creation, 157–159
    • headlines, writing, 93–95
    • layouts, comparison, 307f
    • mistakes, importance, 277–278
    • monstrous ideas, 308
    • multiplicity, 76
    • negative approaches, problems, 296–297
    • objectivity, 78
    • participation, 185–186
    • partner creation, 63
    • pitching, assets (creation), 220
    • presentation, 281
      • material hand-outs, avoidance, 285
      • slickness, avoidance, 284
      • speech, deceleration, 284–285
    • press release, identification, 168
    • problems, 249–250
    • protection, 281
    • revealing, 100
    • review, 76–77
    • reworking, 274
    • science, usage (limitations), 292–293
    • sharing, 62, 185–186
    • shining through, 306
    • size, increase, 193
    • sketches, testing (problems), 291–292
    • strategy, contrast, 78
    • tension/release, 100–101
    • usage, client permission, 167–168
    • visuals, impact, 92–93
  • Idea writers, role, 209
  • Idea Writers, The (Iezzi), 82, 179
  • Ideo, 149
  • Idiom list, creation, 83
  • Iezzi, Teresa, 82, 179, 209
  • Ikea ads, examples, 114f, 160f, 166f, 308
  • Image
    • finding/story incorporation, 251–252
  • Image list, creation, 55
  • Imagery, exploitation, 250–251
  • Images, inauthenticity, 34
  • Impact BBDO, 174
  • Itch, rectal, 155
  • Industry events, attendance, 326–327
  • Information, encoding, 129
  • Inspiration, 23
    • role, 23–24
  • Instagram (IG)
    • accessibility, 219
    • content, development, 220
    • ignoring, 266–267
    • post, 226f
    • social campaigns, 223–224
  • Intangible idea, presentation (problem), 294
  • Interactive engagements, user/viewer takeaway, 215
  • Interesting, funny (subset), 107
  • “Intergalactic Thinking,” 155–157
  • Internet
    • access, 240–246
    • interaction, 222
  • Internet of Things (IoT), 238
  • Internship, acceptance decision, 337–338
  • Interview, 329–338
    • arrival time, 329
    • book, presentation (precision), 330–331
    • chemistry, 330
    • confidence, appearance, 329–330
    • grunt work, offer, 332
    • hard work, readiness, 332–333
    • instincts, trust, 331
    • money, discussion (approach), 334–335
    • opinion, demonstration, 332
    • relaxation, 331–332
    • return call, anticipation/timing, 335–336
    • running commentary, usage (decision), 330
    • strategic thinking, ability (demonstration), 331
    • talking, preparation, 330
    • thank-you note follow-up, 333
  • Invisible thread (Barry metaphor), 111
  • Isaacson, Walter, 267


  • Jeep ad, example, 117f
  • Jeffrey, Bob, 305
  • Job
    • acceptance, 337
    • continuation, 340–341
  • Jobs, Steve, 148, 234, 267
  • Johnson, Samuel, 176
  • Johnston, Steven, 273
  • Jung, Carl, 68
  • Junior (Kemeny), 86, 159, 284
  • J. Walter Thompson, 305


  • Kalamut, Anthony, 304, 307, 319, 327
  • Kassaei, Amir, 40
  • Keller, Andrew, 218–222
  • Kemeny, Thomas, 86, 95, 109, 159, 284
    • writing/erasing, 112
  • Kendall Jenner Pepsi commercial, 35
  • Kestin, Janet, 303
  • KFC
    • digital idea, 186f
    • Secret Menu (web app), 244
    • stock content, 200f
  • Kick Start: A Methodology for Producing Ideas (Pricken), 58
  • “Killing Whipple” (Benton & Bowles), 2
  • Kirshenbaum Bond Senecal + Partners, 161
  • Kling, Jeff, 106
  • Klump, Valdean, 230
  • Kneller, George, 270
  • Knob Creek bourbon, brand list/ideas, 88–92
  • Knoll, Thomas, 212
  • Koenig, Julian, 14
  • Koestler, Arthur, 97
  • Komar, Vitaly, 292
  • Krone, Helmut, 6, 14, 54
    • Avis advertising, 66
    • mentorship, 12
  • Kyle, Chris, 190


  • Labors, death, 282
  • Lamott, Anne, 56, 268, 271–272
  • Landa, Robin, 126, 212
  • Land, E.H., 25
  • Landing page, appearance, 319f
  • Land Rover
    • postcard ad, 71f
    • visual/body copy, 72f
  • Laughon, Tom, 22
  • Law, Nick, 187
  • Lead, burying (avoidance), 109
  • Lebowitz, Fran, 3
  • Lee jeans ad, example, 122f
  • Legacy functions, changes, 216
  • L'Engle, Madeleine, 55, 273
  • Lennon, Dany, 334–335
  • Leo Burnett, 113, 134, 173
  • Leo Burnett London, 120
  • Leonard, Elmore, 317
  • Lescarbeau, Mike, 24, 78
  • Letter, writing (pretending), 104
  • Levenson, Bob, 14, 104
  • Levi's ad, example, 128f
  • Life After the 30-Second Spot (Porter), 170
  • LinkedIn
    • learning, 323–324
    • usage, 327
  • Listening
  • Listening, importance, 213
  • Lister, Jonathan, 215
  • Living billboard (British Airways), 236–237
  • Lo-fi production values, 253
  • London, Jack, 275
  • Lung Association ad headline, end change, 99f
  • Lürzer's Archive, 307
  • Lusitania sinking, 116–117, 118f


  • “Mad Men,” 18, 107
  • Main idea, representation, 77
  • Mai, Toan, 307
  • Manage Your Day-to-Day (Belsky), 269
  • Manifesto, usage, 106
  • “Man on the Moon” ad, 255, 255f
  • Marcus, Ken, 258
  • Market Faires, 238
  • Marketing
    • efforts, success/failure, 35
    • schedule, importance (reduction), 183–184
    • strategies, 48
      • changes, 33
    • stunts, branded content conversion, 208f
  • Martin Agency, The, 258, 312, 338
  • Mathieson, Rick, 241
  • Mayer, Martin, 1
  • McAlhone, Beryl, 96, 97
  • McCabe, Ed, 14
  • McCann, 19
  • McCarthy, Joe, 32
  • McDonald's ad, example, 165f
  • McElligott, Tom, 11, 26, 83, 286
    • campaign creation, 87
  • McGregor, Jena, 57
  • McKay, Pat, 82, 317
  • McKee, Robert, 129
  • McKibben, Bill, 339
  • McLuhan, Marshall, 8
  • M&C Saatchi, 115, 315
  • Medawar, Peter, 167
  • Media
    • consumption habits, 257
    • hijacking, example, 185
    • importance, 189–190
    • questions, 163–164
    • spaces (creation), ideas (impact), 185
  • Media Design School, 304
  • Mediocrity, fear (absence), 298
  • Meditation, 267
  • Medium, term (usage), 112, 113f
  • Meeting, problem-solving (avoidance), 295
  • Melamid, Alexander, 292
  • Memes as DVDs (Connect ad), 210f
  • Mental processes, usage, 57–58
  • Mentos ad, example, 173f
  • Mercedes-Benz ad, example, 121f
  • Messages
    • absolutes, usage, 45
    • determination, 275
    • expression/promotion, truth (usage), 35
    • incontestability, 45
    • rewriting, 154–155
  • Messaging, 38–41, 148–149
    • broadcast messaging, focus, 184
    • importance, reduction, 181, 182
    • models, 48–49
  • Messi Messages, 182, 183f
  • Metaphor
    • ad, example, 69f
    • example, 61f
    • usage, 68–69
    • verbal metaphors, success, 70f
  • Me-too products, commercials, 5
  • Miami Ad School, 184, 303
  • Michener, James, 299
  • Microinteractions, 234
  • Minsky, Laurence, 74
  • Mitsubishi Space Wagon ad, 65, 65f
  • Mixed reality (MR), 238
  • Mobile ads, usage, 245–246
  • Mobile devices, behavior (differences), 219–220
  • Mobile functions, 240–246
    • considerations, 242f
    • leverage, 241–243
  • Mohawk College (Hamilton), 304
  • Monahan, Tom, 62, 151–157, 289
  • Mona Lisa (painting considerations), 293
  • Monkey brain, control, 267
  • Monkey mind
    • creative mind, contrast, 265
    • ignoring, 267–268
  • Monstrous ideas, 308
  • Moore, Bob, 155
  • Morals, impact, 338–339
  • More Beautiful Question, A (Berger), 150, 155
  • Morgan, Ted, 8
  • Mt. Sinai Hospital ads, examples, 102f
  • Mudra Institute of Communications, 304
  • Multimedia campaign, creation, 87
  • Multitasking, nonexistence, 265
  • Mumaw, Stefan, 35, 57
  • Murray, David, 155
  • Mystic Lake Casino ad, example, 122f


  • Naked Sudsy Guy Old Spice ad, 260, 260f
  • Nationwide outdoor ad, 124f
  • Native apps, usage, 243–245
  • Near-field communication (NFC), 239, 242–243
  • Negative approaches, problems, 296–297
  • Networking, 326
  • Neural networks, 239
  • New How to Advertise, The, 2
  • New media, 125–126
  • Newspaper ad, writing process, 16f
  • New York Art Directors Club (ADC), 327
  • Night of the Living Dead (movie), 281
  • Nimble (Landa), 212
  • Nixon, Richard, 2, 33
  • Noble, John, 14
  • Nonlinear storytelling, 141–144


  • Objectivity, 78
  • O'Driscol, John, 104
  • Office, exit (necessity), 273–274
  • Office politics, avoidance, 271
  • Ogilvy Brasil, 96
  • Ogilvy, David, 292
  • Ogilvy & Mather, 3
  • Old Spice Naked Sudsy Guy ad, 260, 260f
  • Omission, example, 60f
  • On-Demand Brand, The (Mathieson), 241
  • One Show, 261, 277, 298
    • body copy, Land Rover example, 72f
    • global advertising awards, 11, 25
    • winning campaign, 136, 137f
  • One Show Week, 327
  • Online branded content, example, 207f
  • Ontario College of Art and Design University, 303–304
  • Opt-in function, 242
  • Oreamuno, Ignacio, 314
  • Oreo ad, example, 169f
  • Original voice, presentation, 309
  • “Ought culture,” 31–32
  • Outdoor boards, technical add-ons, 124–125
  • Out-of-home advertising (OOH), 121–124
    • digital technology, impact, 124–125
    • new media, 125–126
    • size, 123–124
  • Owned media, 161


  • Packard, Vance, 314
  • Paid media, 161
  • Palau, Josh, 240, 241
  • Paprocki, Joe, 83, 84
  • Paraprosdokian/parallelism, 99–100
  • Parker, Dorothy, 108
  • Partner, ideas
    • creation, 63
    • sharing, 62
  • Partnership, formation, 306–307
  • Pascoa, Marcelo, 194
  • Paste-Up (Blewett), 314
  • Pasteup, work, 11
  • Patience, usage, 276–277
  • Patterns, campaigns (equivalence), 77–78
  • Pauling, Linus, 75
  • Pepsi, Kendall Jenner commercial, 35
  • “Perception/Reality” Rolling Stone campaign, 26
  • Percolate, 201
  • Pereira, P.J., 198, 201
  • PetSmart ad, 139–140, 140f
  • Physical environment, usage, 71
  • Picasso, Pablo, 172
  • Pick Me (Vonk/Kestin), 268
  • Pictures, usage, 65–73
  • Pig washing, exercise, 22, 23f
  • Pig Washing: The McGuire Four-Step Method, 22
  • “Pizza Turnaround, The” (case history), 37
  • Platform
    • campaign, contrast, 136
    • equation, 140–141
    • Hollywood franchise, analogy, 137–139
    • signs, 139–140
    • story, comparison, 140
  • PlayStation ad, 146f
  • “Play the City,” 235–236, 236f
  • Plymouth ad, 32f
    • authoritarian cluelessness, 31
  • Poe, Edgar Allan, 12
  • Polaroid account, example, 8
  • Pop culture engineering, 184
  • Pope, Suzanne, 304
  • Portable Document File (PDF), viewing orientation, 319
  • Porter, Chuck, 170
  • Portfolios
    • apps, inclusion, 316
    • client work, inclusion, 316
    • competition, 315
    • digital/interactive ideas, 315
    • editing, 317
    • goods/services, inclusion, 310–311
    • media, usage (variety), 308–309
    • monstrous ideas, 308
    • original voice, 309
    • presentation quality, importance, 313–315
    • safety, avoidance, 309
    • styles, variety, 311–313
    • TV commercials, inclusion (consideration), 316–317
    • usage, 303
    • work search strategy, preparation, 324–325
  • Positioning, 8–9
  • Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind (Ries/Trout), 44
  • Postcards
    • Land Rover ad, 71f
    • usage, 70–71
  • Posters, simplicity, 121–123
  • Power, Gary, 32
  • Pre-ramble
    • avoidance, 109
    • minimization, 284
  • Pressfield, Steve, 54
  • Pricken, Mario, 58, 63
  • Pringles ad, example, 256, 257f
  • Print, importance, 53
  • Problem
    • finding/solving, 148–149
    • interpretation, 57–58
  • Problem-finding, 149–151
  • Problem-solving process, 272
  • Procter & Gamble
    • ad repetition, 3
    • commercials, 1
    • profits, 12, 14
  • Product
    • change, 171–172
    • client testing, 290
    • creation, 19, 171–172
      • importance, 182–183
    • defense, 297–298
    • desire, reasons, 44–45
    • information, obtaining, 276
    • magic, 43
    • mentioning, timing (client input), 297
    • positioning, examination, 44
    • purchase
    • sale, dullness/brilliance (impact), 85
    • science, usage (limitations), 292–293
    • selling, 18–19
    • studying, 100
    • testing, 290
    • truths, 38
  • Productive working hours, identification, 269
  • Projects, intimidation, 271–272
  • Proof point, creation, 171
  • Proofreading, 112
  • Prototype, creation, 234
  • Provost, Gary, 110
  • Public opinion, measurement, 291
  • Publisher, digital approach, 199–201
  • Punch line, revealing, 100
  • Puns, avoidance, 83
  • Purchase funnel, 195f, 219
  • Pytka, Joe, 63



  • “Raccoons” GEICO ad, 258
  • Radical Careering (Hogshead), 94
  • Radio frequency identification (RFID), 239, 242
  • Ramos, Anselmo, 187
  • Recklessness, erring, 309
  • Redford, Robert, 2
  • Reductionism, demonstration, 120f
  • Reese, Madhavi, 107
  • Reeves, Rosser, 5
  • Research
    • science, contrast, 289–290
    • usefulness, 290
  • Résumés, creation/presentation, 323, 327
  • ReThink, 77, 169, 171, 188, 204–205
  • Rethink, “Deep Dig,” 77
  • Rethink the Business of Creativity (Grais/Shepansky/Staples), 56
  • Rewriting, importance, 108
  • R/GA, 183, 187
  • Rick and Morty (Pringles ad), 256, 257f
  • Riddle, Todd, 337
  • Ries, Al, 8, 44
  • Riley, Sean, 258
  • RMIT University, 304
  • Robinson, Phyllis, 14
  • Rock, David, 273
  • Rolling Stone
    • headline/cover shot, 73
    • “Perception/Reality” campaign, 26
  • Rong, 164–173
  • Rose, Frank, 33, 142
  • Rowling, J.K., 137
  • Russell, Bertrand, 278
  • Russell, Jay, 76


  • Saatchi, Maurice, 115
  • Saatchi & Saatchi, 37
  • Sales, advertising (impact), 9
  • Salesmanship, 11
  • Schenck, Ernie, 253
  • School for Poetic Communication, 304
  • School of Communication Arts 2.0, 304
  • School of Visual Arts (NYC), 303
  • Schwartz, Rob, 309
  • Science
    • limitations, 292–293
    • research, contrast, 289–290
  • Scott's Grass Green Screen posting, 205–206, 206f
  • Search strategy, 324–325
  • Secondary benefits, 28
  • Seducing Strangers (Weltman), 130, 268
  • See-say ads, 101, 259
  • Seneca College, 304, 307, 319, 327
  • Sentence length/pacing, variation, 110–111
  • Shirky, Clay, 215–216
  • Shore, Nick, 20
  • Silver, Eric, 19
  • Silverstein, Rich, 171
  • Simplex Process, 149–150
  • Simplicity
    • clutter reduction, 119
    • draconian simplicity, impact, 27
    • quality, equivalence, 27–29
    • stopping power, 116
    • virtues, 115, 272
  • Singer, Isaac, 63
  • Sjoenelle, Pelle, 131, 197–198
  • Skill set, widening (value), 230
  • Skittles ad, example, 173f
  • Slickness, avoidance, 284
  • Smart code, usage, 241
  • Smile in the Mind, A (McAlhone/Stuart), 96, 97
  • Smith, Red, 18
  • Social campaigns, examples, 221–227
  • Social conscience, avoidance, 340
  • Social currency
    • increase, 214
    • providing, 169
  • Social marketing, usage, 211
  • Social media
    • directive, 212
    • experimentation/building, 216
    • practices, mastery, 212–218
    • user/people, involvement/co-creation, 217
  • Social morals, 31
  • Social platforms
    • listening, 42
    • technologies, leverage, 216–217
  • Solis, Brian, 179
  • Sony ad, example, 248f
  • Souder, William, 6
  • SparkFun, 238
  • Speech
    • authenticity, 35
    • memorization, avoidance, 284
  • Speed of the Get, 115–116
  • Spencer, William, 230
  • Spotify, listener data usage, 203
  • Square (drawing), content (insertion), 83–85
  • Squarespace, usage, 317
  • “Starch Readership Numbers,” 8
  • Starkman, Aaron, 205
  • Steele, John, 39
  • Stegner, Wallace, 111
  • Stevenson, Robert Louis, 119
  • Stories
    • conflict, 129–130
    • sparking, 133–134
    • structure, 143
  • Story (McKee), 129
  • Storytelling, 129, 187, 296
    • data, usage, 202–206
    • nonlinear storytelling, 141–144
  • Strategic thinking, ability (demonstration), 331
  • Strategist (role), 38
  • Strategy, 46–47
    • conversation strategy, 213–214
    • ideas, contrast, 78
    • models, 48–49
    • precision, 46–47
    • relevance, 47
    • simplicity, 46
  • Stuart, David, 96, 97
  • Stupidity, cessation, 25–26
  • Style, avoidance, 73
  • Subconscious, impact, 63
  • Sublime, term (usage), 314
  • Substance, focus, 73
  • Sussex Safer Roads Partnership, imagery (example), 250–251, 251f
  • Swan, Greg, 221, 223
  • Swiggy food-delivery service app, 244–245, 245f
  • Symbols, usage, 60f


  • TAB cola, introduction, 239–240, 240f
  • Tagline, crafting, 112–113, 122
  • Talent Zoo, 305
  • Talking, writing (comparison), 104–106
  • TBWA/Chiat, 309
  • TBWA/Chiat/Day, 346
  • TBWA/Hakuhodo, 243–244
  • Teagle, Andrew, 48
  • Television
    • commercials, portfolio inclusion, 316
    • finale, importance, 256–257
    • usage, 249
  • Tensions, 131–132
  • “Think small” (Volkswagen), 6, 7f, 54
  • This Is Advertising (Williams), 232
  • This versus that, 133–134
    • advertising structure, 225f
  • Thompson, Charles, 274
  • Thumbnails, usage, 84f
  • Time
    • management, 265
    • waste, cessation, 266–267
  • Tired Old Visuals, 67
  • Toddler Socratic Method (Monahan), 154
  • Tortured creative person, myth, 270
  • Toscano, Joe, 234
  • Tourism Australia (web app), 243–244
  • Tran, Quynh, 307
  • Trigger, connection, 170
  • Troiano, Mike, 35, 290
  • Trout, Jack, 8, 44
  • Truth
    • bringing, 40
    • conflicts, addition, 140–141
    • death, question, 340
    • example, 39f
    • human truth, usage, 39–40
    • manipulation, 33–36
    • stand-up comedian approach, 107
    • telling, 31
  • T-shaped, term (usage), 229–230
  • Tucker, Adam, 113
  • Tuition, affordability (decision), 303–305
  • Twitchell, James, 347
  • Twix campaign, conflict, 134


  • “Uncola, The,” 8
  • Understatement, example, 60f
  • Unique selling proposition, concept, 5
  • University College Falmouth, 304
  • University of Texas at Austin, 303
  • User behavior, nuance, 219
  • User-centric design, usage, 234
  • User experience (UX), 229, 239
    • concentration, 319
    • creative tech designs, 234
  • User interface (UI), 229, 239
  • User personas, usage, 233


  • Valley of Low-Hanging Fruit, 64–65, 67, 271
  • Value proposition, 28
  • Vandalism, 162
  • VCU Brand Center, 212
  • Velcro approach, 216
  • Verbal metaphors, success, 70f
  • Video
    • audio, tension, 259
    • concepts/design, 257–259
    • dialogue, importance, 261
    • entertainment, 256
    • reels, studying, 261–262
    • shorts, writing absence (consideration), 260–261
    • usage, 249
      • caution, 322–323
  • Virgin Australia Airlines, 198–199
    • advertising idea, avoidance, 199f
  • Virginia Commonwealth University Brandcenter (VCU Brandcenter), 303, 316
  • Virginia Holocaust Museum, 312, 312f
  • Virtual reality (VR), 231, 238
  • Visual clichés, avoidance, 67
  • Visuals
    • coaxing, 67
    • metaphors, 70f
    • physical environment, usage, 71
    • Tired Old Visual, 67, 68f
  • Voice
    • homogeneity, 105
    • original voice, presentation, 309
    • range, presentation, 311
  • Voice of Authority, 31
    • death, 33
  • Volkswagen, 6
    • copy ad, examples, 59f–61f, 66f, 98f, 137f
    • exposure, increase, 237–238
    • metaphor, ad (example), 69f
    • “Think small” example, 6, 7f, 54
    • Twitter/Google maps, combination, 237f
  • Volvo ads, examples, 252–253, 252f, 253f
  • Vonk, Nancy, 303


  • Wakeman, Frederick, 3
  • Wallace, Dave, 315
  • Want Makers, The (Destiny), 20
  • Ward, John, 9
  • War of Art, The (Pressfield), 54
  • Watford Course (West Herts College), 304
  • Web-based apps, usage, 243–245
  • Web content, keyword stuffing, 217
  • Webflow, usage, 317
  • Website
    • 2D campaigns, 321
    • About Me section, writing, 320
    • body copy, inclusion, 318
    • campaign
      • one-sentence setup, 322
      • page, control, 318
    • creation, 317–323
    • landing page, appearance, 319f
    • name/job title, positioning, 320
    • Portable Document File (PDF), viewing orientation, 319
    • speed/clarity, 318–319
    • videos, usage (caution), 322–323
    • visit, reason, 325
    • work, appearance (order), 321–322
  • Welles, Orson, 164
  • Wells, H.G., 274, 287
  • Weltman, Josh, 130, 268
  • Wendy's ad, 142–143, 143f
  • Whatever Happened to Madison Avenue (Mayer), 1
  • Whipple commercials
    • problem, 4–5
  • Whipple commercials, airing, 3
  • “White bull” (Hemingway), 54
  • Whitener, Wes, 157
  • White space, dimensions, 53
  • Wieden, Dan, 26, 64, 149, 277
    • art piece, 278f
    • better-question process, 154
    • “Just Do It,” 347
    • writing, advice, 162
  • Wieden+Kennedy, 106, 184, 230, 309, 313
  • Williams, Eliza, 232
  • Wilson, Dick, 2
  • Winmo, usage, 327
  • Wireframe, making, 234
  • Wit, participation invitation, 96
  • Wix, usage, 317–318
  • W+K, 149
  • Word list, creation, 55, 83
  • Wordpress, usage, 317
  • Work, 75–76, 308–317
    • agency phone/email relationship, establishment, 327
    • defense, 286
      • strategy, basis, 294–295
    • distractions, 266–267
    • environment, change, 273–274
    • freelance work, 300
    • orderliness, 270
    • presentation, 282–289
      • avoidance, 286
      • material hand-outs, avoidance, 285
      • slickness, avoidance, 284
      • speech, deceleration, 284–285
    • protection, 281, 293–298
    • search strategy, preparation, 324–325
    • speed, 57
  • WOW factor, 214
  • Wright, Steven, 96
  • Writers
    • ideas, shining, 306
    • moral, 44
    • partners, team formation, 306–307
  • Writing
    • breathing room, 259–260
    • clutter, reduction, 119
    • difficulty, 82
    • emotion, elicitation, 107–108
    • flow/readability, 108–113
    • length, reduction, 112
    • pencil/paper, usage, 82–83
    • process, 82–90
    • rewriting, importance, 108
    • rules, forgetting/elimination, 172–173, 175–176
    • speed, 78
    • straight writing, 85–86


  • Xaviers Institute of Communication, 304


  • Yeats, William Butler, 315
  • Young, James Webb, 21, 65


  • Zeldman, Jeffrey, 218
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